Freek: After Years… Wow… Its amazing to see how much people liked this fan-fiction. I'm really sorry we haven't updated, we really are… High school came… Then Entrance Exams… College. Things went out of hand… And we haven't done what we loved doing in a long time… Making CloudxTifa fan fiction… sniff

My cousin doesn't live with us anymore… He's in a dorm now. Bless him. We promise that we'll make a part 2 out of this… or more chapters since a lot of people said we left it hanging…

My heart swelled as I read you guys' review and remembered why I started making fan-fics… Making people like me happy… sniff

To all the people who gave us 105 reviews! I love you! You guys (thumps chest with fist) were the first people who gave me encouragement! And that push led me into competitive writing and won awards for it! If only I knew where you live, I'd break my trophies and medals and share it to you! You people means so much to me! Your kind words fueled me to take on harder tasks! I became a 'someone' because of you! People I don't know by name… gave me a pat on the back… that was just… just lovely.

As a token of my love… I swear on my grave (?) that I'll make a story that you'd fall in love to. Just as you did on "Press Start to Continue"…

I hope you read this.