Disclaimer: Star Wars isn't mine, nor or any of these characters.

A/N: This is my first Star Wars fic. I love to watch my brother play computer games and one of my favorites is Jedi Knight2: Jedi Outcast. I liked the story line and especially the two characters Jan Ors and Kyle Katarn. I researched how they met and came up with this story. All of these scenes and lines are my own. I actualy have no Idea where the base that Kyle and his imperial forces took over was, but I found this planet that said it had a Rebel base at one time so I used it.

Kyle Katarn waited among the reeds as the Imperials inched towards the Rebel Base. He was on Gaulas, waiting to storm the outpost and claim it for the Emipire.

He gloated at the thought of the Rebels being slaughtered; the way they had slaughtered his home. He had been at an Imperial Academy when he learned that his father was dead. Killed by the Republic as they attacked his home world of Sulon, a moon of Sullust. When he heard that his father, Morgan, was murdered, a rage for the rebellion had scoured his heart.

They were nothing but murderers and traitors; what ran in their veins was acid not red blood. They lived to snuff out life, and he would take theirs. The commander gave a signal and the small army began to march towards the base. It was time for Kyle to begin his long plan of vengeance.

Jan Ors carried her gear as she made her way to the hanger. Her group was going to practice more tricks in the air. Jan had been flying since she could walk so all of this training was far to easy. She knew that they would assign her to another base where she would finally be able to fight for the Rebellion.

Star systems were beginning to wiggle out of the Emporer's tight grip on the galaxy and were fighting to save it. Her home planet of Alderaan, though a member of the Imperial Senate, was secretly an ally to the alliance; providing them supplies and soldiers.

Jan was ready to get into the action ,and see the battles that saved the galaxy.

She walked onto the hanger, waving to some friends as she made her way to her ship. It was only a pathetic little cruiser ,but she had cared for this thing for two years now. The ship was special, even if run-down.

She looked out the open hatch doors and saw something that made her eyes grow wide. Hundreds of Imperial troops stomped there way to the base. Walkers began firing imediatley with their twin cannons. The walls of the base shook as it was impacted with bolts. More blasts came firing into the hanger, and Jan ducked for cover as wall, ships and people were converted to rubble.

Jan pulled out her blaster and ran out of the hanger; she was going to battle the Imperials. The wicked men of the Empire had no hearts but stone, they had slaughtered thousands and were killing hundreds each day. They lived to snuff out life, and she would take theirs.

Kyle raced into the Base firing bolts as her went. Rebels dropped like flies ,and he reveled in their deaths. The Walkers destroyed the walls of the base. The cries of the dead echoed the air, and the ground grew red with each fire of a blaster or cannon.

The Rebels fought back as best the could, but the battle was already won.

Kyle dodged bolts and fired at at the Rebels in his path. He ran into the main building where the battle grew rougher. Here the Rebels had places to hide, but no where to run.

They were backed up against the wall and ripped open by blasters.

Kyle noticed that the troopers surrounding him were beginning to fall. An unseen assasin was firing at them. Kyle looked around, but saw no one. He fired at some fleeing Rebels, and more bolts shot towards him. Whoever was firing at him was getting close to his last nerve. This person was a good shot and Kyle knew that he had to find the Rebel before he ended up dead. He began to hunt like a bounty hunter for the Rebel.

Jan hid behind the pillars, standing on the rafters above the ground. She had fired at the Imperials, but one still remained. She had always been a dead shot, but this one had extrodinary reflexisis.

The sounds of more fire wafted in the distance. She decided to ditch this guy and sneak her way to the battle.

She jumped from the platform and landed hard on the ground. She snuck into the shadows as she saw the Imperial turn towards her. She didn't think that he saw her, so she slowly made her way to the door.

Her blaster was raised, and she could see the entry way. A Stormtrooper guarded the door, his back to her. She aimed her blaster at his back and her finger moved the press the trigger.

The cold muzzle of a blaster pressed against her head, "You don't want to do that."

The Imperial had found her.

Kyle had his blaster on the Rebel's right temple, he looked carefully at the shooter. It was a young woman with brown hair pulled away from her face. Kyle could tell that this woman was strong and tough, as well as beautiful. He read the look on her face and he knew that she wasn't afraid of him or his threat. She had a strong mind and will. Though a Rebel, she was a rarety among women.

Kyle pulled his blaster away from her head. The rebel turned to him, a look of surprise on her face.

"Aren't you going to kill me?" She asked him.

"No," Kyle stated.

The Stormtrooper at the door ran away from them, without knowing they were there, as more heavy fire sounded in the distance.

"You need to leave this base," Kyle told her, "They'll only kill you if you stay."

The woman gave him a small nod and ran deeper into the base. Kyle watched her go, wondering where his anger to all the Rebels had gone. It was as if the fire of rage had been dampened at the sight of her. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts, as he walked outside the base.

Jan had taken the Imperial's advice and ran towards a hanger. Not the hanger where her small craft had been but to the fighter ship hanger. These little deep space cruisers had been spared destruction, and she had to use them to escape Gaulas.

A few more pilots raced towards their ships and Jan followed.

For some reason that Imperial had spared her life. Did the murders of the galaxy called the Empire have hearts? Could they really feel mercy for their enemies? One of them did, and she had been lucky to run into him.

Jan climbed into the cockpit of a ship ,and strapped herself in. She knew how to pilot this thing easily. She ignited the engines and steered her craft to the open hanger doors. She felt the rush of the take off as her ship left the ground. The sun poured into her cockpit. She saw the Imperial army spilling into the base, as she climbed higher and higher into the sky. Walkers fired at her craft and the others that were flying with her. One ship became a cloud of flame and inky black smoke as it fell to earth.

"Who is in this cockpit?" A pilot's voice asked on her intercom.

"This is Jan Ors speaking," she answered him.

"You must be that trainee everyone was talking about," The pilot said as they broke atmosphere, "You're supposed to be an extrordinary pilot. Glad to see that you had the sense to get off that rock. We're heading for the nearest Republic base."

"I'll follow you," Jan responded.

"Over and out."

Silence filled her cockpit, and she looked at the Universe surrounding her. She had been given the chance to live, she would use that chance for the Republic.

I have more chapters in mind, but I really want to know what you think, so reveiw for me.