Hey, I edited and re-uploaded this chapter, hope you like it this time. I changed things, got some reviews that pointed things out. I'm going to be going through the whole story and doing this (editing and combining chapters) so, in the next few weeks the story is going to start looking different but no worries, same old story…revamped a little.

By the way, I had a great time on vacation, it was super cool and awesome. Sorry I couldn't update while in Oregon. But! If you review this or Chapter 32 (which I've also added) I'll give you a limited edition holographic trading card of Harry and Draco making out that is all-new because they are without shirts! YAY!

Thanks a butt-load.


A loud knock woke Draco Malfoy from his nap, he rolled over on his bed and sat up. Here in the Villa very few people visited, Draco was spending the summer there, out of Britain and away from Narcissa and Lucius. In Greece he was supposed to be safe. Malfoy stood and ran a hand through his long white hair, he loved his hair and only used custom formulated shampoos and conditioners and styling products. Generic brands rarely worked as well. The blonde walked over to his wardrobe and opened the door, the room was huge, it was organised alphabetically by designer. A large, circular island in the centre with drawers for undergarments and ties and school robes also folded out into a full sized mirror.

Malfoy frowned and began to decide what to wear. Sometimes being gorgeous was damnably hard. He finally settled on some khaki pants and a blue polo shirt, the blonde turned and began to rummage around for a necklace to wear. He found a small pale blue diamond on a silver chain and put it on, he pulled out a silver charm bracelet and a silver ring. Malfoy pulled on a pair of tan boots and placed a pair of sunglasses on top of his head before leaving his room. At the door stood a tall, brown haired man in a formal black suit and polished black shoes.

"I'm here to speak with Mr. Draconis Malfoy about his father's involvement with the Death Eaters."

"I shall see if my Master is available," One of the human servants, Malfoy didn't know her name nor did he care to, said and turned to lead the man into one of the many sitting rooms.

Malfoy rolled his eyes and began down the stairs. He entered the sitting room just as the servant was serving the man a glass of cold ice water. The servant squeaked and turned away immediately, it was the Armenian servant.

"Normally I don't allow visitors here, sir," Draco said, looking at the man down his pointed nose.

"Thank-you for the honour Mister Malfoy. My name is Bustront, Marvin Bustront and I was hoping you'd help us answer a few questions about your parents and the Dark Lord."

"Why would I help you?"

"Out of the kindness of your heart I presume."

Draco nearly laughed at the thought, as he was, no kind thought had graced his heart since he was five. He seated himself in the high backed chair before the dead fire and pressed the tips of his fingers together. "I can tell you what little I know on the subject."

"Ahem, now, you left England shortly after you returned from your fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is that right?" Bustront asked, looking through some of the papers he'd brought with him.

"Yes it is. I left due to the dangerous nature of my father, he was and is unstable. I came to Greece and plan on remaining here until August 30th when I shall be leaving to stay at the White Dragon in Diagon Alley until September the 1st when I shall return to Hogwarts."

"I see, during your Fifth Year did your father send you any information regarding the Death Eater's activities?" Bustront asked, he raised his eyebrows as though suggesting something.

"No he did not. The only mail I ever received from home in the duration of my Fifth year was a single letter concerning the death of my third uncle Sir Duran Hornsblende."

"Nothing at all?"


"Good, did you know your father was a Death Eater?"

"Yes, I did. Really, how could I now? He trained me in the Dark Arts and initiated me with the ways of the Death Eaters. He planned on having me fully initiated on December 31st of my seventh year."

"Did you have any idea about the attacks that occurred over the time Mr. Harry Potter and you attended Hogwarts. More specifically the attacks on Mr. Harry Potter himself?" Bustront asked quickly, becoming more interested by the moment.

"In fourth year I knew they planned for something to happen at the Triwzard's Tournament, I also knew as to the opening of the Chamber in Second Year and that Quirrel was half the Dark Lord in First Year. This last year I knew nothing of the planned attack at the Ministry Headquarters, only following the attack was I informed by mother in a letter she left for me."

"I would like to know if you're willing to come with me back to the Ministry Headquarters to continue testing under Vertiserum."

"No sir, I am not willing."

"Mr. Malfoy I will have to insist you come back to England with me," Bustront drew his wand and point it straight at the blonde.

"Then I, sir, will have to insist you remove yourself from my home immediately," Malfoy stood and glared at the man. Draco moved to draw his own wand.

"I have permission to use any means necessary to return you to England and place you under Vertiserum."

"I don't happen to care sir, remove yourself this instant."

"Stupefy," Bustront yelled and a jet of red light flew out. Malfoy flung himself behind the couch and cursed under his breath as Bustront threw a destruction spell at the couch.

Malfoy turned around and began to back away, for once in his life he was truly afraid, pieces of the couch rained down around him and Bustront approached quickly.

"Crucio," Pain ripped through him and tore like heated knives at every inch of his being. Malfoy was sure if he screamed or not. It wasn't until the spell was lifted and he felt his throat was raw.

"Now will you come?"

Malfoy didn't answer for a long moment, then he shook his head. Bustront turned an ugly red and marched closer, he bent down, grabbing Draco's face and forcing their eyes to meet.

"You will do as I say, boy," Bustront shoved him back, Draco gasped as he landed on a sharp metal spring. Bustront raised his wand but his arm was shoved aside by one of the elves.

"You is not hurting Master," the thing shrieked, standing defensively before its master.

"Stupid creature," Bustront nearly screamed and pointed his wand at the elf. "Adevra Kedevra!" A flash of green and all that remained was the body. Draco tried to crawl away from the dead thing, but the wizard before him magicked it to the doorway, a warning for any other servant bold enough to interfere. Draco could see them, some of the human servants standing, horrified in the hall. Bitingly he thought of what to do to them when he returned.

"Now, let us see if you really are the Sex-God you're rumoured to be," Bustront grabbed the blonde by his neck and pressed him against the wall, face crushed against the rich green and gold paper. Draco's eyes widened as the meaning of the disgusting man's comment sunk in.

"Wh-" his words were lost in a scream as Bustront tore into him. He cried and screamed and tried his hardest to get away but was overpowered still. He felt blood run into his eyes, he must have gotten cut on the forehead and not realized. The cut was deep and he slowly sank into blackness, unable and unwilling to hold on any further.

The blonde awoke soar, bloody and covered in dirt. He was on the floor of a musty cell in the Ministry Headquarters wearing nothing but a torn up pair of khaki pants. Deep cuts on chest were scabbing over and every muscle in his body was in pain, the blonde tried to move but couldn't muster the strength. Across from him, a grimy old man chuckled from the back of his cell.

"They did quite a number on you little boy."

"What are you talking about?"

"What happened to you when you were brought in here. Bustront is a sick man," the old man sounded so disgusted when he said that name.

Draco remembered it, that name.

He was silent, the memories came back, the pain, the humiliation, the fear, all of it. He let out a strangled cry and put a hand to his face, he felt the cut on his forehead, it was scabbing. Draco felt like he was going to cry, he couldn't let some stranger see such a pitiful thing. So, not knowing what else to do, Draco pushed himself into the dark corner and fit himself between the back of the cot and the wall, the darkest, smallest place he could find. He tried desperately to muffle his crying.

The man had seen horrible things, he dead friends, men go crazy in Azkaban but this was a truly heart-breaking sight. The boy was gorgeous, but so bloodied and so broken his good looks meant nothing. The man reached out through the bars, as if trying to comfort the boy across from him, but he was held back.

Filthy. Sick. Spoiled creature. Draco, how can you stand to be seen? After this, Lucius will disown you, Narcissa will forget you. Pansy and Blaise and Crabbe and Goyle, they'll all look at you the way you've looked at muggles all these years. You're the dirty one now. Sick…beast. Better off dead now. Draco thought these horrible things to himself and looked at his hands, they were dusted with dirt and blood.

Far away voices echoed down the dungeon corridor, the grimy man disappeared into the shadows of his cell again as the voices grew closer. Malfoy picked out Bustront's voice and also the voices of some of those who's come earlier. The men appeared in front of Malfoy's cell and pulled open the door, they all walked in and with them was several other men.

"You say you got him?" one man asked, craning his neck to try and see.

"Yes I did," Bustront chuckled cruelly, "he was a fine take. Tomorrow, he'll still be here I'm sure, if you get me the right things I can see to it that you can take him yourselves."

The men all looked at him with smiles on their faces. Draco felt his stomach churn, sickened.

"How much?" One man asked.

"As much as you can give," Marvin rubbed his fingers together, the cash sign.

"Three-hundred?" one offered.

Three Hundred Galleons? That was a lot of money to pay for sex. Draco knew this even, prostitutes in Diagon worked for about ten. Bustront knew this as well, and smiled approvingly.

"Three-hundred it is then, if you want a part of him," Bustront waved his hand in Draco's direction.

You've been sold to men. To sick bastards who are supposed to keep England safe. Is this how our taxes are spent?-to pay these disgusting creatures? Draco nearly screamed at them. He stopped as he saw Bustront wave them all away and then step into the cell. The man conjured up clothing and threw them at the blonde.

"Put those on, you're going for questioning in ten minutes,"

Malfoy dressed quickly and followed Bustront slowly out of the dungeons. Up into a lift and then down a long hall and into a room with a long row of chairs raised up high behind a table. A single chair on the ground with a small steel table in front of it. Bustront motioned Malfoy to sit and he did. Fudge, the Minister of Magic, Percy Weasley, his assistant, Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster, Kingsley Shackelbolt, some woman with bright blue hair and a bunch of other people.

Snape appeared and handed Bustront a bottle of clear liquid, the man took it and held out the dropper for the blonde, who stuck out his tongue and received three drops. Bustront backed away and Fudge leaned forward

"Percy, take notes."

"Yes sir" The red-head nodded eagerly and began to scribble away.

"What is you full, given name?"

"Draconis Alexander Crucis Malfoy the second."

"Who are your parents?"

"Lucius Veritas Exavier Malfoy and Narcissa Jasmine Sinistra Black-Malfoy."

"What year are you and what school do you attend?"

"I am going into the sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"How old are you and when is your birthday?"

"I am fifteen and my birthday is the 23rd of November."

"Fudge, why are you asking questions we already know?"

"Formalities Kingsley. Now, Mr. Malfoy, are you a Death Eater?"


"Were you to become a Death Eater?"

"Yes, on the 31st of December in my seventh year."

"Do you know where your mother is now?"


"Do you know where your father is now?"


"He's lying! He must know where Lucius is!" One of the men sitting around the table yelled out.

"Silence Moody. Now son, you must have some clue as to where Lucius is."

"I do not know."

"More Vertiserum" Fudge commanded, Bustront gave the boy more "Where. Is. Lucius. Malfoy?"

"I do not know."

"Where is Lucius Malfoy?" Fudge screamed, as his face turned an ugly purple color.

"I do not know."

"Where is the Dark Lord?" Dumbledore asked from his seat, his blue eyes glittered.

"Ireland, the former Delciras Manor near Dublin."

"How do you know?"

"Lucius wrote letters to me during the school year telling me where the Dark Lord was."

"Did you know that the Death Eaters were going to attack the Ministry and try to lure Harry Potter there?"


"Why didn't you go to School Officials or the Ministry?"

"I was afraid of what would happen to me."

"Why do you fear Lucius?"

"He is my father, I was always taught to fear him."

"Why did you never tell anyone else about it?"

"I was afraid of Lucius."

"Are any of the other Slytherin's who currently attend Hogwarts in or going to be in the Death Eaters?"

"All are expected to join in seventh year when the Great Attack is planned. All speak of refusing the Dark Mark, we do not want to join."


"We do not trust the Dark Lord to keep us safe, we have learned to rely on ourselves to be safe. Our parents hurt us because they were Death Eaters, we do not want to hurt ourselves and each other."

"Would you all be willing to join the Aurors and fight Voldemort?" Many people gasped when Dumbledore said his name.


"Why?" The old man asked with a frown.

"We do not trust the Ministry to keep us safe. They could not keep themselves safe or their Savior, how will they save us?"

"Are you their leader?"

"We have no leader, we have ourselves and each other and we agree on many things, but we have no leader."

"Will you be willing to help the Aurors if not join them completely?"


"Let the boy leave Fudge, we have all we need."

"Where is -"

"Give it a rest Cornelius, the boy doesn't know where his father is"

Bustront moved to take Malfoy back when Snape pushed past him and gently led his godson away. Bustront glared after them and turned to leave when Dumbledore called him back "Marvin, can we have a word with you?"

"Yes sir?"

"Please, sit," The old man motioned to the chair and table where the bottle of Vertiserum still sat. Bustront sat down carefully. His brow furrowed as the woman with bright blue hair came forward and told him to stick out his tongue.