Disclaimer:: I own 8 Guns N' Roses CDs. No people, though

A/N this is my first attempt at a song fic, so be kind. These are IN NO SPACIFIC ORDER. All chapters are random.

Madagascar with Jack

"Jack", Gibbs said. "Ye be losin' yerself. Yer distant from the crew and ye ain't even eatin'. Ye've gotta eat, Jack."

"I am not losin' m'self. Now, leave me be. I'm tired and I have a headache."

"Aye, Captain".

Gibbs turned and left the cabin, leaving Jack sitting on the bed, rubbing his temples.

I won't be told anymore
That I've been brought down in this storm
And left so far out from the shore
That I can't find my way back, my way anymore

Jack lay on the cot with his hands behind his head, thinking about all the people that had done him wrong in the past.

No I won't be told anymore
That I've been brought back in this storm
And left so far out from the shore
That I can't find my way back, my way anymore

No, I..
No, I...

Then he began to think about Gibbs and Will. Elizabeth and Ana Maria.

Forgive that they teared down my soul
Bless them that they might grow old
A dream that's forgotten may know
That it's never too late

So many times that I've seen life before me
I searched and found the way to choose to the end
I found a way, to know, why it had to be
Mired in denial and saw all the rain

If we ever find it true
Love will have its way to choose
Three more to tame
We can be ever

I won't be told anymore
That I've been brought down in this storm
And left so far out from the shore
And I can't find my way back, my way anymore

No I won't be told anymore
That I've been brought back in this storm
And left so far out from the shore
That I can't find my way back, my way anymore

Maybe Gibbs was right. Maybe he was losing himself. But none of that mattered now. All that mattered was rum. And drinking as much as it would take to permanently stop the pain.