[Screams] I can't think of a title! I'll write a story for anyone who can give me a decent title!
Dru-chan: Are you that desperate?
YES! Anyway on to the real author notes

I don't own. (Damn it all to hell!)

I've noticed a weird pattern. Jake-San thinks Kenkeru is better, my sister Dru worships Daiken, and I am a hardcore Daikeru lover. Speaking of hardcore, this will have lemon (or lime) in some of the chapters. If this tweaks you feel free to push the 'back' button now. No about the lemon, this is my first one so don't criticize too badly. Unless you're a flamer in which case your opinion doesn't matter ^-^

"Get away form me!" Daisuke demanded

T.K. shook his head. He wasn't going anywhere until Daisuke heard him out.

"Fine!" Daisuke shouted and turned to walk away. T.K. grabbed his arm and Daisuke whirled around and punched him.

There was a long moment of silence as T.K. stared at Daisuke. He opened his mouth to apologize when T.K. pushed him into a tree

"What the hell is you're problem?"

"They hate me." Daisuke whispered

T.K. blinked. He hadn't been expecting an answer like that. For the first time noticing Daisuke's distressed expression his tone softened

"Who, Kari?"

"Yes, no." Daisuke said quietly and T.K. could barely hear him. "I don't-everyone."

"I don't hate you." T.K. said gently

"Yeah you do." Daisuke said automatically "You love Kari and you hate me."

T.K. shook his head "I do not love Kari."

"You don't?" Daisuke asked skeptically

"I don't." T.K. repeated

"So who do you like?" Daisuke asked, putting his problem aside for the moment. T.K. blushed faintly and Daisuke grinned "If I guess will you tell me?" T.K. nodded "Umm...Yolie?"

T.K. gagged

"I see your point. How about Sora?" Daisuke guessed



"That's almost as bad as Yolie." (AN: I hate that girl so much. Yolie not Mimi.)

"My sister?" Daisuke said impatiently

T.K. just stared at him blankly.

"ME?!" Daisuke said clearly frustrated

T.K. flushed guilty as Daisuke's eyes widened

T.K. was gay...and even more than that he likes him. But he wasn't gay. He loved Kari.

Noticing the panicked look an his face T.K. sighed "I'm not going to pin you to the tree and rape you or something." He grinned slowly "Unless you want me to."

Daisuke paled and would have backed away but his back was to the tree.

"I was only kidding." T.K. added quickly "I wouldn't do that."

Daisuke looked relived until T.K. kissed him quickly. Daisuke pulled away and made a face of disgust.

"You said you wouldn't-"

"Pin you to a tree and rape you." T.K. broke in "I just kissed you."

"Is that supposed to make a difference?"

T.K. shrugged which only mad him madder

"It doesn't make a differ-"

Daisuke was cut off as T.K. kissed him again. Daisuke put his hand's on T.K.'s chest, intent on pushing him away, but T.K. grabbed both of his wrist and pinned them to the tree above his head. Daisuke stopped squirming when T.K.'s tongue found it's way into his mouth, and he groaned softly as one of T.K.'s hands rubbed him through his pants.

T.K. directed his kisses away from Daisuke's lips and to his neck. Daisuke gasped and tried to pull his hands down, but T.K. held them firmly to the tree with his 'free' hand. With his other hand he started to undo Daisuke's pants but caught himself and took a step back. Daisuke slid down to the ground breathing heavily and T.K. sat next to him.

"You okay?"

Okay? Daisuke looked at him in disbelief. He had to admit, at least to himself, that he had enjoyed that and that if T.K. hadn't stopped Daisuke would have let him do what ever he wanted to him and smiled.

"What just happened?"

"Nothing you didn't want to. Except the first kiss." T.K. amended

"I'm not gay." Daisuke muttered more to himself then T.K.

"Are you bisexual?" T.K. asked. "Because I doubt you're straight."

"Maybe...Not sure." Daisuke admitted. "Are you."

T.K. shook his head "No, I'm just gay."

"How can you tell the difference?" Daisuke asked

"Umm...I don't like girls?" T.K. guessed

"That was helpful." Daisuke said sarcastically "How did you know you were gay."

T.K. shrugged. What did Daisuke expect? For someone to walk up to him and say 'You're gay'? T.K. just knew he was gay. Straight and Bisexual had never been an option to him.

"Well, when I was eight I had a crush on Izzy."

Daisuke snorted "Izzy?"

"Yeah." T.K. said defensively "So?"

"Nothing." Daisuke said "But how does that help me?"

T.K. frowned as he thought about that. He leaned over and kissed Daisuke again.

Daisuke blinked. How was this going to help?

T.K. twisted around and pushed Daisuke to the ground. He smiled slightly and straddled Daisuke's waist. He tugged Daisuke's shirt off then kissed him again.

Daisuke gasped as T.K. kissed his neck and chest. This may not be helping but it did feel good. Daisuke licked his lips as T.K. kissed his way down his body.

T.K. smirked and sat up again "If you had a choice would you rather sleep with me or Kari?"

"You." Daisuke responded without hesitation then blushed.

"Well, like I said already you're not straight." T.K. said while getting off of Daisuke. "And if you were bi I think you might have actually thought about that."

Daisuke's blush deepened "I figured I was gay when the idea of you pinning me to the tree seemed like fun."

T.K. raised an eyebrow "Would you let me fuck you?"

"..." Daisuke blinked "That's an interesting idea..."

T.K. laughed and handed Daisuke his shirt. "You think about it okay?"

Daisuke nodded and pulled on his shirt.

"T.K. Daisuke, where are you two?"

"Over here." T.K. called back "Zip up your pants."

Daisuke re-did his pants then looked at T.K. a slight smile playing on his lips.

"Are you busy later?"

"No." T.K. smiled "I wasn't completely serious, though. We should probably talk before we do anything."

"Okay." Daisuke agreed "Just be at my house around eight."

Hum...well R&R wanted. Yeah, flames too. (My sister could always use the wallpaper)