Christ, how long has it been since I updated this? I am really, really sorry.Thanks a lot for the wake up call spicydonut185. I've been pretty busy lately. Although I'm pretty sure you'd much rather be reading the last chapter instead of my pathetic apologies and excuses, so here it is. I hope you like it. Just so you know, I used a bit of the TV show ending for this one.

Raimundo seemed a little surprised by my reaction. I guess he didn't think we were actually going to forgive him. After a few moments, he slowly hugged me back. Suddenly Raimundo's shoulders stiffened and his arms dropped limply at his sides. I turned to see Omi, Dojo, and Clay standing at the entrance. I expected Omi to be boiling mad at me for not waking him up, but he was so happy to see Raimundo, he didn't seem to even remember our agreement.

"Raimundo! You have awoken!" Omi had flow across the room and started squeezing the life out of Raimundo in what seemed to be less then a millisecond.

Raimundo didn't seem to be expecting this reaction either. He gave me a quizzical look. I tried my best to tell him with my eyes that they already assumed that he was rejoining us. We had gotten pretty good at talking with our eyes during all this, so he got my message. I was so focused on his eyes, I didn't realize he was starting to turn blue.

Fortunately, Dojo did. He slithered over and poked Omi's shoulder. "Uhhh, Omi … Omi, I don't think he can breathe… Omi!"

It took both off us to loosen his grasp. When Raimundo caught his breath, he hugged Omi back. Dojo patted Raimundo's arm. "Good to have you back pal."

Raimundo gave him a nod, then looked over at Clay who hadn't moved. Clay was just staring at Raimundo with uneasy intensity. Raimundo met his gaze. It was difficult for me to make out what his eyes were saying. I wasn't quite sure what was going on, but I could tell it was important. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Half of me wished Omi or Dojo would say or do something to break it and half of me hoped they wouldn't. They seemed to be just as weirded out as I was. After what seemed like a century, the uneasiness in Clay's eyes was replaced with contentment and they both grinned at each other. Clay finally came in, knelt by Raimundo, and high-fived him, their gaze still remaining intact.

"Welcome back pardner."


"What do you think that was about?" Omi whispered to me.

"I don't know. Maybe it's just a guy thing."

"Ahh." Omi seemed satisfied with my answer, but then his expression changed into suspicious confusion when the last words I said sunk in.

"Wait a minute-"

"Soooo, what about Master Fung?" Raimundo asked. "Is he okay with this?"


I had forgotten about Master Fung.

"Uhhh, see . . ."

"We haven't asked him yet." Omi admitted.

Raimundo opened his mouth like he was about to say something, but was interrupted by a new voice.


We all turned to see Master Fung.

"Asked me what?"

I tried to think fast to come up with some way to ask that would guarantee getting Raimundo back in, but I wasn't fast enough and Omi cut right to the chase.

"May Raimundo return to the temple?"

Master Fung raised an eyebrow. "I believe that is really something Raimundo should ask himself."

We all looked back at Raimundo. I could tell he wasn't really ready for this. He stared at the floor and rubbed the back of his neck. Finally, he took a deep breath and began. "I'm sorry for what I did. I wasn't thinking at all. I know that no matter what I say can make up for what I did and I understand if you won't take me back. But I really want a chance to repair the damage I've done and I'm ready to do whatever it takes to make it right again."

I was so proud of him, I thought I might burst. Master Fung remained expressionless.

"Whatever it takes Raimundo?"

"Yes Master Fung." Raimundo bowed his head.

We all held our breath for Master Fung's answer, but not for as long as we thought we would have to though. After a few seconds he replied "Okay" then turned, and started walking away.

Raimundo blinked. "Okay?" he repeated. "That's it? Just like that, I'm back in?"

Master Fung stopped to look back at Raimundo and reply, "Everyone makes mistakes Raimundo, and I believe you have been punished enough for yours. Also, we're going to need as much help as we can get to defeat Wuya." Then he left.

Raimundo shrugged. "Okay, whatever works."

The mention of Wuya reminded me of what I had thought about earlier. "Raimundo, what about Wuya? Isn't she going to be upset when she finds out you left?"

Omi, Clay, and Dojo tensed up at my words, but Raimundo didn't look worried at all.

"She won't even notice that I'm gone for a while. We split up after the second time you guys came to our cave."

"What?" Dojo was so tense, he had trouble spitting the word out.

"She said that she had some things to take care of and told me to gather shen-gong-wu while she was gone."

"How were you able to know where the shen-gong-wu was if she was gone?" Omi wanted to know.

"Hmmm…" Raimundo scratched his head. "I know she used the thought keeper to tell me where the locations were, but I don't know how she did it. Anyway, she said the main reason we were in the cave was so she could rest up for something without being disturbed, but I don't know for what."

Dojo was shaking violently now.

"What's wrong Dojo? Another shen-gong-wu?" Clay asked.

"I wish." Dojo muttered. "Wuya was saving up her strength for sending the world into ten thousand years of darkness! The only reason she wanted Raimundo to go after shen-gong-wu was to keep us busy from finding her!"

Tight and stressful feelings suddenly filled my chest. "What? Oh great! So all this time, she been getting stronger?" I yelled.

Without warning, Omi started screaming and running around Raimundo's bedroom. Watching him run around the room somehow distracted us from our stress momentarily. Then Raimundo swiftly stuck out his foot right in front of Omi, causing him to fall flat on his face and cease his screaming.

"Omi…, just chill." Raimundo said calming while helping him up. "Chances are that Wuya hasn't had enough rest yet, so we can get to her before she dominates the world and kick her butt."

"The problem with that plan is that she's an all powerful Heylin witch, so kicking her butt is probably easier said than done, and, we don't know where the heck she is!" I growled.

"Stonehenge," Raimundo prompted. "She said that she built it for a ritual that would send the world into ten thousand years of darkness, but Dashi dragged her into the first Xiaolin Showdown and locked her in the puzzle box, so she never got a chance to use it."

"Okay, so now we do know where the heck she is, but we still don't know how to defeat her."


Once more, we turned to see Master Fung, but this time he was holding a wooden box. Dojo gasped. "Is that what I think it is?"

Master Fung nodded. "The puzzle box Wuya was trapped in. I found it outside. If you open it in Wuya's presence, she should become imprisoned in the box once again."

"Didn't Jack have that?" ask Omi.

We all nodded at him.

"So… do you think he's really trying to help or do you think this is a trick?"

Dojo slithered over to Master Fung to get a better look at the box. "It looks genuine."

Master Fung put the box in front of Dojo. Dojo carefully inspected the box. "And it smells and feels genuine. Jack could never make a fake this good. This has gotta be the real deal."

Omi looked more confused than I have ever seen him. "Why would Jack Spicer want to help us?"

"Because he can't rule the world if Wuya's already ruling it." Raimundo answered.

Then he smirked at me. "So anyway Kim, you were saying?"

I rolled my eyes. Raimundo was definitely back, but now I wasn't so sure if that was a good thing. "Okay, we seem to have everything we're going to need. Is everyone ready?"

"Of course!"


"Ready as I'm gonna be I guess. . ."

Raimundo got up, stretched, and flashed me a grin. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's hit it."

I'd made up my mind. It was great to have Raimundo back.

The End

Again, I'm really sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoyed it. Please R&R. Bye.