
Through the foggy and damp streets of Kyoto, an eighteen-year-old young woman ran as fast as her feet could carry her. She panted, squeezing out as much adrenaline as she could from her system. Her uncontrollable tears of panic and fear continued to stream down her cheeks. Her heart mercilessly throbbed – not just from running, but also due to the very one that chased her down the streets and alleyways.

All that she knew was that if she gave in to a moment's hesitation or rest, her young life would be over. She darted past the Philosopher's Path as her scurrying feet led her past the famous bridge where people hung around and enjoyed the quaint city's beauty, or where lovers took their moonlit strolls.

Whoever – or whatever – had been running after her for the past fifteen minutes was certainly not a lover or a friend.

Eventually, she stumbled and fell face down when her foot stumbled on a rock secluded by the fog. She tried to stand up, but once again fell face down. Upon impact, her skin split open as she hit her chin and cheek hard against the wet and rough concrete. Ignoring the throbbing pain and continuous flow of blood, she frantically turned around to face her unknown pursuer. Her panic-stricken heart throbbed louder as she heard such unearthly and labored breathing coming closer to where she fell.

The very thing that she had been running away from now stood a couple of feet before her. The thick curtain of fog parted as the eerie moonlight focused its beam to reveal her unearthly pursuer.

Her charcoal gray eyes went wide as she screamed at the top of her lungs for help. Terrified, she backed away from her demonic pursuer.

For each foot that she had managed to nudge away, the demon closed the gap between them. Its white eyes – which served as a morbid contrast against its scaly and towering obsidian body – glowed in the dark as they focused on the prey. It let out an infernal roar while it eagerly salivated. Its heavy feet then slammed hard against the wet concrete for each step it took to close in on its victim.

The horrified young woman turned her back away from the demon – frantically crawling away as fast as her raw and bloodied hands and knees could take her. She once again let out a bloodcurdling scream as it pulled her leg, yanked her towards it, and made her exposed skin burn as it made contact against rough concrete.

The demon's eyes malevolently glinted. It snarled, drowning its victim's spine-chilling screams and futile cries for her life.

Once the pursuer pinned its full weight on the helpless woman, it then ripped her blouse. As she made a final effort to escape, it then slapped its hands hard against her ears. Upon getting a firm grip of the disoriented victim, it then mercilessly and repeatedly bashed her head against the concrete.

Her skull cracked open in many places. Blood began to ooze out of her mouth and nose, as her body went into spasms.

As the young woman's life ebbed away from her, the demon then ripped the rest of her clothing. Afterwards, it trashed her around the damp concrete as if she were a rag doll. Minutes later, it laid its victim flat on her back. Its glowing eyes lingered on her helpless and bloodied form, and eventually made contact with her listless eyes.

Flicking its blade-like fingernails and angrier than ever before, the demon stabbed her and gashed a deep continuous wound. Ultimately, it managed to carve a six-pointed star on her chest. Minutes later, its white eyes widened and flashed in such wild fury. It abruptly stood up, furiously beat its scaly chest, and angrily roared its frustration. Once the last sliver of its bone-chilling roar echoed away into the dark and foggy oblivion, it then slowly disappeared from where it stood.

A shadowy figure that witnessed the entire grisly scene casually stepped away from a secluded spot. Calculated footsteps echoed as the mysterious figure merged with the darkness and fog – walking away from the scene as if nothing just happened, and leaving the young woman to die in a pool of her blood.

End of Prologue

Normal Disclaimer

Yami No Matsuei (Descendants of Darkness) and its characters are copyrighted properties of Matsushita Yoko. This fan fiction and the original characters that appear within this fan fiction belong to Zatken.