Perhaps - A Call

by: FiendisHSerapH

Perhaps I'd always be this way,
Perhaps these words I'd never get to say.
Maybe I'll just keep her on my sight,
Only wishing for the best on her fight.

Maybe it's destined to be like this,
I would get to see her always, at least.
Perhaps it's because I'm simply shy,
But I know my heart would never lie.

Perhaps one day, she would recognize,
The tears that had formed secretly on my eyes.
Maybe one day she would see the light,
That I'd been trying to treat her right.

Perhaps one time, I'd catch a moment,
To tell her what my cold silence meant.
Or I will just keep calm; perhaps she'd know,
Perhaps someday, it would stand out and show.

But I know also she's there, so far away,
And all I can do is stoop, wait and pray,
"Perhaps one day, she will go against her pack,
Perhaps, perhaps, she will love me back..."

Author's Notes: Written this stuff during our free writing exercise in our English class. Hope ya liked it, and please review