Always Watching

Chapter 20

Lita let the breeze coming from the ocean shore waft through her hair, breathing in the deep, salty scent. She had always loved the ocean. The redhead stared out into the blue depths from her spot on the hotel room balcony, relaxed in her moment of peace. She sighed softly, sitting down on one of the plastic chairs. It had been nearly four months since the day she'd almost drowned. Sometimes it felt like years, and sometimes it felt like days. But now, thinking about it, she'd only been able to be this at peace since Matt's sentence had been delivered. Lita rested her head on the banister, closing her eyes and thinking. Matt Hardy had been all too happy to deliver every detail, and former Lieutenant Porter added to the story with his confession. Now, with the whole picture and every angle covered, Lita reviewed the events that had forever altered her life.

Dean Malenko had been sent to a psyche ward for one year following his forced resignation from the WWE, and then had been cleared at the end of that same year. After that, he had literally disappeared off of the face of the planet. No one knew where he had gone, and thanks to Matt, no one ever would. Nearly two years later, Matt had walked into his locker room to find Dean sitting there, offering him a large amount of money if he would help him out. Matt had acceptedâ€but only with something more sinister in mind. Dean, oblivious to Matt's plans, which would eventually override his own and cost him his life, approached the lieutenant with $20,000 in total if he would hold up the station at the appropriate time, and then disappear. Somehow, he had known Porter would accept. With the forces of the three men, the plans of each man went into action.

It had been Dean who had been her 'secret admirer' all along. He told Matt everything about his plans, something that served the other man quite well later. As Dean continued to send the invitations, he pressed Porter to instill the idea that someone close to Lita was sending the objects, and Porter did just that. The day Dean decided to make his move, Matt stayed in the lobby to watch for Lita. He alerted Dean to the fact that Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho were with her.

Malenko went into the room Jericho and Benoit shared posing as cleaning staff, to find only Jericho there. He knocked Jericho out, and headed toward Lita's room, and saw Benoit heading for it at the same time. Dean took advantage of the superb timing, and let Benoit go into the room. He stopped the door from closing, waited a few seconds, and then entered, slamming the lead pipe into Benoit's skull.

Lita broke away from her thoughts, sighing once more, but it wasn't the tired sigh she'd had in the last few months. Worry was far from her mind, but curiosity still bit at her. Why did Dean come back, after all this time? Why hadn't the mental institute he'd been sent to cure him of his obsession? Where had he gone after that year?

And the most important one: why did Matt want to kill her?

The thought still sent a chill down her spine. During the trial, Matt had been calm on the stand. He had never once told anyone why. His simple, repeated answer had been 'she deserves it'. Lita forced herself to shrug. It didn't matter; she shouldn't think about it. Matt had been sentenced to first-degree murder and attempt at murder—or something like that. Lita had been in such a haze that day she hadn't paid much attention to all of the charges against him. All she knew is that the minimum time for the charges was seventy-five years. Matt was officially out of her life. It was doubtful that he would still be alive once his term was carried out.

The redhead felt a soft smile grace her face. "It's over," she whispered aloud, and it was. Chris Jericho had healed well, receiving minimal head trauma. Stacy had been at his bedside constantly, nursing him back to health. Lita felt her smile widen as she thought of the two, silently wondering when they would get together. It was obvious that they both adored each other.

And as for she and Benoit

She felt a small flush rise to her cheeks, but tried to push it down. No matter how much she tried, she felt like a giggling schoolgirl every time she thought about him. Lita propped her feet up on the other chair, folding her arms across her chest, her eyes still on the ocean waves. Chris had been there for her, always. He had saved her life that night when she was trapped in that car, and she still felt that she hadn't thanked him entirely enough. She felt waves of guilt every now and then, despite her efforts to rid herself of them. She had been the one to bring everyone into that mess.

Still, she had learned a lot from what had happened. Lita knew enough not to make the same mistake twice. She now knew the most vicious side of human nature, and never wanted to see it again.

So, perhaps in some ways, the whole situation had been a good thing for her. Thinking about the lessons learned, she still wasn't sure. But, looking at Stacy and Jericho, and she and Benoit, the perhaps seemed to be more of a yes. Lita leaned against the back of the chair, relaxing calmly for what seemed like the first time in decades. Her eyes watched the A smile returned to her face as her thoughts inevitably turned back to Chris.

Lita and Chris Benoit.

Who would've thought?


Dean Malenko

Loving son

The man's fingers traced over the engraved headstone, his dark eyes betraying no emotion. Loving son, nothing more was written. He knew that Dean's mother had written the headstone, unable to write much else. Dean had been an only child, no brothers and sisters.

'But he had me!' the thought stood out in the man's mind as he stared at the gray stone. 'I was as close to him as a brother†He should've told me, I would've helped him,' his eyes settled on the weeds already growing at the base of the headstone. In the silence, he picked them away. 'It's that girl's fault. She's the reason he died,' anger built in him, and he clenched his large fist around a dandelion. 'Lita.' A snarl escaped the man's lips. If Dean didn't live, then she shouldn't! The head of the dandelion fell to the moist grass. Lita deserved to die!

And he would make sure she got her dues.


Author's Note: -tear- Yes, yes it is really the end. And yes, I did have to end it like that. If you didn't guess, I'm going to do a sequel! Not sure when, but sometime! Anyway†-deep breath- It's over. Thank you to every single reviewer who reviewed! When I started this story, I was hoping for 100 at the most, but you guys all surpassed it! You all totally inspired me to continue! This is my first wrestling story finished! I actually finished something! Yey! Anyway, wow. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope you guys enjoyed this story. Keep an eye out for the sequel! Love you guys, and take care!


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