Searching for the Past

Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy X-2. Its characters belong to the geniuses at Square Enix. I own the original characters in the story but why on earth would anyone want to steal them...?

Author's Notes: This takes place a little over two years after the events of Final Fantasy X-2. There will be spoilers from the game. I'm in love with the Gippal/Rikku pairing so I decided to take a shot at writing a fic about them. Enjoy.

[Blah Blah] = Al Bhed translation. They will be at the end of each sentence with an Al Bhed word or phrase in it. It can be a bit confusing but I hate having to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page to get a translation.

Prologue: All because of a sphere...again

"What is it?"

"What does it look like? It's a sphere."

"A sphere? It doesn't look like a normal sphere."

"That's because it's really old. It's, like, ancient in fact."

"Turn it on. Let's see it."

"It's really Look at that. How weird."

"Yeah. Hey, adjust it, will you? I can't make heads or tails of it."

"I'm trying...cred!" [shit!]

"...What did you do?"

"I didn't DO anything! It's so old that it's practically falling apart!"

"Here, let me see it...Ha! There we go. That wasn't so hard."

"Show off."

"Whatever. I know you envy my brilliance."

"Yeah. Sure."

"...Hey Orric, does that remind you of that old historian guy? You know, that creepy guy that wouldn't shut up about Zanarkand?"


"Yeah! That's him!"

"Nah, it can't be him. Unless...he's really, really old. This sphere is at least a thousand years old if not more."


"I have an idea. Let's take it to the boss. Maybe he'll want it, his kid being a sphere hunter and all."

"Good idea. I've been dying to get a drink anyway after that sandwich."

"To Luca, then?"

"To Luca!"