Laura: hi. This is my first Xiaolin fic so don't expect much from this.

Disclaimer: - I do not, repeat NOT, own Xiaolin Showdown or anything that really has a great meaning to it.

Another part of me

'Now this is the life,' murmured Dojo as he slowly dozed off under the shadow of the large oak tree.

We were given the day off in the park. The cool depths of the lake shimmered as the sun shone powerful rays of gold in the sky. It just couldn't get any better than this. I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder as I turned to gaze into the soulful eyes of Raimundo. The whole world seemed to not exist anymore as sparks of passion burned right through us. His hands moved up my shoulders and back as mine to his neck and back of his head. Our lips finally touched each other in a powerful fusion. It seemed like we could go on forever until I was hit by reality.... or that god damn football I got Omi.

'Sorry partner, didn't see ya there.'

I was sick and tired of it. We had only got together for over a month and still we haven't had a moment to ourselves.

'Hey, where're ya goin' Kim?'

It wasn't his fault that this kept happening; it just feels as though it somehow we weren't supposed to be.

' What is the problem that is concerning you my good friend?'

I so badly wanted to kill that kid right away but all I could think about was how upset Kimiko was. She would never forgive me if I laid a finger on him.

' Uhh.... nothing just a girl problem – that's all.'

' Well if ya ask me, girls will always have problems we can never figure out,' as Clay walked into the horizon which was great seeing as it didn't help the situation whatsoever.

But no matter. I would make Omi buy me ice cream.

'Hey Omi!'

'What is it my good friend?'

'Do you wanna place a bet? Loser buys winner ice cream.'

' Ok. What is the challenge?'

'I will flip this coin. If it lands on heads I win but if lands on tails you lose.'

I flipped the almighty quarter into the air and landed right into the palm of my hand.


'Hey! Let me see that!' The kid peered over and quietly muttered 'I lose'.

I sat by the lake contemplating my thoughts and dreams feeling like I was going to drown in them with no hope of escape. A shadow dawned on me as I turned around.

'Oh my goodness! Kimiko?'

Great, just perfect.

Laura: and that's about it! The following people will at some stage be in this fic but I need a vote on who it should be in the next chapter: -

A/ her friends

B/ her ex boyfriend

C/ her parents

And also I know how much this sucks at the moment and its really tempting to flame but please don't! Thank you.