Drink Qoo here with a new Inuyasha fan ficcie! I'm sure many of you have seen a story like this before, but I think everyone has a different view of an Inuyasha high school life. I hope this one does well because I have lots of ideas for this! : )

A few things before we begin...

Our staff: Mygoa (history teacher), Shyoga (Language as in Japanese), Midoriko (principal), [People you don't know] Hayashima (computer lab / math teacher), Walden (English teacher), Kudou (Gym teacher).

Our Students: [first years AKA 10th graders] Higurashi, Kagome; Yutaka, Sango; Koun, Miroku; Katashi, Inuyasha; Hime, Kikyo; Kishitori, Eri; Meki, Yuka; Nakagawa, Ayumi; Samou, Hojo; Gumo, Kagura; Ookami, Kouga; Hebisun, Tsubaki

[Third years AKA 12th graders] Gumo, Naraku; Katashi, Sesshoumaru; Kero, Jaken

Others: Higurashi, Souta (Kagome's younger brother); Yutaka, Kohaku (Sango's younger brother); Gumo, Kanna (Naraku and Kagura's younger sister); Hime, Kaede (Kikyo's younger sister); Mushin (Miroku's foster father); Rin (Sesshoumaru's adopted daughter); Hachi (Hired help at Koun home); Kitsu, Shippo (Souta's classmate)

I think that's everyone. Enjoy!

Also, the first few chapters will have "files" that shows information of them so there isn't much story in this first chapter. But the future ones will have much MUCH more! : )

Love, Drink Qoo

Shikon High: School of Four Souls

Chapter One: New Territory

::August 30::

"Valor, Harmony, Miracles, and Love, Arimi, Nagini, Kushimi, and Sakimi. That is the Shikon High way!"

Kagome Higurashi stepped out of the car driven by her mother and took a deep breath. This was a new school for her. It was a new school year, so she wasn't the only one to be starting fresh.

File Name: Higurashi, Kagome

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Day of Birth: June 15

AIM SN: KagChan12

Summary: Higurashi moved to Tokyo recently after the divorce between her mother and father. They currently live with their grandfather, who is a monk of an old shrine. Kagome has one younger sibling known as Souta. He is eleven years old and attends Houku Elementary School. She is currently single and wishes to find the right guy before departing High School.

Class Schedule: 1) Math, 2) Japanese, 3) Gym 4) Lunch 5) History, 6) English, and 7) computer

Kagome took a deep breath and wandered through the parking lot searching for the entrance. She stopped when she heard shouting. To her right a couple appeared to be breaking up, like anyone she couldn't look away. The boy had long white hair and golden eyes, while the girl had long black hair and brown eyes. The female looked a bit like Kagome except she seemed a bit more mature.

"Inuyasha, I can never forgive you! You lied to me! You, you, you betrayed my trust! You're nothing more than a flea-bitten asshole!" Shouted the girl.

"I betrayed your trust? Kikyo, you were the one who lied to me, you witch!" Inuyasha retorted. Kikyo fumed. "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!" Kikyo shouted and shoved Inuyasha out of the way so she may head towards the school.

File Name: Hime, Kikyo

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Day of Birth: September 23

AIM SN: HiPriestessKikyo

Summary: Kikyo lives with her younger sister Kaede in a small suburban home. She carries one priceless item that had been passed down through the generations of her family. It's the Shikon Jewel. Kikyo's grandmother, Midoriko, who is also the principal of this school, started this tradition. She was recently going out with Inuyasha, but broke up due to unknown causes.

Class Schedule: 1) Math, 2) Japanese, 3) Gym 4) Lunch 5) History, 6) English, and 7) computer

"FINE WITH ME!" Inuyasha shouted.

File Name: Katashi, Inuyasha

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Day of Birth: March 14

AIM SN: HanyouInu

Summary: Inuyasha lives with his older half-brother, Sesshoumaru. They share the same father, but their mother is different. These siblings have some sort of sibling rivalry between them. Inuyasha is a "Half-breed" (Half-Japanese, Half-White) where as Sesshoumaru is pure blooded. Inuyasha was recently going out with Kikyo till their unfortunate breakup. The details as to why they broke up are still unknown.

Class Schedule: 1) Math, 2) Japanese, 3) Gym 4) Lunch 5) History, 6) English, and 7) computer

From behind Inuyasha appeared his older brother Sesshoumaru and his friend Jaken. Sesshoumaru also had long white hair, but he had two scars running across either of his cheeks.

File Name: Katashi, Sesshoumaru

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Day of Birth: December 7

AIM SN: SessSama

Summary: Sesshoumaru's parents divorced when he was two, but he visited his mother occasionally without his father's knowledge. That was until his father found him on the foot of the porch steps bleeding. His mother had not only tried to kill Sesshoumaru, but also succeeded in murdering Inuyasha's mother.

Class Schedule: 1) Gym, 2)computer, 3) English, 4) Lunch, 5) Japanese, 6) History, and 7) Math

Jaken, Sesshoumaru's friend, was small for his age. He had the face of a frog and did everything Sesshoumaru told him to do. People call him Sesshoumaru's bitch, but they say it when they're sure Jaken wasn't listening.

File Name: Kero, Jaken

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Day of Birth: July 1

AIM SN: KeroKero

Summary: Lives with his father. Best friends with Sesshoumaru. Practically the most likely to be voted ugliest student.

Class Schedule: 1) Gym, 2)computer, 3) English, 4) Lunch, 5) Japanese, 6) History, and 7) Math

Sesshoumaru laughed at his angered younger brother. He had a smug look on his face of "I-told-you-this-would-happen." Inuyasha grabbed his backpack out to the trunk of the car only to spot a girl staring at him. He blinked, he looked over at Kagome and to Kikyo. The resemblance was uncanny. The young boy placed the bag over his shoulder and walked away.

Kagome's face was red with embarrassment. The boy, Inuyasha, saw her watching him. "Oh man he probably thinks I'm a freak." Kagome said to herself as she made her way towards the school doors. She was awakened from her thoughts by the sound of the bell. The first bell of the school year, and its noise rang through every student's ears. It was official, summer was over and school had returned.

The hallways were riddled with people. Some were tall and some were short. The only thing that every boy had in common with each other was the uniform they were wearing. Blue button up shirts and blue pants. The girls had on their sailor uniforms, also the color blue. "Where is my class? 3A... 3A." Kagome ran into another female of the student body as she carelessly looked for her class. "Oh! I'm sorry!" Kagome said helping to pick up the girls papers.

Kagome looked up to see she also had long black hair and brown eyes. The girl looked up and smiled. "No, no. I wasn't looking where I was going." She stood up. "I'm Sango."

File Name: Yutaka, Sango

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Day of Birth: July 13

AIM SN: XterminatorSango

Summary: Sango lives with her Mother, Father, and younger brother, Kohaku. Her father runs a family business of Exterminating insects, spiders, etc. Her mother helps with the business as well. Kohaku is attending Tama Junior High.

Class Schedule: 1) Math, 2) Japanese, 3) Gym 4) Lunch 5) History, 6) English, and 7) computer

Kagome smiled and introduced herself as well. "Oh you're in class 3A too?" Sango asked, "It's right over here. I was just trying to coming from the bathroom when the halls got crowded." Together they walked over to class 3A and entered to find it filled with other students. Kagome scanned the room to spot the boy from the parking lot. "Oh!" Kagome gasped, "It's that boy! From the parking lot!"

Sango looked over to where Kagome was looking. "Why are you embarrassed to see him?"

"Because he saw me staring at him when he and his girlfriend were breaking up!" Kagome covered her face with her hands hoping it would hide her from Inuyasha's eyes. Sango laughed, "Wow, was it brutal?" Before Kagome could answer Mr. Hayashima, their math teacher entered the class signaling everyone to take a seat.

"Welcome to Shikon High!" He said with a bright smile on his face.