Disclaimer: I don't own the Teen Titans, nor do I own any associated intellectual property.


A Woman Scorned


"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." - The Mourning Bride, William Congreve.


A/N: This fic requires a bit of explaining. At the beginning of this story, Raven and Beastboy have been romantically involved for some time, though it's a secret, and no one is supposed to know. Terra has also been living at the tower since "Titan Rising", but she's not a traitor, she's honestly with the Titans. Terra and Beastboy are openly good friends, but secretly he's begun to like her more than Raven, as a girlfriend. This is where the story starts. Secondly, this fic has nothing to do with the short fic I released a time ago with the same title. That fic was too confusing, and it wasn't interesting. It has been deleted. Thirdly, if you haven't seen Betrayal, you should be aware that this chapter contains a lot of dialogue copied verbatim from it, but it also deviates seriously from their date in the show.


"Seriously Terra, great job tonight. We're glad to have you on the team." Robin looked at Terra, as she bit into the last slice of pizza.

"And we are most mirthful to claim you as our friend!" Starfire's bright smile warmed Terra's heart.

"Yeah, what they said." Raven stared icily through Terra, which negated any good feeling that Starfire had caused. There was something strange in the way she was looking at Terra, but Terra couldn't place it.

Beastboy nodded from his seat next to Raven.

Terra smiled, swallowing the bite of pizza. "Thanks guys, for everything. But really, I'm just doing my job, y'know? No big deal."

"Well it's a big deal to us. Good friends don't come along every day, y'know?" Beastboy scratched the back of his head, blushing slightly.

Raven stood up suddenly, causing everyone to look at her. "I need to meditate." She walked quickly out of the room, leaving everyone stunned.

Finally Cyborg spoke up. "Well, creepy girl aside, I'm going to hit the hay." He typed the security code into the computer, and the lights in the Tower shut down. Cyborg made a big show of yawning, then walked down the hallway towards his room.

Robin stood up, pounding his fist into his hand. "We should all get some sleep. Crime never rests, and we need to be ready."

Terra and Beastboy watched as the alien and the boy wonder walked out the door of the common room, leaving them alone. Beastboy turned to Terra, smiling. "I'm not tired, are you?"

"Uh, not really. Wanna watch a movie or something?" Terra tried to keep her cool. It was hard, she'd always felt for Beastboy, ever since she had met the team after defeating that scorpion in the canyon. She was always so nervous near him, and she had noticed that recently, he seemed to be hanging around her more. She was hoping that she was right, that he had started to like her back.

"Sure. What have we got?" Beastboy started sifting through the movie cases in the Titan's DVD Tower. He picked up a few comedies that he could watch again, looking towards Terra as she stood on the other side of the room, looking away.

"I kinda meant... go see a movie. You know... Like a date?" Terra closed her eyes, almost afraid of the answer.

Beastboy was stunned. He hadn't expected that. He thought about it in his mind. He liked her, he really did. Her blond hair, her beautiful blue eyes, and her slender figure, they all stood out to him as he looked at her. Then an image of Raven's face flashed into his head. He shook his head quickly, shaking the image out. He had to give Terra a chance.

"Oh... Heheh. Sure. What do you want to go see? Wicked Scary two is out, that should be good." Beastboy tried to act casual as he walked over to Terra. He smiled as Terra grinned.

Terra's voice was high as she spoke. "Really? You want to go with me? C'mon, we'll go now and decide when we get there."

Beastboy held out his hand, and Terra placed hers in it. He smiled again at her, and held her hand as they walked towards the elevator.


The flew easily into town, Beastboy shaped as an eagle, and Terra standing on a small stone she had lifted. Of course people stared when they landed, but that was common, and both of them were used to it by now. It came with the territory, being a superhero. They looked up at the marquis above the movie theatre entrance.

"The Last of the Kryptonians? Is that a Superman flick?" Beastboy hadn't been keeping up with the new releases, and didn't recognize all the movies.

"How about 'The Rose and the Unicorn'? It's supposed to be really romantic." Terra blinked her big blue eyes at Beastboy, as she held on to his left arm. He smiled. He couldn't resist a cute girl.

"Uh... not my style, but for you, anything. C'mon, let's get tickets."

A few minutes later, they sat down in their seats, Beastboy having bought tickets, drinks, and a large bucket of artificially buttered popcorn. Terra smield happily, eating the salty popcorn and just being thrilled that Beastboy was taking her out like this. Beastboy smiled back, happy that she shared his feelings, though a nagging guilt was tugging at his mind.

The movie started, and Beastboy tried to stay interested in the sloppy and clichéd romance plot. All he could remember by halfway through the movie was that some dutchess had lost her noble status, but was still in love with her former fiancé, the Count DeGuile. He looked at Terra, who was leaning her head on his shoulder, and holding on to his arm lovingly. She seemed to be enjoying the movie, she was smiling happily and seemed to have no concerns about being seen at all.

The movie was reaching it's climax, as the dutchess DeBelle leaned in, moving her face closer and closer to Count DeGuile, and Beastboy looked down at Terra, she was staring at him, smiling. He moved closer to her, their faces only inches apart. She closed her eyes, and both of them felt warm inside as their lips pressed together. Neither had the slightest reservation now, putting all of their hidden feelings into the kisses that kept them pressed together.

Terra was amazed, it had all happened so fast, less than two hours ago, she had been in Titans Tower, still unsure of whether she truly wanted to stay or not, and now she was in Beastboy's arms, kissing him lovingly as the movie played, no longer noticed by either of them. Suddenly, a loud popping sound stopped their kissing, and they both looked around, their heroic instincts making them look for clues as to who might be attacking.

The film had stopped, there was some kind of technical difficulty up in the camera room. Most of the people in the theatre looked angry, but Terra didn't mind the movie. She smiled up at Beastboy. "Wanna go get food? I know a great place just outside of town."

Beastboy looked back, grinning. "Sure." They left the theatre, still happy, despite the weird setback.


Ben's Burger Joint was a little bit out of Beastboy's experience. The place reeked of cooked meat, truckers, and motor oil. The inside was dark, lit only with sparsely placed overhead lamps, and full of booze, pool tables, and old men that looked like they'd as soon rip your head as to look at you. Terra was already sitting at the bar, casually laying back and waiting for Beastboy to accompany her. Beastboy threw a nervous glance around, before walking on over and joining her.

He picked up the menu. There didn't seem to be anything that didnt' come from at least three different animals. He shuddered. The aged serving woman looked at him over the top of her glasses. He looked up nervously. "Um... I don't suppose you guys have a... veggieburger?"

Seeing the waitress stare coldly at Beastboy, Terra decided to speak up. "We'll just get to usual, Pam."

Beastboy grinned. "So, I'm guessing you've been here before."

Terra smiled back. "I was quite the traveller before I became a Titan, remember?"

"Okay, what's the coolest place you've ever been?" Beastboy cocked an eyebrow at the blonde girl.

"Hmm... probably Titans' Tower. It's a great place, and it's really the first place I can call a home."

Pam wordlessly and unceremonially dropped the two plates of pie in front of them, handing spoons to each. She then walked off, to deal with other customers. Beastboy looked at the waitress. "She always this grumpy?"

Terra laughed. "No, she's just protective of me. Probably doesn't like seeing me with a boy." She nodded towards Beastboy's pie. "Dig in!"

Beastboy took a tentative bite of the apple pie, jumped, then gave Terra a serious look. "This... is the greatest pie... in the history of pie."

Terra smiled widely, glad he liked it. "There's a place about 200 miles out of Gotham that makes a mean cherry, but for apple, this is the best there is." She took a bite of her pie as well, smiling as she watched Beastboy chow down.

Beastboy grinned at her, and she smiled, then looked down at her food as she ate it happily. Terra ate her pie, content that she was sitting next to someone that she liked so much. She'd never felt happy like this before. Suddenly she heard Beastboy give a high-pitched yelp. She looked up to see him looking at the room behind him.

"You ok, Beastboy? What's wrong?" Beastboy shook his head quickly, trying to clear it of the vision he'd just seen. He could have sworn that he saw Raven glaring at him from the back of the diner, black flames of anger sweeping off of her body. But she wasn't there when he looked back, and he knew Raven wasn't that fast. He forced a smile at Terra.

"Just thought I saw someone. Uh... Slade. Yeah, but I was imagining things." He laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck.

Terra looked at him with a quizzatical expression, but nonetheless smiled. "Ok, well that's wierd, but no problem. You want to do something else, or head back? I'm kind of full."

Beastboy grinned. "We should probably head back. It's late and we need to be awake tomorrow in case something happens." Beastboy took Terra's hand, as he laid down the small cost of the pies on the counter, along with a tip for Pam. They stepped out of the door, and flew off into the air.


They landed in front of Titan's Tower, knowing that the only way past Cyborg's security was to take the front door, and to know the code. The skies above them rumbled, a storm was on it's way. As they walked towards the door to the tower, Terra suddenly halted. Beastboy turned towards her, wondering why she had stopped.

She looked at him with moist eyes. "Beastboy, thank you for going out with me. I've liked you for a long time."

Beastboy grinned. "I know, I've liked you for a while too." He walked over and took her in his arms, holding her close to him as he looked into her eyes. "What's wrong Terra?"

She smiled, her eyes glimmered with happiness. "Nothing, everything is perfect." She kissed him softly, then buried her head in his chest, as he held her close. He looked up at the stars, happy that he'd decided to date her.

Movement on the rooftop caught his eye. He looked closer, his animal vision kicking in, to see a dark cape blowing in the wind. His eyes widened as he saw Raven staring down at him, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

Lightning flashed, casting bright white light over the skies, and silohuetting her against it. Her violet eyes flashed with anger, and she was gone.


A/N: The first chapter of my first darkish Teen Titans fanfiction. You can always read my fluffy fun one, titled "The Life of the Titans" if you wish, but this one is much different. Anyway, I'll update it soon enough, and until then, review happily. If you liked the story, tell me why. If you didn't like it at all, also tell me why. Anyway, See you again soon.