AN:  Welcome one and all to the newest installment in the Sui Generis story arc.  First, I must explain that this chapter takes place two years after Silver and gold.  I hope you all enjoy it.  It took me so long to write it! 

"It's not death if you refuse it."

Eric Draven; The Crow:  Stairway to Heaven

Demon Called Deception

Chapter One:  Trying Times

The storm topside fought against the ship.  The wind whipped at the canvas of the sails even though they had been lowered.  The ship pulled at the anchor that lay embedded in the ocean floor.  The wooden deck beneath Jack Sparrow's feet twisted and turned, shaking from side to side.

Jack tugged on one more rope, making sure it was secure, and then headed down below the deck.  He could hear the loud cries of a woman in pain filtering out through a thin wooden door.  He threw the door open, almost hitting Gibbs as he entered.

"Good Lord Cap'n!  You needed ta be down here!" Gibbs cried.

Jack gripped his shoulder.  "What's goin' on?"

Gibbs stopped him from walking up to the small bed, staring gravely into Jack's eyes.  "It's takin' a turn fer the worse, sir."

Jack's eyes widened slightly.  "Lor?"

"AnaMaria's not sure she's gonna make it."

Jack pushed past Gibbs, making his way quickly up to Lor's side.  His hand gripped hers tightly causing her to open her golden, pain-filled eyes.  "Jack," she whispered between gasps.

"Hold on love," he said gruffly.

Lor smiled weakly as AnaMaria told her to push.  "One's comin' lass," AnaMaria cried.  "Push harder!"

Minutes went by like hours as Jack continued to stare down into Lor's eyes.  "It'll be all right, love."

"She's out!" AnaMaria said.  "Gibbs, come take 'er.  Keep 'er warm."

"Wait," Jack called.  "Let me see her."

"No Jack, stay with Lor.  Gibbs can take care of 'er."

"I want to see my daughter woman."

"Goddammit Jack!  You need to stay by your lover's side.  She needs you more than your child does.  Stay with her, keep her with you."

Jack looked down as Lor cried out in pain again, her hand crushing his.  "Two more pushes, lass, an' then it'll be over."

"Yes," Lor whispered, her body slick with sweat.  "It'll be over."

Jack gazed down into Lor's eyes.  He didn't like the way she was talking.  There was something in her voice that scared him, something that seemed off to him.  "Stay with me, love."

A loud cry issued forth as the second child was born.  AnaMaria looked up at him as she took the child away, wrapping her in a thick blanket.  "Jack?" a soft voice called.

Jack looked down, his hand tightening on Lor's.  "Aye, love?"

"It begins again, my love," she whispered.  "Protect them.  Keep them away from the ocean.  If they hit water, it will find them.  Don't let them repeat my life," she finished, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Shh, love.  It'll be okay.  They'll be fine, an' so will you," Jack replied, kissing her softly.

"No, Jack, no.  You know the tale, the mother does not survive.  There can only be one Guardian, one Protector."

"We'll beat that, love.  I promise you, you will make it."

Lor's free hand slowly rose; caressing Jack's tanned face and running her fingers through his hair.  "Forgive me Jack," she murmured.  "I . . . I love you."

Jack looked down at his hand as her grip loosened suddenly and slipped through his fingers.  Her eyes closed slowly, tears still streaming down her cheeks.  "Lor?" Jack whispered, tracing the outline of her face with his fingertips.  His eyes narrowed slightly when he received no response.

Jack buried his head on her stomach, whispering, "I love you, my horizon."


Gibbs looked up from the two children that he was currently helping AnaMaria with.  He watched as Jack buried his head on Lor's stomach, hiding his face.  When he started to go over to Jack, AnaMaria stopped him.  "No, Gibbs, leave him.  He needs to grieve for his loss.  Allow him this time."


Jack Sparrow stood on the deck of the Black Pearl, holding the small form of his week old daughter.  His finger traced along her small, chubby cheek, causing her to yawn widely and close her eyes.

AnaMaria and Gibbs stood just behind him, AnaMaria holding the twin to his perfect child.  Another one of his crew stood before him, wrapping a thick blanket into the small boat in front of him.  Shift was his name, a man who had only recently joined the crew of the Black Pearl, but someone who Jack trusted.

"Jack?  Cap'n?  Are ye sure ye want to do this?" AnaMaria asked as she bounced the child in her arms.

Jack looked up from his daughter to look back at AnaMaria.  "Aye, love.  I have to."

"But, sir," Gibbs started.  "Didn't Miss Lor ask you to . . .?"

"And this is the only way I can, Mr. Gibbs," Jack answered gruffly, although they could hear his voice crack a little.  "She asked me to protect them, but she also asked me to keep them out of the water."

"But, sir, to do it this way . . ."

"This is hard enough for me, Mr. Gibbs without you telling me that it is wrong!" Jack snapped.  "I do what I must whether or not it is right."

"But, separating them Jack?"

"Lor was right," Jack said, his voice softening at her name.  "They shouldn't have to live her life.  If I can keep them apart, there is less of a chance of everything happening again."

"Are you ready Cap'n?" Shift interrupted, staring over at the other three pirates.  "Everythin's in order."

Jack turned to Shift slowly, his eyes once again making their way down to the small child in his arms.  He nodded slightly and held the little girl up to his face.  The girl yawned again and stuck her small fist in her mouth.  Jack kissed the little girls cheek and then looked into her bright blue eyes.  "My little Em," he whispered.  "Be well and know always that I love you.  So does your mother, wherever she may be."

Shift took the young girl as she was offered to him and sat slowly down in the small boat.  Two men started to lower Shift and the boat down slowly into the water.  "Mr. Shift?" Jack called when the boat was halfway down.  "Take care of 'er, lad.  Keep 'er safe."

Shift merely nodded, placing the small child in the basket on the other side of the boat and picked up the oars, rowing away from the ship.  Jack turned around quickly, turning his attention away from the man taking his daughter away.

He took his other daughter from AnaMaria and walked slowly away into his cabin, shutting the door to the outside world.  AnaMaria and Gibbs looked at each other for a moment and then set about doing their daily chores, AnaMaria taking Jack's usual position at the helm


Will Turner sat down heavily on the soft bed, sighing.  He kicked his shoes off slowly, allowing them to drop onto the thick wooden floor with a clunk.  "Will?" Elizabeth whispered groggily, her voice still filled with sleep.

"Yes, my love," he replied, un-tucking his white shirt and laying back on the bed, his head and neck landing on her legs.

Elizabeth sat up slowly.  "Is everything all right?  You seem upset."

"No.  I'm fine.  Just tired."

"Come to bed then, darling.  A good night's sleep will do you well."

Will sat up slowly and crawled under the covers, not bothering to get undressed.  He blew out the candle and rolled over onto his back.  Elizabeth started to roll over to lay her head on his chest, but stopped.  "Will?"


"There's someone here."

Will bolted up in bed quickly, his hand reaching for the candle holder on the nightstand by his bed.  The dark figure that stood framed in the window held up his hands slowly, revealing a small wriggling satchel hung across his chest.  "Easy, lad, it's just me."

"Jack?" Will called.

"Aye, lad," Jack replied, stepping through the window and into the room.

"It's a little late, isn't it Jack?" Elizabeth asked, reaching over Will and lighting the small candle.

"I know, sorry, love," he said, sitting on the window sill.

"The children will be happy to see you," Will said softly, looking over his friend.  Jack seemed different to him.  He seemed calmer, less insane than usual.

Jack shook his head.  "I can't stay.  I only wanted to ask you a favor."

"Anything Jack, you know that."

Jack untied the satchel from over his shoulder and set it down softly on his lap.  He un-wrapped the bundle slowly, keeping part of the blanket wrapped around the small form.  Will looked over at Elizabeth, his eyebrows rising slightly.

A soft cry came from the bundle, causing Elizabeth to jerk her head up.  "Jack?" she whispered.

Jack lifted his head slightly, shaking his head.  "I need you to take care of something."

Elizabeth stood up and walked over to him slowly, unsure as to what she would find wrapped in the blanket.  As soon as she came near it, the small form gurgled softly.  "Jack, it's a baby!" she cried.

"Aye, lass, that she is."

Will walked up next to his wife as she leaned over to pick up the small child.  Elizabeth cradled the girl to her chest, gazing down at the girl's pudgy face.  "She's beautiful."

"Thank you," Jack replied softly.

Will's eyes narrowed again.  "Is she yours, Jack?"

"Aye, lad, last time I checked," Jack said, trying to muster up a small smile.

"She looks like you," Elizabeth said, smiling.

"An' much like Lor," Jack whispered.

"Lor?" Will asked.  "Where is she?"

Jack looked away, his eyes growing distant.  "Gone."

"She left?" Elizabeth asked.  "That doesn't seem like her."

Jack shook his head.  "She didn't leave."

Will looked down at him, confused, until it finally dawned on him.  "Jack . . . I'm sorry.  We didn't know."

"Couldn'ta stopped it, mate," Jack said softly.  "An' she knew it," he paused slightly, looking up at the small child held in Elizabeth's arms.  "I need you to take care or 'er, to raise 'er."

"But, Jack, why?" Elizabeth questioned.

"A promise I made.  A promise that I made to Lor.  I 'ave ta protect 'er."

"But giving her up . . ." Will began.

"I've already heard enough of it from Gibbs an' AnaMaria, lad.  I don't need to hear it from you.  And yes, this is the only way to protect 'er.  I'm doin' what Lor told me ta do."

"For how long, Jack?"

Jack shrugged as he stood up, his finger trailing down the little girl's cheek.  "I don't know, but she has to stay here.  Raise her as yer own, never let 'er know who she is.  I don't want her relivin' her mother's life," he paused for a moment, staring down into the girl's blue eyes.  "I can't explain it right now, maybe later when the time is right," he paused again, his eyes finding their way to meet Elizabeth's.

"Jack," Will whispered.

Jack turned to Will, his eyes filled with sadness.  "Do this for me, Will, please.  I don't know who else to give 'er to."

Will looked at Jack, and then over at Elizabeth.  Elizabeth looked down at the baby that was slowly falling asleep in her arms and then back at Will and nodded slightly.  He placed his hand on Jack's shoulder.  "Of course, Jack, anything you need."

Jack nodded slightly and, with one last loving caress to his daughter, turned away and started to climb back out of the bedroom window.  "Jack, wait," Elizabeth called.  "What is her name?"

Jack turned to look over his shoulder.  "Rebecca," he whispered, and then jumped out of the window, disappearing into the dark night.


Up next!  Chapter Two:  Mysteries Begin.