Kino: Jello am back with chapter 2!

Kino:I want to thank Lirin-chan, Elriel,Gwynhafra,AngelSakura14 for reviwing(I thought nobody liked this couple since no one had read it, I was really about to discountinue it)so here it is chapter two of Merry Christmas please anjoy.oh btw yes gojyo and sanzo will be in this Fanfic.

Hakkai:please enjoy!

Lirin and Goku got around the corner to his house and went in through the back door.

"Oh why hello Lirin" Hakkai smiled at the red haired girl. Lirin blushed 'why was is it all of goku's family members were so incredibly hot?,not that am complaining.'

"Good after noon Mr.Hakkai" she said breaking out of her train of thoughts.

"Hakkai! lirinz mother is chasing her, do you think lirin can stay here the night?" Goku looked despretatly at Hakkkai.'I know I don't have to try to hard to convince Hakkai but still...'

"Goku you know that's not even a question,of course Lirin can stay. Ill get the sheets for you to sleep on the floor.

"I think ill try sleeping in the living room"

" cant." Hakkai started

"What do ya mean?"Goku asked.

"Well your other two uncles are coming" Hakkai said quicky hopeing that Goku wouldnt ask which uncles.

"You mean uncles Sasami and Dark right?"Goku asked hopeing that it was them.

Lirin blushed thoses were the uncles she had met before they were incredibly good looking.

"" Hakkai took a sip of his coffe. "Its Sanzo and Gojyo."

"WHAT!" Goku took a couple of steps back. "Them!!!why??!!!don't they have girlfriends to attend to?!" Lirin looked at Goku 'what could be so bad about these two uncles?'

"There girlfriends went to there family's house and I felt bad that they would only spend time with eachother on christmas."

"You mean you were afraid that if they did sepnd time with eacthother that they end up they killing eachother right?" Goku said flatly.

"uh well....yeah"Hakkai sighed.

"I knew on lirin" he grabbed her hand and led her upsatairs.

"You two don't do anything up there that I wouldn't find appropriate" Hakkai laughed.

'and now there are gonna be two more' was all goku could think.

"Goku can I ask why you hate your uncles snazo and gojyo so much?"

Goku looked back at lirin "nothin just there really annoying, like you in that time of the month."Goku added.

"What!? Im not that bad!" Lirin yelled back at him.

Goku stared at her...... then started laughing "yeah right,HAHAHAHAH"

"rrrrrrrrrrr you STUPID LITTLE MONKEY!!!!!" She threw one of the paintings that was hanging on the wall at him.

The picture wizzed by Goku and hit whoever had oppend the door at the time.

"Eep!" lirin went white as she noticed she hit somebody that wasnt goku "im sorry!" she yelled at the stranger.

"What the hell is this?!" The man threw the painting to the floor. "is this the greeting we get!" The man yelled. Lirin turned her gaze fro the thrown aside pic to the man who was yelling.he was a red haired(though i think his hair looks pink!)man.

"Uh sorry!" Lirin yelled at the guy.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"Uh my names Lirin" she said uncertain if she should've answered him.

Goku quickly ran up the staris next to Lirin."So your here" Goku said nastily at the two at the door.

"What the hell is the hold up Gojiyo?!Move your ass!"A blonde haired man pushed Gojyo through the door."You think these damn bag's are light?"

"You dont have to shove baldy!"

"Im not bald dumbass" he pushed Gojyo again for the hell of it.

"hey, watch it"

"Whats all the commtion in here" Hakkai came from the kitchen when he noticed Sanzo and Gojyo standing at the door way with bags in there arms "Oh you finally made it welocome" Hakkai smiled at the two.

"Jezz some frickin welocme i get slammed in the face with a photo frame and this stupid monk keeps pushing me, mind helping out with the bags Hakkai?" He held them out, then looked back at Goku "Why dont you help us out you stuipid monkey!" Goku grumbled amd headed down the steps. Lirin looked on as they got the two men settled in 'so thoses are the uncles?'

Later on thast night

"Finally done with unpacking" Gojyo sighed as he sat on the couch."So Hakkai its a pretty nice place you got here,but if you ask me its way to decorated for christmas." Gojyo added

"I guess i went a little overboard, huh?" He put his hand in back of his head."Well it was all Kanan's idea since it was the first christmas goku would be spending with us."

"Speaking of Goku" Gojyo looked back at the brown haired boy. "Dont be rude monkey! Arent ya gonna introduce us to your cute little girlfriend?" He raised a suspicious eyebrow at Goku.

"she's not my girlfriend!" Goku tried to say without blushing ' Though i wouldnt mind if she was...i mean!'

"Then whats she doing here around christmas time? Shouldnt she be spending christmas with her family?"

"I didnt want to spend christmas with them!You gotta a problem with that?!" Lirin snapped at him,she imagined what it would be like on christmas with her mom and her family.she shook her head not trying to think about it. 'im glad im not over there'

"hey you dont have to snap at me carrot top!" Gojyo replied angirly.

"rrrrrrr" Lirin growled softly so only Goku and Hakkai who were sitting next to her could hear.

Hakkai sweat dropped 'i better stop this before it get's ugly' "so any way Sanzo whats been up with you?"

Sanzo removed his black jacket and put it on the couch "Same old same old."

"Still working at Winfred-Louder?"

"Yeah, some guy named Carey told me i should leave before im in as bad shape as him,the guys been working there for who knows how long with out a single promotion."


Lirin looked uneaisly around, she whispered to goku "Psst Goku can we go outside?"


"Your uncle over there keeps staring at my chest"she pointed over at Gojyo. It did look that way but Gojyo was really just imagining drinking. Sanzo didnt take any stops to get over here and it was a long car drive so he hadnt had a drink all really he was just spaced out with an unfortunate place to set his eyes on.

'God what a pig' "Come on lirin" Goku sat up Lirin did the same. Gojyo snaapped out of his daze and looked at the two teens.

"And where are you to love birds are off to?"Gojyo asked.

"Were just going out side!"Goku yelled.

"To be alone?" Gojyo asked suspicious.

"No!, come on Lirin."the two headed out the door and sat at the porch.

Gojyo jetted himself toward the window."Hakkai how can you stand be under the same roof as two horny teenager's?"

"i dont know,Sanzo how do you deal with it? (Sanzo and Gojyo are roomates)

"Ha ha very funny"Gojyo said sarcasticly.

Kino: Chapter 2 is done! Kinda sucks right? Well i'll make it better in chapter 3.

Hakkai: So please review if you want her to continue. Cause unless she gets three new review's she wont make chapter 3. Once she does hopefully get 3 new reviews she'll start on chapter 3.

Kino: Its just as Hakkai just said. So please review and look forward to chapter 3 of "Merry Christmas" till then see ya!!!