FireOpal Comments: I know, I know, yet another appallingly, disgustingly long wait. Thank you so much MortyM for getting it back to me as fast as you did. What with my other stories, and I've been so much busier these hols than I expected, that I've barely had time to think about this chapter, let alone write it! I know, there are no excuses, but I hope you think it's worth the wait.

I'm off on holiday for two weeks with unreliable internet access, and after that I start school again, but I promise to try to knuckle down to this and get him into September as soon as possible.

A triple chocolate-chip kudos cookie and 50 points to the house of the person who predicts what will happen straight after this chapter…!


Chapter 14 – A Snake Turned.

A sibilant hiss.

"Is he ready?"

"Yes, my lord."

"Then it will be set in motion."

"Yes my lord." The commanding figure stood up fluidly from where he knelt before the shadowed throne, nodded once, and stalked out, his black cloak billowing around him. He moved quickly out of the large house, other small groups of dark wizards stepped respectfully out of his way as he strode past, recognising him despite his hooded face. His features schooled in a calm mask, the wizard nodded to the wiry guard on the door and left, feeling the wards around the fortified manor tingle across his skin, even under his robes. As soon as he had stepped far enough across the grounds, he stopped and disappeared from sight, the sharp crack of apparition echoing in his wake.

Darkness was descending upon Hogwarts, turning the sky a dusky blue, with starts starting to peep out of its endless expanse. The woods were becoming shadowing, and a pale moon glittered in the still waters of the lake. And, out of the shadows, a small figure staggered alarmingly, leaning heavily on the trees, before falling to the ground in a dead fait, the hood of the cloak falling back just enough so that a few strands of pale, bloodied blonde hair lay across the cool grass.

In a small pen outside his hut, Hagrid straightened suddenly, his black eyes immediately alert. As 'Keeper of Keys', his job was more than just a mere gamekeeper. He held the colossal wards surrounding the magical castle, and, though they were mostly gathered in the Headmaster's office, he felt it keenly as someone passed through the outer anti-apparition wards, near the forest. Absently dropping another handful of feed to the ground, where small unidentifiable creatures jostled and gibbered incoherently, he climbed over the pen walls easily, wiping his hands on his trousers. Reaching around his massive neck, he touched a small medallion carefully, checking to make sure the recorded Adfero went off quickly. Then he grabbed the lantern from its position on the ground, and shouldered his large crossbow.

It didn't take the half-giant long to find the fallen figure, cocking his crossbow cautiously and prodding it with his foot. When it didn't move, he turned it over with one large boot, the black material falling back to reveal the unconscious and blood-stained face of Draco Malfoy.

"Ma'ame Pomfrey!" Hagrid called, cradling Malfoy's limp form in his arms and making his way into the empty infirmary. She came bustling out, her face contracting in concern and not a little fear.

"Hagrid? What is it?"

"Malfoy." He said, laying the body down on the nearest bed. Poppy's face became a mixture of relief and confusion.

"Malfoy? The boy, Draco?"

"Yeah, seems pretty bad, only jus' managed to appara'e outside the wards. Think 'e was scared o' bein' followed."

"Stand back Rubeus, I'll take care of him." Hagrid nodded gravely, then looked to the door as the headmaster entered, resplendent in fluffy slippers and dressing gown.

"Professor Dumbledore." He said in acknowledgement, and they both walked out, leaving Madame Pomfrey to heal the unconscious teen.

"And you just found him lying there? No-one else around?" the sharp-eyed headmaster questioned. Hagrid nodded.

"Yessir. On his own. Must've apparated from somewhere, considerin' 'is condition. Din't look like he'd come more'n a few yards." Albus sighed, stroking his beard contemplatively with one hand. He trusted Hagrid without a doubt; the half-giant was unquestionable in his eyes. But there he was, Draco Malfoy, lying unconscious in the Hospital Wing. The only reason he could think of for this was barely believable. As much as he wished all his children would choose the right side, he knew some were barely touchable. And, until now, he had thought Draco was one of those. Albus prided himself on his judge of character, but, after Sirius and Harry, and now apparently Draco… He was an old man now, maybe he was losing his touch. The memory of Harry's limp body bouncing off of the harsh ground, cracking bones like eggs and battering his small form was still vivid in his mind, especially after their fright a few days ago. Out of touch indeed.

"Professor?" The old man mentally shook himself.

"Yes, yes Rubeus. I suppose I should be getting along to see how Mr Malfoy is doing." The half-giant shot his friend a concerned look.

"Are ye'll righ'. Sir?" Albus sighed heavily.

"Yes, I think I am." Before he left his office, his dimmed blue gaze fell onto the now dark window overlooking the grounds.

"Ah, you're awake." Came Madame Pomfrey's call as he opened his eyes. Wincing against the onslaught of light, he screwed up his eyelids and tried to sit up. Quickly pushed back down by the irate nurse, he blinked hard to adjust. He was in the school's hospital wing, he recognised, and, as the memories pounded into his mind, he realised why.

"Drink this." The stern woman ordered, handing him a potion. He drank it numbly, not even noticing the absence of pain. As further memories hit him, he sat up, his face ashen.

"Where's Professor Dumbledore?" he asked, resisting her restraining hand.

"I'm afraid he's busy-" Madame Pomfrey started, but she was interrupted by another voice.

"It is quite alright, Poppy. Would you leave us?" The nurse looked taken aback at the request, but left as asked, moving into her office and closing the door behind her.

"Professor, I-" Malfoy started, but he was stopped by a wave of the elderly headmaster's hand.

"Calm down my boy, you are quite safe. Judging by your appearance and arrival, I would presume you have something important to say to me?"

"I'm sure that the orientation of my father and the Malfoy family is known to you," he started, and Albus tilted his head on one side in question. "For a long time, our family has served the Dark Lord. I was to be Marked this summer."

Albus nodded gravely. "Continue."

"Well, during my years here, certain things have made themselves known to me. Suffice to say that I no longer had any desire to follow Him." Malfoy faltered, his gaze caught by a thin angry red line that peeped from underneath his long pyjamas. In his mind, he clearly remembered the rest of them, feeling them burn on his skin, though not through pain.

"My fa- Lucius was none to pleased, and said that no son of his would disobey him. He, he tried to force me to see the error of my ways. When he had finished with me, I managed to escape with the help of a loyal house elf. I knew that the only place where I could be safe would be Hogwarts." He looked up, his gaze finding the unflinching, unmoving blue of the headmaster. "Professor, I plead sanctuary from my family and the Dark Lord."

There was a long pause, and Albus took a deep breath, thinking it over, his eyes never leaving the teen. Should he, could he trust this boy? He had made so many, too many mistakes recently – could he afford to make any more? Finally, he spoke.

"You are asking something of considerable weight," he started, and Malfoy nodded.

"I know. If there is any way I could persuade you…"

"If you will allow, I would like to use an art form of which you will no doubt have knowledge – Legillimency." Malfoy swallowed, and nodded cautiously, letting down his barriers so that the elderly headmaster could reach in.

There was silence in the infirmary, and no movement save the breathing of the two occupants. A moment stretched into a period, into what seemed to the teen like a lifetime. Finally, Dumbledore pulled away, nodding.

"Very well. I will grant you sanctuary."

"Thank you." Malfoy whispered, feeling his heart lift.

"You will abide by Madame Pomfrey's directions until such a time as she lets you leave." He stated, standing, and the blond nodded again.

"Yes sir."

"I am glad you have come to us." Albus said in parting, before leaving. Malfoy watched him go.

"Me too." He muttered as Madame Pomfrey returned.

"Hagrid!" Harry called, running ahead of his two friends to catch up with the half giant. His hairy face split into a grin as he turned, and he stopped, letting them catch up.

"'Ello 'Arry." He said in greeting, ruffling his hair. "Look, I can' talk long, I go' some wor' for Dumbledore…"

"That's all right Hagrid, I just wanted to say hi." Harry said quickly. He looked at his friend quizzically. "What work?"

Hagrid flushed uncomfortably.

"Now 'Arry," he cautioned. "I'm not sure as I should be tellin' you anythin'. No offence meant, bu' it's for Professor Dumbledore ter say." Harry nodded.

"OK. You coming to breakfast at least?"

"Nah, no time." Hagrid said apologetically. He reached down and gave the young teen a hug. "I'll talk to yer later 'Arry."

"Bye Hagrid!" the three chorused, before going off into breakfast. Seeing his favourite werewolf already eating, the three went up to sit next to him.

"Hello Harry, Ron, Hermione." Remus greeted warmly, passing them some food.

"Thanks Remus." Harry said as he helped himself to sausages.

"You three got any plans for today then?"

"No." Hermione said as the boys attacked the food. "Not yet."

"Well don't forget about the meeting tomorrow." Remus said, finishing off his toast.

"How can I?" Harry replied with a grin. Remus grinned in return, before bidding them farewell and leaving the table.

"'O 'Arry," Ron started, spraying food on the table. Hermione pulled out her wand before he could say another word.

"Procludo oris." She jabbed her wand forcefully, and his mouth shut with a snap. The red head glared at her, and Harry sniggered behind his cornflakes. "No talking with your mouth full!" she said sharply.

Ron chewed quickly and swallowed, wrenching his mouth open again.

"So Harry," he said, continuing to glare at the brunette. "What are we going to do today?" Harry shrugged.

"Have you chosen your magical guardian yet?" Hermione said, all business-like. Harry grinned.

"I said I'm not telling you!" he laughed at her fallen expression.

"Was worth a try." She pouted, trying to hide a smile when he spontaneously leant over and kissed her cheek.

"You're in a good mood." Ron commented. Harry grinned.

"Yeah, I am." He drank a draught of pumpkin juice.

"Well then Mr Cheerful, I think it's about time you did your homework." Hermione said seriously, watching as the other two choked.


"What? But-" She smirked.

"Relax you two, I wasn't being serious!" They both heaved identical sighs of relief. "But it needs to be done at some point!" he stated firmly, and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Yes dear." Ron grinned at Hermione's face, and they continued the haphazard meal in the same manner.

After a happily uneventful day, the three friends once again sat around the common room, Harry watching his best friends lazily play chess. It was strong draw at the moment, and the wizard grinned as Ron frowned deeply, his bottom lip showing signs of intense biting.

'Harry, he's taken my bishop.' Hermione said along the bond, and Harry looked over the board. 'Should I move the knight do you reckon?'

'Do that and he'll have you in a flash.' Harry replied in kind, pointing out a hidden queen. 'Move the pawn forwards, then the knight.' She did so, and was rewarded by a glare from Ron.

'You know,' Harry mentioned 'this is cheating.'

'And?' Hermione replied, deep in thought. 'It's using what you have available. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.' Harry resisted the urge to laugh out loud, and turned another page of the book he was using as a cover.

The match ended in a close win from Hermione, who smirked relentlessly at her opponent. Ron, for his part, seemed stunned, having never lost a match to any other player in the year.

"Well done Hermione." Harry said mildly, out loud. She matched his gaze slyly, and grinned. Harry yawned, putting down the book. "I think I'd better get to bed. Big day tomorrow."

"Oh no, Harry, being responsible?" Ron laughed lightly, earning a swipe from the boy.

"Watch it, you." Harry replied. "'Night Hermione, Ron."

"Night." They returned, Hermione sending him a ghost kiss on his cheek as he started up the staircase.

In the darkened hospital wing, the young teen slept fitfully, images of dark torture plaguing his dreams. His father's face, leering at him, smirking, the complete lack of compassion for his only son making him cold and deadly; his mother, thrown aside for trying to stand up for him; the Dark Mark cut by knife into his arm to remind him of what he had forsaken; the burning pain of a whip. Tossing, he moaned against the memories, trying to find an escape into wakefulness.

At last, he screamed, the sound waking him up, and he leant forwards, throwing up over the side of the bed. Unsteadily, he curled up on himself and, dry eyed, shaking. He stayed that way until dawn brought salvation.

Dawn rose, unfurling its splendour over the landscape. Harry stretched, cat-like in his four poster, and staggered upright. Barely glancing at the beautiful morning, he lurched into the shower, discarding his clothes and stepping into the warm spray of water.

Feeling slightly more human, Harry walked out of the bathroom half an hour later, grinning as he noticed the dead-to-the-world expression on Ron's face. He dried himself off and dressed, excitement building in him as he did so. Today he was getting a guardian. A magical guardian. Pushing aside pangs about Sirius and the looming reminder of the Dursleys, he focused on happy and positive thoughts. Once dressed in smart muggle clothes, Harry checked his watch. 7:30.

Deciding it was high time certain red heads got out of bed, he pondered on how to wake his best friend. He had already smashed water in his face, and doing that twice was hardly fun. Sighing, he resolved to do it the hard way.

"Wha'?" Ron muttered as he felt someone shake his shoulder.

"Ron, it's time to get up."

"Nah." The sleepy wizard replied, turning over.


"Bugger off." Ron groaned.

"I'll dump water all over your face if you don't." Harry warned.

"Mmmm." Ron shrugged, not really listening.

"RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY, GET YOURSELF OUT OF BED RIGHT THIS MINUTE!" the irritated teen yelled, doing quite a fair impression of Mrs Weasley (for a teenage boy). The red head leapt up, duvet thrown back in disarray, eyes wide.

"Coming mum!" He said, panicked, before reality could set in. Just as it did, he turned to see Harry doubled over in laughter. He glared uselessly at him. "Harry!"

"Sorry mate." Harry choked. "It wasn't half funny though." He sniggered as Ron stormed off into the bathroom, finally awake.

"What happened?" Hermione said in shock as they came down later.

"Ron hexed me!" Harry said indignantly, pulling at his hair to get a better view. In complete contrast to the rest of his outfit, Ron had seen fit to turn it bright carrot orange. Hermione sighed, and with a flick of her wand, Harry yet again had black hair. Happy now, Harry smirked as a yell resounded through the tower.

"Harry…" Hermione said warningly. Harry pulled an innocent look over his features, but it didn't fool the brunette at all. The next minute her question was answered as the other teen raced downstairs, haphazardly dressed and sporting a fluorescent pink afro. Ron had his wand out and was pointing it shakily at his snickering best friend, words of a hex forming on his lips, but Hermione was too fast.

"Finite incantatem! Expelliarmus!" She yelled the two spells in swift succession, directing the second so that both Ron and Harry's wands were soon held tightly in her free hand.

"Hermione!" they chorused, for a second united in their indignation. Hermione raised an eyebrow, putting her hand on her hip and using her own wand as a pointer.

"You," she pointed at her boyfriend, who tried his hardest to keep a straight face. "Apologize."

Thoroughly cowed, the teen muttered an apology.

"You," she repeated, pointing at Ron, who was rearranging his shirt. "Apologize."

"But-!" She glared. He faltered.

"Sorry." Hermione stood there for a moment, then nodded. With a bright grin, she tossed the wands back to their respective wizard, and stalked off to breakfast. Ron paused long enough to mutter to a slightly shocked Harry.

"You've got one hell of a woman there." Harry nodded, dry mouthed.

"Tell me about it."

The Magical Guardian Records Department of the Ministry of Magic was a diverse and haphazard place. Situated outside of the main Ministry building for a long forgotten reason, it was buried underneath several feet of earth, in the basement of an old car park. Slightly more subdued in colour and décor than most of its counterparts, the inhabitants were friendly and helpful, almost to the extreme.

A small entourage had accompanied Harry, headed by Ron, Hermione, Remus and Dumbledore. Behind them were all the others who had expressed a wish for guardianship – Hagrid, the Weasleys, even McGonagle. More than slightly uncomfortable at the thought of turning down so many people he admired and respected, he hung close to his friends, and the elderly headmaster, who was coming along to vouch for him and probably for self-interest.

An overworked employee that reminded the emerald-eyed wizard of a spiritual Tonks led the group into a thankfully large sitting room, and they helped themselves to seats.

"You must be Mr Potter. I'm Peony Bywith." The witch greeted with a smile. With her floaty green and blue robes, braided brown and red hair and series of silver jewellery, she looked rather like, (he suppressed a laugh) a cross between Tonks and Trelawney. He sent the mental image to Hermione, and received a poke in the arm for his trouble.

"Uh yes," he replied. "Call me Harry."

"OK, Harry. Now, I presume you're familiar with the idea of magical guardians, having had one up until recently?"

"Sort of." Harry agreed, and she nodded.

"Now, selecting your guardian is really very simple. I'm sure you already have a pretty good idea of who it is, but I just need you to look over these people and make sure." Harry reluctantly ran his eyes over the small crowd, wincing internally every time he met the gaze of a hopeful face.

Harry finally looked back at Peony, and nodded, signifying he was done. She beamed, clapping her hands together with a jingle of metal.

"Good. Now, if I can ask the rest of you to leave, whilst Harry and I get a few things sorted-" there was an outcry that cut her off.


"What about Harry?"

"I must object-"

"I'm afraid the law is quite clear on this matter," Peony said sharply, and Harry realised that beneath her floaty, friendly exterior, she was strong and intelligent underneath. "None of the applicants can be in this room during that time."

"Very well." Dumbledore put in. "I'm sure you have no problem with non-applicants staying in? I'm afraid that, though he loathes it, Harry has quite extraneous circumstances."

"I agree," Peony nodded. "You and his two friends may remain, but you others, I will have to ask you to wait outside." Harry, Ron, Hermione and Dumbledore watched them leave reluctantly, Remus especially seeming unwilling to leave, but bowing to necessity.

"Sorry about that." The witch apologized. "It's ministry procedure."

"I quite understand." Dumbledore said. "During current times, however, what with Voldemort's return, we must be extra vigilant." Peony nodded, then picked out a series of sheaves of paper.

"Now, there are a few forms we need to fill in before we announce it to the masses," she joked, handing over the papers and a never-ending quill to Harry, who took them.

"Now are you going to tell us who it is?" Hermione said impatiently, reddening as everyone turned to look at her. "I mean, um…" Dumbledore chuckled, and Peony just smiled at her, but Harry smirked.

"I suppose…"

A few minutes later, Peony walked to the door and opened it, facing the waiting witches and wizards with a clipboard held in front of her. She smiled at them, and, as one, they looked at her.

"Well, we're nearly finished. Harry has told me who he wishes to be his magical guardian, and if they could join us for a moment, then we can finalise the last few details." They kept their gaze on the smiling witch, and she looked round at them all, recognising them from Harry's explanations. Rubeus Hagrid, the gentle half-giant, the Weasleys with their red hair and pale faces, Minerva McGonagle with her tartan shawl and tightly pulled back hair, and Remus Lupin, the worried-looking werewolf. Looked like Harry had made the right decision after all…

procludo oris - bluntly, close mouth.

Review Responses

smokey2307 – Some more for you dude, hope you like it despite your slashy preferences! Personally, all you guys who read this and aren't Katy should go and read her stuff, because it is really good! Fan-bloody-amazing! Go, I order thee!

epiphanic66 – All hail to thee, most wonderful reviewer and fan! Wow, I have a fan… Cool. Or, as the Americans say (sometimes), sweet. I LOVE the banner. I cannot express my uttermost feelings for that. It is, well, for a big-mouth author like me to be speechless, that's got to tell you something. You Katie, are amazing. Bow to Katy, my best reviewer, best, most obsessed fan ever! Wow! I think the same dude spiked my coke…

Yamitano – You're not dead yet, are you? worries I hope not. To be accused of murder at the tender age of nearly sixteen is not very nice, suffice to say. Enervate! There, now you can review! Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you soon!

Harmony8390 – I realise that this is amazingly belated, but I hope you had a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Woohoo! You all make my day, really! OK, I'll stop with the '!'s now. I can't believe you actually went back and reread it, wow… (Isn't it sad that I have to do that occasionally? Lol). Thank you so much for reviewing, and I'm glad you liked my little air-guy. Must give him a name. Any suggestions? As this was entirely random, I'm gonna have to think before making the other elements personalities, but I must say, it's caught my imagination now! Thank heaven for weird plot bunnies. hands over birthday cake and kudos-cookie Ciao!

Bobmin356 – I apologise from the bottom of my heart for the wait, but what with some problems I've been having with this and my other stories that practically mob me sometimes, I've been almost eying these last two chapters with wary eyes. I know the chapters aren't as long as they could be, but as I said, I've been having a few problems… I hope you liked this though. -

As I said, reward to who can guess what Harry's decision will be…!
