Camille stood on the upper deck smiling to herself, leaning on the rail. She looked down to the blue ocean below. Smiling again, she glanced over her shoulder to Jack who she had known for now ten years. Sometimes he was a 'father' 'dad' or sometimes he was just 'Jack'. It all depended on the day. Of course, he wasn't her real father, but he was much better.

She remembered when she was younger and how her father suddenly got terrible after her mother past away. He'd be always drunk, gambling, and sometimes abusive to Camille, blaming her for his wife's and her mother's death.

Her mother had died of fever when Camille was four. Though she was so young when it happened, Camille remembered it well. Her mother's usually beautiful cheery face was sweaty and pale. Her green eyes that use to sparkle were dull. Camille remembered laying next to her mother on her bed, staring at her. Her mother was softly running her hand through Camille's thick long hair, whispering 'I love you ''s and trying to comfort Camille. She then gave Camille a necklace with a ring on it. She remembered her mother's voice fading into silence.

When she was six Camille woke in the grass where she had been sleeping. She was sleeping in the grass because... Well, she knew her father had been drinking all day and she didn't want to be around him. That when she saw a man with messy beaded dreadlocks walk off of the docks and into the village. Her interest about the man quickly grew inside her and Camille was quickly and quietly following him. She remembered how Jack's boots echoed off of the walks as he mumbled a few things to himself. But Camille, she was barefoot and therefore she wasn't heard and she wasn't noticed.

But Camille couldn't stay silent, this Man was too... too much, well... It's hard to think of the word, but whatever it was, Jack was it. Camille stopped walking and found her voice suddenly, "Mister?" She called to him.

"Aye..." The man turned around and let go of the handle of his sword he'd been hanging onto. The man's tan face and dark brown eyes looked extremely confused. "Who be" He asked her, his eyebrows raised.

"Camille." She said in amazement, staring at him. On his head with a old looking leather three-pointed hat. Under it though, he was wearing a red bandana. His white shirt was wrinkled and un-tucked. The brown breeches he had on had were slightly wet at the bottom, along with dirty from...dirt. But still, he was utterly amazing to the little girl.

"Camille? Well that is a fine name." He nodded then turned to leave her.

She wouldn't have this though, "Don't go." Camille pleaded, sitting on his foot, wrapping her arms around his leg.

Camille pressed her pink lips together and pushed her hair which was now just a few inches past her shoulders out of her face and looked down to the man at the wheel of the ship. To Jack.

Over the past years he had been teaching Camille how to steer, commands, and about the different sections of the ship. Actully, he taught Camille all of this before she was ten. She loved the ship as much as Jack did. When she was eight, he taught her how to swim. Well, he pushed Camille off of the plank of the ship, and yelled what to do. It wasn't until a half an hour later, that she figured out she could stand up in the water and have the waves go up to her neck.

She sighed happily and walked down the steps to the main dock, she stood next to Jack, "Is that Port Royal then?"

Jack gave a nod, "Aye... Should be there..." He shrugged, "Soon enough..."

Camille smiled and looked ahead, she was eager to see Will and Elizabeth again, along with the two twin boys who were now suppose to be six. Camille put her hands together behind her back. She hadn't seen them for a few months now... But she didn't know at the moment that she'd meet someone that would forever change her life.