Dreams of Hyrule 7

Hi! This might have errors! I think it's fixed until the next time I read it and then BAM!

A lil' grammar mistake is hidden in a corner somewhere.

::Sigh:: If this is unreadable, I'm sorry, I tried -_-

Nikki :-P

Name: The Forest Medallion

Series: Dreams of Hyrule

Genre: General (yes, still general)

Rating: PG-13 for curses, violence, mentioned sex (Yaoi and Hetero) and half-naked bishounen ::drool::



-Character Comments-

~()~ Break or Scene Change


Shounen-ai, curses, angst, yaoi mentioned, het mentioned


I don't own Gundam Wing, Zelda or any other thing you see mentioned here. I do own a printed out picture of Sister Helen braiding Duo's hair...but that has nothing to do with this fic...right!


You know what? This chapter is dedicated to Sailor Lilith-chan who wrote one of the best fics I've ever read: "The Legend of Zelda: Fall From Grace" and one of the funniest: "Heero Yuy and the Holy Gundam". May her flamers stub their toes really hard! Keep writing Lilith-chan! We love you on the enlightened side!

Legend of Zelda:

Dreams of Hyrule

The Forest Medallion

~I~ Chapter One ~I~

I stood outside the log entrance to Kokiri Village, reluctant to go through. I could already feel the evil deep inside the forest. Out of nervousness, I checking my weapons, a habit I was developing, before walking through the hollowed-out log.

As soon as I stepped out of the portal, I had to jump to the left. The Deku Baba who had attacked me barely missed my leg.

My eyes widened and I looked around. "What happened here?" I asked Duo as I got up, well away from the over-sized plant.

The forest village was almost completely overrun with monsters; you couldn't walk a few feet before being attacked.

Duo shook his head. "It gets worse. Come on."

Duo led me past the houses. The forest village was completely empty; there was no sign of life besides the creatures that littered the streets. I looked around. I could sense fear all around me, so strong that I was sure the sources were close.

"Duo? The kids..."

Duo smiled sadly. "Don't worry 'bout 'em, they're fine. Well, they will be."

I nodded and looked to one of the houses. A small, pale face stared back at me through a darkened window, when the girl saw that I'd seen her, her eyes widened before her face disappeared behind the window curtain.

Turning away from the house and the girl, I followed Duo.

He led me to the Lost Woods.


"Stop right there!" Nataku glared at me, an amazing feat considering she only came to my abdomen. "Iria told me not to let anyone through!"

"But it's me! Quatre! I-"

"Quatre?" Nataku cut me off. Looking me over, a superior smirk spread across her lips. "You're Quatre? Quatre's dead. And even if he weren't, he wouldn't look as...big as you. I may look young, but I'm not stupid." She crossed her arms. "I'm not letting you through."

I bit my lip. I didn't want to use force, but it was looking like I was going to have to...

*Are you listening to yourself? Snap out of it Quatre! There must be a way around fighting. What's happening to you?*

I blinked.

*Of course, there has to be a logical solution.*

*'Iria told me not to let anyone in' ...of course! It's worth a try at least.*

I reached into my pocket and drew out my Ocarina, feeling the already familiar hum of power, and the feeling like I'd had it all my life. I put it to my lips and played "Iria's song."

When I finished I opened my eyes.

Nataku blinked at me. "You...? You...you know Iria?"

I nodded.

She looked me over and shook her head. "It's impossible...he doesn't look a thing like him," she mumbled to herself. "It can't be...no." her conclusion sounded sad, resentful, like the last shred of hope had been taken away.

"Alright," she said finally. "I'll let you through."

I tilted my head in a small bow before starting through the tunnel she'd blocked. Duo had flown ahead and I was halfway in when she grabbed my hand. I stopped and turned.

She looked back at me. Her face was small, as any child's would be, but her eyes held a painful knowledge. Though she held the body of a child, the girl had lived ages, knew more then most people four times her physical age, and knew sorrow, a sorrow stronger then any mere child should ever feel.

She grasped my arm, those deep and old eyes searching my face, hoping. With a last sigh of surrender she looked down.

"If you see him," she spoke. "Please...tell him I'm sorry...tell him...tell him that we're all proud of him..."

The sorrow in her eyes burned in mine. Without a second thought, I dropped to one knee and held out my arms.

She ran into my embrace, clinging as tight as she could. She sobbed into my tunic as she poured out the story of what had happened to the forest, and how she wasn't strong enough to defend her people. I couldn't understand some of what she said, mostly because she seemed to be speaking another language, but she was also sobbing and hiccupping half the time.

Eventually she pulled back, wiping her eyes on her arm. She stuck out her chin stubbornly, though it shook a little. "I can guard this post, I'm strong enough...I'll help the Kokiri...but please, mister, I can't do it alone..." I could tell the words hurt the girl's strong pride.

I put a hand on her shoulder. "I'll help, or die trying."

She nodded. "May Forest Spirits bless you."

I smiled and got up. Duo floated in midair outside the log entrance, looking down at the young Chinese girl. "Come on Quat'." He looked up. "she can take care of herself."

Nataku smirked and crossed her arms before turning her back, already back to guarding her post.

With one quick look back at Wufei's former wife, I turned to Duo and nodded. "Let's go."


Blue fire engulfed the thing I had just killed. I don't know what it was; all I know is it hurt like hell when the shock from its hammer hit you. I sheathed my sword wiped my brow. Looking up I smiled. I was almost there, the Sacred Forest Meadow, I was almost to Iria.

With renewed energy, I ran up the weatherworn stone steps, Duo following close behind.

I jumped the last few steps, grinning madly...

I half-landed and half-sprinted but stopped in dead in my tracks as soon as I set eyes on the Sacred Forest Meadow.

There was no one there.

The stump was empty.

The tree stump where Iria had sat and played, the small place that she felt so right in, was empty. My palms sweating, I walked up to the stump. Kneeling down, I ran my hand over the top, smooth with age and use.

The Forest Meadow felt hollow without her, her soul, its core, was gone. I blinked. It felt so...wrong.

Duo hovered somewhere over my shoulder, silently giving support.

"One thing..." I whispered. "Just one thing. Is she alright?"

Before he could answer, there was a soft 'thud' behind me. With lightening speed I spun, drawing my sword and holding it ready mere seconds after the noise.

Nanashi stood from were she'd landed.

I lowered my sword, but still untrusting, I kept it in my hand.

Nanashi looked to my sister's former perch. "Time." She spoke, her clear voice ringing in the almost silent Meadow. "Some strive to slow it, some to speed it along. But time moves on it's own accord, and whether we like it or not, we can not change, nor stop it."

"Who are you?" I asked, stepping forward.

"And while time may continue it's flow," she continued, ignoring my question. "memories are kept, and cherished. Iria..."

"What do you know about my sister?" I nearly yelled.

She turned to me. "She loves you, and nothing will ever change that."

I blinked and stepped back, unsure of what to say.

"And love," she continued. "Will always bring you back. To come here again, you must remember your love for your sister, and play this..." She pulled out a lute, a small hand-held harp, and began to play.

The song was short, when she was done she waited expectantly. Understanding, I pulled out my Ocarina and played it too. When I'd finished, she brought her slender fingers to her lute again. I nodded and we played together, our music intertwining and filling the meadow.

I brought the Ocarina from my lips when the song ended. Nanashi put away her lute and bowed.

"Keep your memories close to your heart," she said as she rose. "and remember that she loves you."

So quickly that I didn't notice what she was doing, she threw something to the ground. I covered my eyes against the bright flash. When my vision cleared, she was gone.

"Talk about an exit," Duo commented, flying over to perch on my shoulder.

"I don't know if I can trust her or not." I said quietly, more to myself then to Duo.

"Well, don't worry about it right now, we got a temple to clear out."

I nodded, not really thinking of the temple.

*Who is she?*


The Temple was old, crumbling and almost completely overgrown with moss. And there was something about it...a warning, a tingling at the back of my neck that told me something was going to happen...

I was only half thinking when the warrior looking skeletons arose from the floor. My first shock was when the warrior struck my arm, the pain shoving my mind into the present. I blinked in surprise, almost getting hit again because of it.

I jumped back and analyzed the situation. There were two of them, and I was already wounded. Just as I started to worry, a strange cold washed through my body, I felt clear and ready, the challenge was bringing out something I didn't know I had.

I held my shield ready and circled the active monster, the other one just watched. The living skeleton leapt into the air, bringing his chunk of metal shaped as a sword, down towards my head.

I blocked with my shield, the impact making my arm scream in pain. I gritted my teeth and slashed while the skeleton recovered from his attack. I jumped back as soon as I struck and started circling again.

I watched closely, my body tense and ready for anything. My heart was pounding, there was a cold sweat at my back and my arm was throbbing.

But I'd never felt so alive.

Piloting my Gundam was nothing like this, it wasn't face to face, and though it was always life or death, it wasn't as challenging. This was raw, brutal combat, as well as a strategic game. I dodged and calculated, struck and blocked.

I was panting when I finished off the pair, a dark smile on my lips. I'd never been so satisfied in a battle. It felt wonderful, being in control of your life, and another's. Something told me I wanted more...needed more...


I turned, still smiling, to my fairy companion.

Duo was watching me, and odd look on his face.

*Is he...scared? Of what?* then it dawned on me. *Is he scared of me?*

"You okay?" he asked cautiously.

My smile dropped as a cold chill ran down my spine. As the rush faded, I realized what I'd been thinking, what I'd been feeling.

"I don't know," I answered truthfully.

We stood in silence.

*What was that? I...I enjoyed killing something...*

"There's a key over there, in the chest," Duo said quietly.

I nodded, not looking at him.

*This is wrong...something is very wrong...*


I had tried not to think of it the rest of the way through the temple, but I met up with the creatures again, Stalfos, Duo called them, and couldn't ignore it.

As the fight progressed, I felt the odd cold creep up through my body. I tried to suppress it but failed. Eventually I gave into it, letting the feeling control my body. But it soon invaded my mind, and the pleasure of having control over another's life returned.

With blood-freezing efficiency, I slaughtered all three.

As the bloodlust wore off, my stomach dropped. I clamped my hand over my mouth and ran to the first thing I saw, a jar of to the side of the room.

When I was finished, I pressed my forehead to the cool stone wall, ignoring the stench of my own vomit.

I felt a small weight on my shoulder.

"What is it?" I asked the fairy. "I don't understand." I shook my head, though it still rested on the wall.

"I don't know," Duo said quietly. "I'm not even sure what I saw. Did you...did you like it? You looked like you were having fun. With anyone else I..."

"You would understand," I finished.

Duo sighed. "You're not like that. Weren't like that. You never liked killing before..."

"Before the dream." I stood up and wiped the cold sweat from my brow. "I just hope...I hope this doesn't follow me out."

Duo flew out a few feet ahead of me, shaking his head. "I hope so too. I hope...I hope it doesn't last the rest of the dream either."

"We still have a long way to go."

"Yeah." He nodded. "Yeah, we do."

I walked to the middle of the room, a treasure chest had appeared after I defeated the Stalfos.

I raised the wooden lid and pulled out the object inside. A wooden bow rested in one hand, the other held a quiver full of arrows.

Duo smiled. "Fairy Bow! Man, I love that thing!"

I slid the quiver over my shoulders, positioning it so that I could reach the arrows easily. Turning my attention to the bow, I turned it over in my hands, testing the feel of it in my grip.

It was odd. With all the other weapons I felt confident, I'd used a lot of them before. Bombs and the Hookshot were things I'd used as a Gundam pilot, though the both were more primitive then the ones I was used to. I'd learned fencing when I was young and the slingshot and boomerang were easy enough to figure out.

But the bow was different. I'd never used one before and it felt odd, almost wrong in my hands.


"Hmm?" the pintsized God of Death flew closer.

"I've never used a bow before, I'm not sure I can," I explained.

Duo shrugged. "How hard could it be? Besides, you picked up the other things easy enough, what's so different about this? Just give it a try."

I nodded and obeyed. Going only by what I'd seen in movies and things, I positioned the bow. Using one of the pots as a target, -making sure it wasn't the one I'd lost my lunch in a few moments ago- I pulled back the arrow. With a deep breath, I let go.

I heard a snort near my ear, where Duo had flown.

Even if the arrow had made it far enough to hit the pot, it would have been at least four feet away.

Duo snickered. "Um...just a thought, maybe you could, oh I don't know, pull back a little harder?" He gave into laughter, doubling over in midair.

I couldn't stay mad, his laughter was contagious, I gave in, laughing along with him.

"Well, I've never done this before!" I protested when he'd calmed down.

"Alright, alright. Hmm...yeah, I guess I'll have to." Duo said, more to himself then to me.

I raised an eyebrow as he flew away, coming to a stop and floating above the pot I'd tried to hit, his color changing from dark purple to a bright yellow.

"Alright!" He called. "Pull back harder and aim for me!"

"But what if I hit you?" I called back.

Though I couldn't hear it because of the distance, I'm sure he snorted. "I don't think you need to worry about it. Besides, if you come close I can get out of the way in time."

I was reluctant, but he seemed to know what he was talking about.

Taking a deep breath, I readied the bow, pulled back the string -farther this time- and fired.

It was closer this time; it actually made it far enough, though it didn't hit the pot. Duo flew back to me.

"Well," he said. "That was better." He shrugged. "You'll get it, in time."

"I hope so." I looked down at the weapon in my hand. It didn't feel right, like it didn't fit, though the grip melded well with my hand.

"Don't worry about it!" Duo said cheerfully. "Come on, we have a lot of this dungeon left to do."


Handling the bow didn't get any easier, and I wasn't getting any better. Though he didn't say it, I'm pretty sure Duo thought the same thing.

The rest of the dungeon was hard, harder then any of the ones before it, and it scared me, knowing it would only get worse.

*Heaven help me,* I thought, sending another arrow flying clumsily through the air.

It grazed its target on the side, the last of the Poe Sisters, I didn't bother asking her name.

My hands felt shaky and my vision was blurring.

*What the?*

There was moisture dripping down my face. I shot the arrow that I'd had ready and lowered my bow. With a shaky hand I touched my cheek. When I drew it back I could see it had a slight shimmer to it. Forgetting completely that I still had an enemy to kill, I put my fingers to my eye. It was moist.


"I'm crying," I said out loud to no one in particular.

I didn't understand. Why was I crying?

*No. Warriors don't cry. Heroes don't cry. Boys don't cry.* I nodded and wiped the tears from my eyes. *I'm not crying, I don't cry.*

Focusing back on the Poe sister and her illusions, I noticed Duo hovering near one. He looked concerned but stayed where he was.

I nodded to him and drew out an arrow. I focused on the little light that was Duo.

*Concentrate. You can do this.*

I pulled back the bowstring and fired. The arrow struck the Poe, hitting it somewhat near the middle. It was enough.

The Poe Sister threw up her arms and disappeared. Purple flame went to light the fourth torch and the ground where I stood moved up.

When it stopped, I jumped off to inspect it. With a shrug, I walked in.

Duo flew inside before it started to move back down. "You okay?" he asked, hovering about a foot away from my face.

"I'm fine." I answered, not really paying attention to him.

*How does this thing move? There's no wires or anything.*

"Why were you crying? Is something wrong?" Duo pushed on, trying to get my attention by flying closer.

I shrugged. "I don't know, it was probably nothing, I just needed to blink."

"Quatre..." Duo trailed of as the elevator came to a stop.

I stepped off, leaving Duo inside.

I started inspecting the room as Duo flew up.

"Quatre!" Duo shouted.

I ignored him and pushed on the wall. With a grinding noise it moved, the whole room spinning.

"Quatre!" Duo yelled in my ear.

"What!?" I yelled, spinning to face him.

He looked hurt for a moment before turning angry. "I'm trying to talk to you! I'm trying to be a good friend. Something was wrong with you back there. I was trying to help."

"I don't need help! Nothing's wrong!" I turned my attention back to the puzzle.

"Nothing's wrong?" Duo asked, not giving up, even though I was trying to ignore him. "You were crying back there Quatre, don't tell me nothing's wrong."

"I was trying to concentrate, I wasn't blinking, my eyes started to water."

"You're lying!" Duo said, flying next to me as I went to move the room again. "If it was just from not blinking, why were you so shocked? Why did you look so worried? You were crying, Quatre."

"I was not," I said. "Men don't cry." With that I walked faster, leaving Duo behind.

"Bullshit." I heard him say softly. When I didn't answer he flew in front of me.

I stopped.

"That's bullshit Quatre!" he said in a low voice. "It is and you know it. Men cry Quatre, real men aren't afraid to. This macho crap isn't you, you cry, I've seen you. This isn't like you."

"Well maybe it should be!" I yelled. "You're wrong Duo, this is me, this is how I should be, not that weak child I was-" I stopped and looked away.

"Weak?" Duo asked. "Do you really think that?"

"Don't you?" I asked, looking up sharply. "Doesn't everyone? Aren't I 'little one.' the weakest link? Don't breath wrong or Quatre will start to cry? All my life I've been smaller, weaker, and more sensitive."

Duo was silent, looking away.

"Don't talk to me about macho bullshit, it's better then having to deal with being incompetent and cuddled for it." I walked away.

Duo followed silently behind as I finished with the room.


The staircase ended on a circular platform, the Triforce was painted in the middle. There were paintings on the walls, all with the same picture of a dark and winding road.

The room gave me the chills. Maybe it was the pictures, they were odd, but I wasn't sure. The evil I'd sensed since I came to the forest was strong here, so strong that I could almost taste it.

Duo was silent at my side, as I looked around, unsure of what to do.

I tried playing Trowa's Lullaby on the Triforce, but nothing. Finally I gave up, figuring I wasn't supposed to be here yet. I was heading towards the exit, trying to think of what I'd missed, when sharp looking iron bars shot up through the floor, blocking my path.

Suddenly I could feel warm breath on my back. A horse whined and I turned around sharply.

Heero sat atop the black steed, exactly like he had when he'd chased after Trowa. There was a cold smirk on his face as he looked down at me, his dark blue eyes laughing at me.

"H-heero?" I stammered.

My heart was beating fast. I was panicking. *I can't fight him! I'm not ready yet! He-he's too strong!* I didn't notice that tears started welling up in my eyes again. *I can't hurt him, I don't want to hurt him...*

*Get a hold of yourself,* an inner-voice told me, one I'd been hearing more often. *You have to hurt him, kill him if you can. This is your destiny. You are the Hero of Time. Friendships and feelings don't matter.*

*No!* part of me rebelled. *That's not right!*

As my thoughts and emotions fought, Heero's icy smile deepened. I watched in horror as he reached up and pulled off his face, revealing a skull underneath, it's eyes glowing yellow.

I stumbled back as he retreated in to one of the pictures on the wall. Tripping over my feet, I fell to the floor.

"What is that?" I asked Duo. I couldn't think straight; my mind was hazy and confused.

"It's Heero's phantom. Get a hold of yourself Quatre! He's coming!"

I looked to where he pointed.

Heero was ridding out of one of the paintings.

He was out before I could react. I tried to stand but he attacked. I could feel as well as see the electric waves dance over my body. I screamed, not being able to hold back.

"You have to focus, Quat'." Duo was at my ear. "You can do this, I know you can. He's going back into the paintings, shoot him while he's still coming out."

I nodded and stood, my legs were shaky but they held.

"Shoot?" I asked Duo.

"Yeah, your amazing talent with a bow is really gonna come in handy right now."

I smiled, glad for the break in tension between us. Putting it out of my mind I reached for an arrow and set it ready. I breathed slowly, watching every picture for him.

He came out of one near my right, as well as one on the edges of my vision.

My eyes widened. "Which one is it?" I asked Duo.

"I don't know, you're gonna have to-" he stopped. It was too late. Heero was out.

On instinct, I jumped to the corner. The energy bolts barely missed me. I stood as Heero retreated again.

"-Guess," Duo finished.

I smiled at him. "Thanks."

"No prob." He smiled back. "Heads up!" he tilted his head to one of the paintings, where a small figure on a horse was ridding down the winding path.

Getting another arrow ready, I steadied my bow. As the Phantom Heero got closer my hands started to shake.

*Wha-what's wrong?*

The horse and rider were white blurs as they emerged from the painting.


I shot. But my hands had been shaking too hard, my eyes had closed and I hadn't put much power into it. The arrow flew a little ways, falling over the edge of the platform, more then a few feet away from the target.

I didn't have time to dodge the bolts of energy. I gritted my teeth and fell to my knees as the electricity ran through my body.

Duo was at my ear again. "What's up? What's wrong? That was worse then when you first shot."

"I can't do it." I whispered, trying to stand.

"What do you mean? You've done harder then this."

I shook my head, finally making it to my feet. "It's him, no matter if it's just a phantom, no matter if he doesn't look like him. That's Heero."

Duo sighed. "No, it's not. Even the Heero in this game isn't the real Heero. Listen Quatre, he'll kill you if you don't kill him. He's hurt all those innocent people. He traumatized Dorothy, starved the people of Hyrule, and ruined most of the land. You have to do this, for them, for Trowa, your sister, Dorothy...for me for God's sake! I want out of this damn dream! Out of this damn body!"

I turned to him. His fists were clenched and had his eyes closed. Deciding to talk to him later, I focused again on Heero. He was almost out of the next picture.

Keeping Duo's words in my mind, I quickly drew an arrow and shot, not paying much attention to aim. The arrow struck, though not on anything vital, it was enough to stop him. The Phantom Heero retreated to the painting.

A few shocks, a lot of curses, and one last arrow later, the phantom flew to the middle of the platform.

"He's gonna throw energy blasts at you," Duo said quickly. "Deflect them with your sword."

I nodded and put away my bow. I got my sword out just as he threw the first blast. I swung and connected with it, sending the ball of energy back to the phantom.

It struck and Phantom Heero fell.

"Slash him quick! Before he gets up!" Duo urged.

I ran up and hesitated.

*No!* I told myself firmly. *It's not him!*

I slashed with my sword. The figure convulsed and started to float up.

I stepped back.

The phantom gathered energy again and I held my sword up, ready for his next attack.


I ran up and slashed furiously. The creature convulsed and rose, though this time it was limp in the air. I stepped back and started to get ready again.

The phantom floated to the center of the platform.

"Hn. So you've destroyed my phantom." Heero's voice echoed, seeming to come from everywhere at once. "You've gotten stronger since we last met, Quatre. Well, don't get cocky, this was merely a toy."

The phantom screamed as the floor opened up, the swirling dark purple hole seemed to be sucking him in.

"And a worthless one at that," Heero went on. "Keep in mind, child, I'm much stronger then this...pathetic waste of time. If you actually manage to get to me, I would prepare a speech of loyalty and obedience. You can't kill me."

The last of the phantom disappeared into the hole and Heero's voice was gone, replaced by the light ringing sound of the blue transport circle of light.

I went over and grabbed the small heart token.

"Heh, shows what he knows," Duo said. "You could beat him now, if you needed to."

"He didn't say I couldn't beat him, he said I couldn't kill him," I said softly, more to myself then to Duo.

"What was that?"

"Nothing," I answered, stepping into the ring of light.


The light faded around me. As my vision cleared I could see that I was in the Chamber of the Sages, Iria was smiling at me from her place in the Chamber as the Sage of Forest.

"Quatre," she said warmly, smiling in the same way that she had before I'd left, sad but loving. "I knew you could do it."

I smiled at her. My teeth were clenched behind my lips and my throat ached from holding back tears.

"I believed in you Quatre, I believe still. You're the only one who can save this world, just as you helped to save the other."

I opened my mouth.

"Yes," she said before I could say anything. "I know. I know what this is; I know it's not real. I learned when I was Awakened as a Sage. Quatre, I love you, father and mother loved you, the people of Hyrule, and of the real world, believe in you. Go now Quatre, save them, save us. Now take this, and remember your roots."

She held up her hands. In a bright green light, the Forest Medallion materialized in her hands before floating to me. I raised my hands and received it.

Light started filling my vision, and I could feel myself drifting away. I struggled, fearing I'd never see Iria again.

"We will be with you always, my dearest Quatre," Iria's voice spoke softly in my mind. "And we will always love you."


The walk back through the forest was silent, but I was glad for it, I wanted a little time to rest.

We made our way through the confusing maze of trees known as the Lost Woods. I came to a stop out side of a pathway and turned.

Nataku stood there, watching silently. She stared at me for a few moments before a slow smile formed on her lips. Without a word, she dipped her head slightly, taking her eyes off of me only for a moment.

I bowed slightly back. Mirroring her, a flicked my eyes to the ground for a moment. [1]

Her smile grew and she laughed, light, joyful, relieved.

I smiled at her and turned to walk away.

"Thank you," she said, when I was halfway though the next hollowed log. "You've saved us. I guess you're not as weak as I thought...well, not too much."

I laughed and shook my head. It was the best compliment she could give.


Duo had told me to come, I wouldn't have thought of it myself.

The Temple was cold, or maybe it was just empty and it made it seem cold. I walked up past the Alter and through the doorway.

She was waiting near the Pedestal.

"You've done it," Nanashi said. "You've defeated the monster plaguing the forest, and saved the Kokiri. But that was just the beginning, the first step on the path. You will be faced with many difficult obstacles from now on, possibly harder then anything you've experienced in your life. For now, this is all I can offer to help."

She produced her lute and held it ready.

"To return here, you must play this song."

I pulled out my Ocarina and put it to my lips. She played first, and I followed her notes. As we played together, something clicked inside of me. I felt right, I felt at home...

The song finished and I put away my instrument.

"Good luck, Hero of Time." Were Nanashi's last words before she threw something to the floor. It struck and flashed brightly.

When I opened my eyes, she was gone.

To Be Continued...

[1] Taking your eyes off of someone is kinda like a sign of trust because if you distrust someone you keep an eye on them, right? I dunno, it came to mind, sorry ^_^

Oy! Sorry this is taking me so damn long to finish! And there's still so much more to write! ::Faints::

Nikki *_*