[Disclaimer: It's the last chapter and I STILL do not own the Teen Titans!]

Perfected Remedy

Raven's p.o.v.

My door slid shut; usually such a cold sound didn't bother me this time. My boots made their way silently across my room. It had been such a tiring, but wonderful day. I pushed myself carefully down on the bed pulling my lavender cape tightly around me.

I closed my eyes a second to pull back the memories. It had been like every dream I wasn't allowed to have, but much better. This time it had been real. He really had just said he loved me. He had really just kissed me.

Subconsciously I touched a finger to my lips. This had all become so strange. I didn't feel like I needed meditation, but maybe I would just incase. I had so many thoughts right now contemplating in my mind.

More importantly were emotions that had gotten into me. It was like they were right on hand. As if I were normal and could just use them carelessly. I would never do such a thing, however. Whatever little emotion I could use Robin would see, he deserved it.

I opened one eye. There was a light rapping at my door. By the lightness I could tell it wasn't Cyborg or Robin. I listened a moment and heard a light tapping of a foot, Starfire. I swallowed uneasily and got up from the bed.

If she came to talk about Robin I wouldn't try and calmly take it. I no longer had to contemplate Robin liking Starfire. I neared the door and slid it opened just enough to peer out. Sure enough the red head stood on the other side, looking flustered.

"Friend Raven, may I speak with you?" She wasn't smiling. Starfire always smiled.

"I'm kind of tired Star," My voice was monotonous again. I wore my same old scour hoping she'd get the message.

"But this is very important, can I come in?" Her eyes watched me, or the part of me she could see. She seemed stern in her request.

I sighed and opened my door. I was too tired to argue with the alien. Something told me making her angry wouldn't be a good idea, she didn't look happy to begin with. I backed up and the girl made her way in, she was floating a little, her eyes had a glimmer of a bright green.

"Well?" I crossed my arms staying where I was, facing Starfire, back to the door. She may have been in my room but she wasn't getting to sit, not that she needed to floating like that. She didn't even look around. I expected her to look at least since she had not been in my room much. Something strange was up with Starfire.

"What is going on between you and beloved Robin?" The girl was blunt. I felt myself grow uncomfortable. Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos, I coached out of habit.

The subject in itself was untouched, but her beloved?

"Star I doubt Robin is your beloved." I skimmed around the question.

"Answer the question please." Her voice was stern. What happened to the 'friend Raven'? I pulled my cape a little more around me. I played with the idea of pulling up my cape. That would be a dead giveaway I was uncomfortable, maybe even for the naïve girl.

"No Starfire, this needs to be explained carefully I know how you are."

Maybe that had been the wrong thing to say? Immediately she got on the defense. She folded her arms tightly over her chest giving an indignant sigh.

"How am I? Am I not one to understand how you have stolen Robin from me? You-you flortbag glornox!"

She was almost glaring pointedly at me. I took a step back out of shock almost. Some of the Tamaranian language was taught on my home planet, especially the insults.

"I haven't stolen anything from you. Now you need to control yourself." I closed my eyes a second to push back my anger. It was on a slow broil ready for Starfire.

"No, you are a deceptive scanfarz! What did you do to Robin?"

My fists clenched. It was hard to concentrate on everything. I didn't know Starfire even know such words in her native tongue. Her main insults were linked to my demon blood. I didn't think it cared much for being disgraced.

"I didn't do anything!" I spat, harshly. Starfire took a step back. She looked ready to retaliate her eyes had a light green sheen in the darkness. "Get out," I commanded just as coldly. I didn't need this girl getting to me. She wouldn't break me. I closed my eyes trying to keep everything inside. It was a little easier, but my anger was still ready to escape. She thought I did something to Robin?!

"I will not let you take him from me!" Starfire's eyes flashed dangerously. I knew my eyes were probably glowing a blood red as well.

"You never had him!" My voice roared out. It startled me, and even Starfire for a second. It all stopped right before speeding up. "I've been through hell the last few days, trying to save you dammit and you come in my room with this?"

Starfire narrowed her eyes. She looked puzzled a second but seemed to ignore what I just said. If it hadn't been for me and Robin she would be dead already. I think that bugged me along with her incessant talk that I had 'taken' Robin from her.

"You are still a backstabber of a friend," Starfire gasped out. I had to say beside my anger I was a little astonished at her growing English.

"Robin told me something earlier Star, do you know what it was?" My voice still growled with rage. A few objects in the background tipped over, my anger was slowly seeping out. Green met red in the darkened room.

The girl didn't answer; I took it as a sign to continue.

"He told me he loved me." My voice came down to a threatening whisper.

"You vakling liar!" Starfire was clenching her fists now, watching me defiantly. It was only a matter of time before this got physical.

"Go ask Robin yourself." My voice was low and dangerous. I liked the sound of it; apparently it seemed to scare Starfire. She stuttered a second trying to think of what to do. The moment dragged as neither of us even breathed.

"Ask me what?" The voice came from behind us both. I quickly swung around to see Robin. This time it was a painful sight. Robin looked mildly shocked at Starfire and my glowing eyes.

"Robin!" Starfire was the first to act out. In some incredible speed her voice had changed to a rosy sunshine. Her eyes stopped glowing, before anyone could stop her she had flown over and almost toppled Robin.

"Tell her she is a liar Robin." Star's voice was gentle now. She was hugging Robin in some way he couldn't escape from. She looked up from Robin to me.

I felt a sickening inside. Some great vine of jealousy and rage was growing inside me. It sickened my stomach; it crawled to my fingertips spreading black tendrils. The vine made its way through to my mind slowing my thinking, I grit my teeth hard.

I was seeing red already. In a fastened way I closed the distance between Starfire and me. Using some strength the adrenalin gave me I ripped Starfire from Robin and spun her to face me.

I grasped her neck pulling her toward me. I felt her fear when she whimpered; she looked at me with huge terrified eyes. The haze faded back, I might have been feeling pity for her.

The black wind crashing about my room stopped, I felt the red drain from my eyes. The well of emotions was far from spent, but they were no longer demanding to cause damage.

"How can you be so blinded by your jealousy? I do not lie." My less deadly monotone had returned. With that I let go of the girl and she stumbled backward. Regaining her composure she wouldn't look at either of us. I pulled my cape around me snugly trying to block out the world in general.

I took a quick look at Robin. He seemed a little happier, probably that he hadn't needed to intervene.

"I am sorry dear friend. You are right, my actions were inexcusable." Starfire had said after a minute that she must have been thinking. Without meeting my eyes the alien floated out of the room. My shoulders fell having tension released. I had never really seen Starfire angry, but she was a handful.

"Sorry you had to see that." I addressed Robin inviting him in. I floated over to my bed and laid on my back. Dark shadows on my ceiling and soft sheets below me were most calming. I felt Robin take a seat next to me.

"Don't be. I was actually surprised you hadn't ripped the poor girl apart." Robin laughed a little. I turned my head a little to watch him. He was looking blankly across the room smiling.

"I was tempted." I sat up closing the distance between the two of us. The heat from his body was so comforting.

"I'm glad you didn't." Robin grabbed my hand squeezing it gently. I felt a familiar rush like an emotion.

"I knew you would be." I let the smallest of smiles grace my features. Robin watched me; I shifted a little feeling self-conscious.

"So we should let everyone know right?" After a few minutes of silence I spoke up. It was getting tough just sitting there, those brown eyes of his watching my every move.

"Yea, we wouldn't want anymore of that." Robin smiled and stood up pulling me with him. He slid his arm around my waist leading me out of the room, down to try and spread this news as peacefully as possible.


"So after a little altercation in the tower earlier, I felt we should explain something a little more to you guys." Robin and I stood in front of the other three. They were seated on the couch each with a different expression.

Cyborg sat there smiling, he looked like he already knew. Starfire looked ashamed, she watched her feet with a sad smile. Beast Boy looked just bewildered, he kept watching the other two trying to piece it together.

"Umm ok, but dude how many stories are we going to get in one day?" Beast Boy piped up.

"This is the last one, I promise, but it's important as you all don't find out later and get mad." Robin smiled. I stood next to him, there was a definite inch between up. I was kind of edgy wondering how Robin was going to explain this.

"So how about I cut to the chase."

I turned my head to watch him. Always to the point with Robin.

"I seem to have found myself in love with Raven, and she feels the same." Robin stepped closer to me at that moment replacing his arm around my waist. I inwardly cringed at the bluntness of his sentences.

I could still feel myself blushing as the three turned to look at me. Noise then erupted, each of them reacting differently.

Cyborg jumped up smiling. "Who knew? Boo-ya!" With that he gave me a one armed hug and headed off mumbling about how smart he was.

Starfire approached next, Beast Boy was still in the background yelling out things no one was really paying attention to.

"I am truly sorry about earlier, I understand and am sorry for the way I acted." She gave me a small sad smile. I had to admit I'd much rather have a happy Starfire than this mopey self-pitying one.

"It's no big deal," I forced a smile for the girl. She seemed to brighten up instantly. She hugged me, then Robin. It was strange how this girl changed her mood so quickly, Bi-polar anyone?

"Dude, how did this happen? What? Who? Why?" Beast Boy was next. He seemed more confused than ever. Luckily Starfire seemed to pipe up just then.

"Come Beast Boy!" She pulled him through into the kitchen mumbling something about pudding. He tried to protest changing into different animals hooking his claws on the floor, Starfire pulled him into the dungeon-ous kitchen mercifully. Robin laughed moving to sit down on the now empty couch. The living room had been emptied beside the two of us.

I tilted my head looking at him. "Could you be any more blunt?"

He laughed some more and reached out a hand for me. "Nope."

I smiled and took his hand. In a rush he pulled me off my feet. I ended up settled nicely in his lap.

"That's better," He whispered against my ear. I turned my head to catch him lips in a deep kiss. It was the same fiery taste of something forbidden; I loved it every time. He had wound his hands around my waist to make sure I couldn't escape.

"You know I need to get some sleep," I mumbled after pulling back. Robin rolled his eyes in an exaggerated way and let me go. I smirked pulling myself up.

"Fine, but I'll be waiting for you in the morning my black bird." He had a mischievous smile on as he watched me.

"You better be," I gave him a seductive look and made my way toward the stairs. I pulled my cape close around me as I made my way out. I wasn't even bothered that the whole time Robin was watching.

The End

[How did you all like it? How was the Rae/Star fight? I found this really hard to write so it might seem a little out of character -- You reviewers majorly rock thanks to all of you who have read hope you enjoyed this story!]
