I do not own Shaman King.

My first fanfiction that has Mari and Nichrome in it... I'm sorry if they're OOC!

-Why Mari Says Mari-

"Mari is bored," a girl with long blond hair in pigtails said to no specific person. She sat on the ground with her doll Chuck next to her, looking around for things to do. Everyone was gone doing something and they left her here to be bored. Everyone but one person.

Nichrome stared at the bored girl's back from rather far away. He wondered. Why does she talk in 3rd person? He continued to look at the girl until a voice shook him from his reverie.

"You're wondering why she talks in 3rd person." It was Asakura Hao. Nichrome looked indifferently at Hao with his dull eyes. Hao smirked. "I see you're interested." Both Nichrome and Hao looked at Mari.

"When she was younger, her parents would always say things like 'You're a demon Mari', 'You're not my child Mari'. 'How dare you do that Mari',' Mari stop lying to us'. She couldn't handle being blamed for something she couldn't control. She started to talk in 3rd person then. Saying 'Mari is bad' makes you feel better than saying 'I am bad'," Hao explained, "Basically, it's their fault again; humans..."

Then, Hao disappeared. Nichrome, again, stared at the girl. He had grown up amongst shamans so he never felt the pain of being called a demon or not being accepted. Slowly, he walked towards Mari.

Mari grabbed Chuck and turned her head. She set the doll down when she saw it was only Nichrome. She stared as he sat next to her. Mari opened her mouth to talk but he beat her to it.

"Why do you talk in 3rd person?" he asked.

"Mari doesn't understand," she replied. Nichrome tried refrasing the question.

"Why does Mari say Mari?" he asked again. Mari blinked a few times before answering.

"Because Mari is bad. Because Mari is a demon," she answered indifferently. Nichrome stayed quiet for a while, thinking of what to say.

"Nichrome thinks Mari is good. Nichrome think Mari is pretty," he said, dragged into talking in 3rd person's point of view. Mari's eyes shook slightly and the smallest of smiles graced her face.

"Mari wants to play. Will Nichrome play with Mari?" she asked, getting up. Nichrome, also smiling slightly, stood up from his seat.

"Of course Mari."

-The End-

First, I'll apologize for making Nichrome and Mari.. well... you know.. weird and because this is so short. I never really paid close attention to them.. Hehehe... I just felt I wanted to write them after thinking for like a month after reading Chiharu-Chan's Mari/Nichrome stories. People who like this pairing should read them (if they haven't already done so).
