One True Love

By Kata Malfoy

Summary: Angel's under a spell, and only his true love can break it. Buffy's tried, but he's still asleep. So who is his true love? Slash A/S, Crossover BtVS/AtS

A/N This is set in Angel, early season three. And Buffy never died, cos that's just to complicated. I've never been that great at Angel fics, so be nice.

This is SLASH, don't like, don't read.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything

Fred stood next to Angel's bed, watching his still form. Cordy was sitting in the chair, holding one of Angel's limp hands. They both looked up as Gunn came into the room.

'Anything yet?' asked Cordy sadly, turning her face back to Angel's.

'No,' sighed Gunn, passing her a cup of coffee, 'but Wesley will find something soon.'

Fred let out a soft sob and ran out of the room. Gunn hesitated a moment before following her. Cordy leaned over and brushed some hair off Angel's face, then whispered

'Come on Angel, you're a champion, you can break this stupid spell.'

He didn't move. Cordy released her grip on him, and let her head fall into his hands. This shouldn't be happening, she thought, one spell from an amateur warlock shouldn't be able to keep Angel down! She sighed for the hundredth time that day.

Just as she was about to go and find Fred and Gunn, she heard a triumphant yell from downstairs. She got up and raced down the stairs to where Wesley was emerging from the office with a heavy book.

'Have you found it?' she asked breathlessly, almost tripping over in her hurry.

'Yes, I believe I have, it seems to be quite a simple...oh.' Wesley squinted at the book in front of him. 'Oh dear.'

'That doesn't sounds good,' said Gunn, coming down the stairs with Fred at his side.

'No, it's not,' answered Wesley, 'The spell is quite simple, but requires a lot of power. Actually, I'm surprised that that warlock was able to pull it off.'

'Well, it did kill him,' pointed out Cordy.

'True; anyway, the spell will be lifted, without side effects,' he paused, and then continued, 'after his true love's kiss.'

'So what you're saying is that we have to get Buffy to come and kiss Angel,' said Cordy. 'Sounds simple.'

'I'll call her,' Wesley said, heading into the office.

'So it's all going to be ok?' asked Fred tentatively.

'Looks like it,' said Cordy with a smile, 'Everything is going to b- Argh!!'

She fell to the floor as a painful vision struck her.

Gunn helped her up and led her over to a chair as the vision stopped.

'Cordy, are you OK? What did you see?' he asked, as Fred went to get some aspirin.

Cordy looked at him with a smile.

'I saw Angel. He's going to wake up and we 're all going to be sitting here having coffee!' she said happily.

Gunn gave her a disbelieving look.

'So the Powers put you through that, just so you could see Angel? Great, just great.'

Before Cordy could answer, Wesley came through the door behind them, smiling.

'She's coming right away.'

The A.I team were all sitting in the lobby of the hotel that evening when Buffy arrived. She had bought the whole gang with her, and they were greeted warmly.

Cordelia introduced them to Fred and Gunn, and everyone caught up on the latest news. Wesley was very interested on how Dawn came to exist, while Gunn and Xander discussed weapons. Willow and Tara chatted to Fred, who answered their questions shyly. Giles was quizzing Cordy about the details of the spell Angel was under, while Buffy looked around.

'I'm surprised that you all came,' said Cordy with a smile. 'I didn't think you could leave the Hellmouth unprotected for so long.'

'Well, everyone deserves a holiday once in a while,' replied Buffy, looking over from the weapons cabinet, 'and by the look of it, you certainly have room for us.'

'Yes, indeed. Now, if you all want to follow Gunn and Fred and find rooms,' said Wesley, 'Buffy needs to come and wake the sleeping prince.'

'Can I come?' asked Dawn sweetly.

'No, Dawn,' said Giles, stepping into his father role. 'Buffy deserves her privacy. But you can have first choice of the rooms.'

'Hey!' Xander said indignantly, following them up the stairs.

Cordy smiled after them.

'Still the same old Xander Harris.'

'Yes, unfortunately,' said Welsey as he walked towards the office and re- emerged a second later with the spell book.

'OK, this should be very simple. I'm glad that this will be sorted out soon, because Angel is very important, and it's terrible for him to be immobile.'

Buffy sat next to Angel's bed as Wesley recounted the spell. Cordelia was holding Angel's hand, and it was really annoying her. Angel looked so helpless in his sleep, she just wanted to cuddle up next to him.

'-ius Valius Comptena. Now Buffy, just a quick kiss'.

She leaned forward and pressed her lips against Angel's, one of her hands on his chest. Yes, she thought, this is right. This is how it's meant to be be.

She sat back expectantly.

Nothing happened.