I don't own Xiaolin Showdown or the book this story is based on, but I do own some of the characters. This is my first fanfiction. Please tell me what you think. This starts from Kimiko's view.

"Don't lose it Dojo!"

It was the day after Wuya had been restored to her flesh form. After she said "In the flesh," she snatched up the shen-gong-wu, made a portal with the tiger claws, and jumped in dragging Raimundo with her. Dojo sensed another shen-gong-wu. The thought keeper (best name I could come up with) could hold troubling thoughts or memories for awhile before they found their way back into your head. Omi had caught sight of it from Dojo's back, then Raimundo grabbed it, and left using the golden tiger claws. But on our way back to the temple, Dojo sensed it again (it happened with the serpent's tail, right?). So now we were trying to find it in order to get back some of our shen-gong-wu, get revenge on Raimundo, and maybe have a talk with Raimundo on why he left. I didn't really believe that he would go bad just because he didn't become a Xiaolin apprentice.

Right now Dojo claims the thought keeper is close. We're in a canyon.

"Look there!" Omi shouts, pointing to a small crevice in a wall, where a silver glow is just visible inside.

Dojo landed on the ground and shrank back to normal size. The crevice was high above us. "You're going to have to climb," Dojo explained. "If they are in there, they'll notice us for sure and use the tiger claws to get away. We'll have to use a sneak attack."

It turned out Clay and Omi were slow climbers. It probably would have been smart to wait for them, but I wanted answers. I climbed on way ahead of them, even though they called to wait up. "Are girls part monkey?" I heard Omi ask Clay.

The crevice was very narrow, I don't think Clay would be able to fit. I quietly went in, hoping Wuya wasn't around. As I peeked around a corner where the silver glow was coming from, I saw Raimundo sitting on the floor of the cavern with a wooden basin filled with what looked like molten silver in front of him. It had to be the thought keeper. I threw on the shroud of shadows so I could go get a better look. One end of a cord was attached to one side and the other was connected to a stick. Raimundo was pressing the tip of the stick against his forehead and when he took it away, some silver stuff was connecting it to his forehead. When he brought the stick down to the basin, the stuff came off his forehead, and dropped into the basin. The silver must have been his thoughts. He continued this movement for what felt likes hours. I was so busy wondering what thoughts he was putting in and why so many, that I didn't notice Omi and Clay were taking way too long to get here. I nearly wet my skirt when I heard Wuya call for Raimundo just outside the cavern. "Great timing," he muttered as he put down the stick. He didn't sound sarcastic, so I guess he was done. I held my breath as he ran past me. When I was sure they were gone, I pulled off the shroud of shadows. I walked over to the thought keeper and peered inside. Maybe somewhere in here was the reason he left. But how could you tell the thoughts were? Forgetting about the stick, I stuck my finger in to see if the thoughts at the bottom looked any different. I found out right away this was a mistake. The cavern gave a huge lurch. I fell into the basin, but instead of hitting the bottom, I kept going. The basin seemed to swallow me up in to a world of silver. After a couple minutes of falling, flailing, and trying to scream, I finally hit the bottom. Then I blacked out.

So what do you think? I've got the next chapter all planned out, but I want you to tell me what you think first. Please review.