Jack woke up. She felt like she had been asleep for years. The world was spinning in front of her eyes, and all she could feel was cold. She looked around and saw nothing but white. Was she dead? Was this god's messed up version of heaven? Didn't he know what a heater was? She went to sit up and winced putting a hand on her chest. She groaned and laid back down.

"You better have clean blood kid," Riddick said in the distance.

"What?" she asked wondering if Riddick had died too. God if she was in the same place as Riddick she must have gone to hell. If hell was full of fire why was it so damn cold?

"Got a lot of your blood all over me when I was cleaning you up. You better have clean blood," he told her. She rolled her head to the white and saw him. He was stooped over sharpening his shiv watching her with his indifferent face, but something light in his eyes. Was he happy to see her alive?

She scanned the area around him and all she could see was white. Why had the world gone white? Was she blind? No, she could see Riddick. She hadn't heard of a blindness case where you could see one person but not the rest of the world.

"What?" was all she could say again. She looked back up and saw white. Something hit her face falling in her eyes. She tried to blink it out but it was already gone. She saw tiny bit of white falling thought a hole in the roof.

She knew what the white stuff was now, snow. Why was it snowing in the middle of June? Staring up for a while she noted something else, that wasn't a roof that was a cave.

"Riddick why are we in a cave?" she asked thinking she was going insane.

"Police found Bobby fast. Had one of those life insurance things on him. Started going off the second he died. Found your prints in his car and came after ya. One of the police happened to be a merc. They scanned your profile and found out they you lived with your uncle. The guy saw my face and knew right away I wasn't your damn uncle. He came with 20 men trying to find his bounty, big old Riddick. Looked proud of himself. Had a lot to say about me living with you.

Wondered why I was doing it. Why I was preferred to live with some flatted chested kid when I could have some big breasted bitch. Figures I got a things for kids now. Word'll get out fast that I'm a pedophile. Thanks for that one kid. Tried to keep clean of that reputation. Anyway after they came to the house one opened the door too fast. You got shot on the left side. Didn't hit nothing too bad. Lots of bleeding, took forever to get the bullet out. I guess me tossing you all over the place didn't help the lodging of it, but oh well what's done is done. Don't try getting up kid. You gotta rest up," Riddick told her saying more then she had heard him say in such a long time that it made her smile.

"Thanks Riddick," she said straight from the heart. He shook it off visible. She thought it would be better to change the topic.

"Why didn't you leave me to die?" Jack asked softly.

"Can't leave you behind. Someone might get thinkin' and try to use you against me," Riddick said like he didn't give a shit. He'd likely never say what he had said back at home to her again and she didn't mind. She was safe in the knowledge that he did need and wanted her around.

"Yea sure Riddick I heard what you said back at home," Jack said smiling at him happily. He rolled his eyes at her and huffed.

"You didn't hear me right," he said looking down at the shiv and putting it away. He stood up those silver eyes of his scanning the surrounding area for anything that might try and bother them.

"Where are we?" she asked knowing if she asked him more about he only deny it more and might get upset. She didn't want him slapping her. She was in enough pain from her side as it was.

"Some dead ice planet. We'll be safe here for a while," he told her

"So are there other people here?" she asked him.

"Nope," he said going inside the cave.

He knew that would kill the kid. She was social and loved having people around. She wasn't an animal like him. She wanted to be with others of her same species. He had wanted to drop her off but kept making up reasons not to.

Things that were barely reasons. "He'd be trapped to easy if he did". "They would find out that she knew him." He kept thinking up reason after reason not to do it. In the end it all equaled up to one thing. He didn't want to give her up.

He had know that the moment he had seen her go off with Bobby. He didn't want her to belong or be with anyone but home. That attachment kind of relationship that he hated. He didn't want to be so dependent on her but it just happened. Taken her off the planet, lived with her for a while. Gotten used to the way she did things. He was too used to her. She was part of his life. He…..cared about her. Which was hard for him to admit even in passing thoughts.

"What are we going to do here? Alone? No one but us?" she demanded sounding pissed like he knew she would be. She went to sit up but then groaned in pain having to lay right back down. Why did the whole world have to hurt so much?

"You think this is my idea of ideal? Waited my whole life to be stuck on the ice planet with some kid. Yeah that's what I've been hoping for all my life," he said putting his hand on his face.

"How long we staying here?" Jack asked softly dreading the answer.

"Until your healed then we'll move on," Riddick said.

"Is me healing on an ice world really the best idea? Should I go somewhere with doctors? You know medicine in case of emergencies?" she asked trying to get off this place as soon as possible. She wasn't a fan of the cold and she knew that Riddick wasn't always the best company, especially when you pissed him off.

"You sure the hell ask a lot of questions kid. Acting like you don't wanna be here with me" Riddick accused her as he went over and started the fire. She silently wondered what it had been doing out in the first place.

"How could that be?" she asked then cracked a smile, "Only wanna be with you."

Riddick glared at her a telling sign that he remembered saying that very same embarrassing phrase. He went silent for a while. How long Jack couldn't tell. The world here seemed so lifeless and white it made you go crazy.

"The worlds good for you. Keeps the wound clean, pain down and the bacteria that would normally make ya sick die from it," Riddick explained breaking all rights she had to use that excuse.

The silence came and Jack got time to think. Horrible, dark thoughts came to her mind as she felt only pain. She was trying to think of something anything. One worry kept coming back to her mind and become the only thing she could focus on.

"So what you going to do with me Riddick?" she asked arrogantly like she knew something he didn't want her too.

He raised a brow looking at her. "What ya mean kid?" he asked smelly something fishy about her question. This wasn't going to turn out good.

"Don't be coy with me Riddick. I know what you do when you go out at nights. I've seen you around the ladies, you bring a lot of 'em home, but don't do nothing with 'em. Not at the house with me there. But know what you do when you take them home. Give me some credit Riddick I'm not that naive," Jack snapped at him. She didn't know why she was being to mean to him. She knew it wasn't a good idea. But her side was throbbing so badly she just wanted something to get her mind off of it. Maybe Riddick would really kill her and make the pain finally end.

"Ya think that's why I kept ya for sex?" Riddick asked still seeming calm as ever as he sat over the fire.

"I think that's why you kept me for all those years. Watches me ripen. Thought if you got me used to a life with you then you'd make yourself a free whore right?" she asked a smirk on her lips.

"Say it one more time kid, just one more fucking time," he muttered as he kept at his shiv. His eyes were looking over at her as rubbed rock on metal a look of a predator on his face.

"You Want To Use Me As A Free Whore," she said slowly and carefully again.

Riddick flared with anger and jumped on top of her. He kissed her hard putting a hand on her chest not caring if she was hurting or not. If that's what she wanted to think so be it. While she was thinking it he might as well act like the true blue no good criminal she clearly believe him to be.

He'd done everything for the little brat and asked nothing in return. If he had asked for anything, even sex, it was in his right. How dare she sit there and accuse him of that. He'd saved her life two times. He won't do that for a whore no matter how good she was in bed, especially not for a no breasted teenage whore that loved to talk back. He don't everything he could. Gotten her into a good flight school, got her clothing, made sure she was feed and kept her safe to the best of his ability. Damn ungrateful spoiled brat deserved this.

He went to kissing her harder pushing his hips to hers when he heard sobs. He kissed her again and tasted tears. He couldn't do this. Why couldn't he do this? He backed up looking down at her.

"Why you say shit like that Jack?" Riddick asked knowing that she had know that would piss him off to this level. She sniffled and he took his hands away and sat up a bit.

"It hurts….Riddick…Hurts so bad. Gotta think about something else," she said crying.

She looked up at him and saw true colors in his eyes. A type of pity that came with a good amount of kindness. A small bit of it in the corner of his silver eyes. A passion that screamed out everything that he couldn't and won't say aloud yet felt. He did want to help her. God how could she have forgotten that so fast. She grabbed onto her attacker's shirt and cried into it.

Riddick sighed and put a hand on her head. He sat back down on the ground next to her shifting so her head was in his lap her hands still grabbing at his shirt. He cooed to her softly things that would make her feel better. He did wonder in the back of his mind why she was thinking of, from all the things in the world, about being his sex slave. He didn't want to ask. He just stroked her hair and calmed her until likely she passed out from the pain.

Sometimes the snow comes down in June
Sometimes the sun goes 'round the moon
I see the passion in your eyes
Sometimes it's all a big surprise