Disclaimer: Not mine, but Paramount's.

A/N: Some comments made in response to another story of mine inspired me to write this little ficlet about the friendship between Trip and Archer.

An Honour (Trip's POV)

My breathing is laboured, and pain racks my every limb, but I lie quiet, knowing there's nothing I can do to avoid the inevitable. So instead I think about my life; its ups and downs, its joys and sorrows. Memories flood my mind – answering a question in an academy lecture, laughing hysterically at a drunken joke told in a bar, staying up all night so the warp reactor will be finished in time. So many different memories, and yet they all have one thing in common – you.

You've been my friend for longer than I can remember – it feels like forever. You've laughed with me through the good times, and comforted me through the bad ones. Sure, we've had our share of disagreements. You say that I let my heart rule my head, and I argue that you often let Starfleet rule you life. But we both understand that these things are part of who we are, and neither of us would change a thing.

When you were made Captain of the Enterprise, I was so proud of you. And even though it ultimately created some distance between us, I've never begrudged you your position for a moment – it's a dream come true for you.

It's dangerous out here in space, though. I've saved your life more times than I can count – you always cared about other lives more than your own – and you've pulled me out of danger just as often.

Except this time you were too late. You tried your hardest to reach me in time, but you just didn't make it. Even now I can see you're blaming yourself. You shouldn't: I don't. We both knew the risks when we came out here. You have eighty people to be responsible for – you can't keep every single one of them safe all of the time, especially when one of them seems to attract trouble like a magnet.

My breathing becomes shallower, and I can feel myself slipping away. And I can see that you know you're about to lose me. Don't mourn me too much. You need to move on – there's so much more for you to see and do. Enterprise and her crew need you. I know you'll miss me, and wherever I end up, I'll miss you too. You were a good friend to me – the best.

As I close my eyes for the last time, I whisper my final thought to you.

"It was an honour serving with you, Cap'n."