Some how as the sun gleamed down in his bedroom window one early morning in July, Harry knew it wouldn't be a typical day. Waking had become an enjoyable thing since he moved to the manor; a gentle, swift rap on his door told him his father was ready to be off on their planned activities. Yawning softly, he rolled out of his comfy bed and landed side first on the cold floor. One of the scarlet blankets trimmed with silver that had been wrapped around his body fell down with him, creating a makeshift bed right there on the floor.

It still seemed strange to Harry that his father was alive and right there with him. "Come on Harry, let's get a move on. We need to go buy a present for Miss Granger, and if you aren't up in five minutes I shall be sending up Hevelt and you know how that house elf can be."

That's right, Harry's groggy mind thought. Today was Hermione's birthday and he and his father would be throwing her a party. It was strange to be able to have friends over as it has only been a week since Ron left; he was the only one other than Mr. and Mrs. Weasley and Dumbledore that knew of his new home. They would all know when they came for the party, Harry smiled.

"Alright Harry, enough is enough," Severus called, and the popping sound of a house elf entering the room came a moment later.

"Master Snape says to wake Mister Harry by dumping a vat of cold water on his head," Hevelt grumbled in annoyed tone of voice and snapped his fingers which sent the icy water down on Harry's head, and earned the house elf a rather loud startled cry.

So not everything in Harry's life had changed with the move; his father's idea of waking him early rivaled Aunt Petunia's by two hours at least. Having enough of trying to rouse Harry, his morning-person of a father opened the door and stood Harry on his head. The young man flopped back on the makeshift bed and jumped to his feet.

"Ok, ok I'm up; I'll be ready in a moment." He'd never been awakened that way on Privet Drive. Harry came down stairs dressed in black robes like his fathers, and his shoulder length black hair looking as unruly as it had before as it was lacking a serious combing.

"Well it's about time, son," Severus Snape smiled at his son, so much like him now, that he thought of a fun house mirror showing him a younger version of himself.

"Well dad, what's on the agenda for today?" Harry loved the fact that he was finally included in the everyday normal activities of a family.

"First we go to Diagon Alley for breakfast, then shop for a present for Miss Granger." Deciding the quickest way was by Floo powder, the pair donned their cloaks and set off. For the first time in Harry's life he landed at his destination on his feet, walking from the grate as if he's done this his entire life. Severus stepped out behind him and they headed out for their first time to Diagon Alley together. They walked in silence up the stairs as people gossiped wildly about the relationship between the Potions Master and the famous Harry Potter. Rita Skeeter had been at it again once she'd heard the truth behind father and son, breaking the vow she made to Hermione back in the Golden Trio's fourth year. The two had become used to each other and tended to forget not everyone knew Harry had returned to his father's side.

Upon entering a small café, there was an unusual sight that greeted them, Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall sat together in the far corner talking like young love birds. "Professors!" Harry exclaimed, and both looked up at the father and son with childlike smiles. Something has changed between them, Harry noted as he saw their clasped hands. Severus took a seat at the table nearby and called over Harry to sit down and order breakfast.

"Please come and sit with us Severus. You, Harry, and we have a lot to talk about." Joining the table, the four wizards began chatting about the first few weeks of summer and plans for the rest of their time off. "Harry, how are you enjoying your time off?" Dumbledore asked him idly, his blue eyes twinkling as vibrant as ever.

Harry smiled for the first time as he truly loved not being at school. While the other years he'd been trapped at the Dursleys with nothing more than a bland bedroom and an endless list of chores to do, this time he got to spend time with his father as well as have time to himself like a normal teenage should. "Well, it's taking time to get used to the idea that I do indeed have a father, but what I don't get is why everyone kept it from me? I might not have spent so much time being afraid and loathing my dad." The older couple smiled when Severus uncharacteristically put Harry in a head lock.

"You should be afraid." Still used to being hit by Dudley and being afraid of Snape, Harry didn't know how to react. "Nevertheless Albus, I believe my son and I must take our leave so that he can find the proper endowment for his young aficionada." He bowed slightly before leading Harry out of the café and back into the busy streets of Diagon Alley.

AN: Sorry gang that's it for now but I'm working on the next chapter when everyone finds out how Harry ended up with a father and Hermione gets a surprise party.

Hope everyone enjoyed..special thanks to co-writter Miss Moony I couldn't have done it without you.