Disclaimer: ... [[Shrugs]] ...

Dedicated to my little brother, Mario.


"Tyson has called up a totally gonzo storm, catching his opponent off guard." AJ Topped cried enthusiastically from his booth, which he shared with his partner in commentary, Brad Best.

"Kai is down!" Brad said loudly, "His chance at a first session victory ... gone with the wind."

The quick end to the first match didn't seem to quite sink in to DJ Jazzman. "And the winner of session one ... TYSON!"

"Yeah!" Tyson pumped his fist into the air.

"The crowd isn't quite sure what just happened. They were expecting more of a fight out of the returning champ."

"It's unbelievable, chief," Max said happily, "this could be Tyson's best birthday ever!"

"C'mon, Kai," Tyson turned to his fallen opponent who had been blown away from the dish and slammed against the grills, "I know you're so much better than that. I don't know why you're not trying, but feel free to keep it up if you like." This is where everything gets screwed up ...

"Hey Kai ..." Tyson narrowed his eyes at his unmoving opponent.

A few minutes passed and the crowd was starting to become restless. People were assuming that something was wrong, so did the BBA. The paramedics that were placed as stand by, rushed forward and began checking over Kai.

"No pulse ..." one of the paramedic said. He motioned for a stretcher, and soon rushed Kai to the hospital.

Tyson stood there, dumbfounded, as was the crowd.

Then ...

After enduring Tyson's destructive storm attack Kai had suffered internal and head injuries as a result of slamming into the cage. He died of his injuries. That was the end of Kai.

Tyson received maximum punishment of thirty to life in the federal prison, for manslaughter. Until today, he still stands by his innocence. That was the end of Tyson.

Since two members of the non-existant Japanese team were down and out, there was no longer use for Rei, so he returned to China. Unbeknownst to him, a foul plot was being cooked up against him. Mariah and Lee were still angry at hi betrayal and abandonment of the village that on one stormy night, during his return, they had ambushed him and set Galux and Galleon on him. When asked about his whereabouts by the village leader, they just faked innocence, and Rei was never discovered again. That was the end of Rei.

Max now makes rescuing puppies a living. During a routine rescue of an almost drowned puppy, he had slipped on the slippery rock and plunged into the cold water, just before falling twenty feet down the raging waterfalls. His body was never found, though, some people say that he had joined Draciel in creating an underwater kingdom in which he ruled to the end of his days. That was the end of Max.

Judy, still saddened by Max's loss, retired from the BBA Research center. The new director, somewhat an idiot himself, hired Kenny to work as a janitor there. Unfortunately, while he was cleaning out one of the research facilities, he became so awed by the scientific computers, that he became lost and never found his way out again. That was the end of Kenny.

Since there was no Bladebreakers to compete against the fearsome Demolition Boys, the entire fate of the world was put on the shoulders of the Blade Hunters, who lost so bad in the first round due to a destroyed blade, that they were banished from the Beyblading world, forever.

Voltaire ruled the world with greed and power, until the day he was unseated by Boris, who in turn, vanished one night, off of the face of the world. There were rumors that the Demolition Boys were behind it, but it was never proven. They now rule the Beyblading community of Russia.

And Mr. Dickinson ... well ... it turned out, that all this while, Voltaire and Mr. Dickinson were actually the same person.
