Disclaimer: I do not own anything but this fan fic.

The room was a complete mess, the ceiling was caved in, the sofas were ripped, the fireplace was blown-up, the walls were smashed, and to add to that, the whole place was flooded.

Marik Ishtar looked around, satisfied and then comprehended that he'd destroyed the wrong house...

"Shit! I wasn't supposed to wreck the Carson's house till Wednesday!" he groaned.

He shrugged it off and tried to reassure himself that this was vital practice and that he was in fact ahead of schedule.

"Well, there's always a bug on the anthill... no wait, that's not it... it was, there's always the relish on the hotdog... no... that wasn't it either... ARGH!!" Marik was obviously frustrated at not remembering the old adage, which, by the way was there's always a silver lining on a cloud.

He turned to leave, because today was the day the slaughter house got a new shipment of cows and pigs and it was always fun to gather the organs and throw them at unsuspecting people, especially those animal rights protesters, and this was Marik's second favorite hobby, the first being wrecking things, but then he rememberd the most important thing after a job well done, or in this case, a home well wrecked... his evil and diabolical laugh.

Marik inhaled deeply and opened his mouth, expecting a spine tingling laugh, but instead... nothing happened. Surprised, he tried again and all that came out was a small wheeze.

It didn't take an idiot to figure out what went wrong. It was all to obvious. Marik had lost the one thing he had cared for since he was little... he had lost... his laugh.


Cue dramatic music!

Poor Marik, he loved his laugh.

Review, or you'll never find out what happens!