Chapter 1


Warning!!!!-This fic has yaoi male/male pairings.And (unfortunately) I can't post lemon chapters on here, so please quickly scan over summary things that are after the chapter to see if I put up any links.Also, self-mutilation, attempted suicide, swearing, and maybe a older man (Kakashi or Iruka) paired with a 14 year old;(Im sorry for any spelling mistakes, but I can

t download the spell check onto my comp..and I can only reread my story so many imes...twitches-.-)

Thoughts: -Blahblah-


Shouting:"blahblah" get it.

Naruto hoisted himself onto the bridge railing and glanced around."I'm actually the first one here!"He grinned and folded his arms behind his head, waiting patiently.

After a few minutes Sasuke appeared, leaping down from a tree to continue walking down the path.He stopped when he was past Naruto and leaned back against the bridge, cossing his arms.Naruto squinted, staring at him.

Annoyed, Sasuke scowled and looked away,"What are you staring at dobe?"

"Don't call me that idiot!"

Snickering, Sasuke smiled, leaning back,"Im only telling the truth dead-last."

-Grrrrrr...-Naruto eyed the dark-haired ninja and tried to appear uncaring.

Sakura came trooping down the path, brightening the instant she saw Sasuke.She waved enthusiastically, coming up beside them."Hey Sasuke."


"Hey Sakura!How are you on this beautiful summer morning?"Naruto asked, leaning forward.

Pressing a palm to Naruto face, she pushed him away and sniffed,"I was talking to Sasuke, you shouldn't interrupt."She turned her back on him and addressed Sasuke once more,"Were you the first one here this morning Sasuke?Wow, you get up early!Must train a lot you sure have a lot of muscle.It makes you look really-"

Kakashi appeared in a cloud of chakra smoke in front of them.

"You're late!"Naruto and Sakura yelled together.

Kakashi sweatdropped and rubbed the back of his head,"Some cat was stuck in a tree,and I was the only one willing to help it so..."

"Liar!"Sakura huffed.

Coughing, Kakashi straightened,"Right well, your mission today is to help an ederly woman carry her groceries home."

The three students released a collective groan.

Kakashi raised his hands, smiling,"Im not the one who makes provides the missions, Im the one who makes sure you complete them."

Naruto raised his fist and whooped,"Let's go!"

Everyone stared blankly at him.

Sakura blinked,"aren't you going to complain?I think it sounds like a pretty easy mission.."

Shrugging, Naruto started off.Kakashi appeared in front of him,"Uh..other way;"

Sasuke rolled his eyes and pushed off the railing with his elbows, then started off the path back towards the village, Sakura jogging to keep up with him.

Once again Kakashi disappeared.The blond haired ninja glared glumly at the backs of his fellow students and then itched his arm, staring at the ground."Hmph.."

-Hopefully after the mission we can go home..-He raised his eyes to stare at Sakura's back and sighed sadly.-I already feel tired..-

A fake grin plastered across his face and bounded after the two and pounced Sasuke, then continued on ahead.


"Naruto cut it out!"

A determined expression on his face, he jogged through the streets until he came face to face with Kakashi standing beside an old woman.

"This is the old hag we have to help out?"He questioned, indicating her.

Kakashi sweatdropped and gently took a couple bags from the ground, dropping them into Naruto's awaiting arms.

The old woman eyed him, filmy blue eyes nearly buried in deep wrinkles covering the haggard weathered face.

" gonna show me where your house is?"

She scowled and hobbled off down the street, Kakashi stay behind, waiting for the other two.

Once they turned the corner the old woman wrinkled her nose,"I can't believe they made the fox demon a ninja."She eyed him.

Naruto lowered his head behind the bags, frowning.

"Why would we want you to help us?After all you did to our village?Why couldn't you just stay inside your house, and spare us all?Why do you have to pretend to be normal, to be a human?"

"Listen lady,"Naruto interjected, raising his head to stare directly at the back of her head,"Im carrying your groceries, and then leaving you alone.Why dont you stop pestering me and be a nice quiet old hag."

The old woman scowled, spinning around."Don't ever speak to me that way.You don't even have the right to show me your face!You disgust me."She eyed him and shook her head, turning away the open the door to her apartment."Set the bags on the counter and leave me."

Naruto resisted the urge to spit on her doorstep and padded inside the woman's house, hurriedly setting the bags on the counter and stalked out."Your welcome."

He turned and stomped down the dirt street.

"Naruto!"Sakura shouted behind him.He took a breath and turned, seeing her with a bag of groceries.She stood before the old woman's door, eyeing him."Carry this inside for me?"

"Carry it inside yourself."He growled and left.

Sasuke's eyes bore into his back.

"Hmph,"Sakura huffed and knocked on the door.

The scarecrow apeared behind his students."Good job, where's Naruto?"

"He left."Sasuke replied, glaring at the wall behind his sensei.

Kakashi blinked,"He went home?"

Shrugging, the dark haired ninja said,"He just left after dropping off the groceries, I don't know where he went."

"Well...we only have one more mission, and it's relatively I guess we'll leave him be.One of you has to stop by his house later today though and tell him not to come to training tomorrow until tomorrow night, ok?"

"Night?Why would we have ninjtsu at night Kakashi sensei?"Sakura blinked.

The scarecrow grinned, holding up a finger,"that's for you to find out tomorrow.Make sure you show up though.Now, let's go find that cat."

Sakura groaned,"That lady lost her cat again??"

Naruto shut the door behind himself and kicked off his sandals.He pulled off his jacket to reveal the black t-shirt beneath and walked down the hall to the living room of his apartment.

"Stupid old lady.."He growled, flopping onto his worn couch.

Sighing, he stared at the ceiling.-She was right really pisses off the villagers that I 'seemingly'-He paused in his thoughts to scowl-Ignored all their hatred, became a ninja, and the Hokage still gives me missions and ect.Why can't they see that I have the Kyuubi under control?I'm not dangerous..Im a normal fourteen year old.That stupid old hag just..-Narugto slammed his fist on the arm of the couch.-They're always going to be this way..-

He stood and made his way to the bathroom in the back of the apartment.Inside he placed his hands on either side of the sink and leaned forward to stare nose-to-nose at his reflection."Everyone is always going to despise you....they're never going to respect you..why do you keep trying..I wish.."Tears slowly began to gather in either corners of his eyes." I wish they would realize..I have feelings..and it hurts.."Sighing, he swallowed back his tears and reached into his medicine cabinet, pulling out a new razor.

He smirked at it and pressed the edge to his fingertip.Blood welled and then trailed down his finger."Perfect."Naruto smiled.

End of chapter one

Ahh..nods slowly This is my first Naruto fic.-.-;Before I read the manga..I read about 200 fanfics on it on

And then about 50 stories about it on (NC17 stories)And so..I really didn't understand the characters then.But now I've go a couple shonen jump magazines, the three mangas(gonna get the fourth come August ;)So..Im trying to stay on track and describe and make the character act as they really would.-.-I love Naruto.And his background and personality gave me the idea for having a fic with self-mutilation and all that...Heh.Ahem.So yeah...eventually Im going to have him try to commit suicideindicates Sasuke and Im going to get him and Naruto together.Now that I have a laptop hopefully I'll be writing a lot of fanfiction on Naruto, Weiss Kruez, Yu Yu Hakusho and all those other animes Im obsessed with

Yeah..Im not one of those people that uses a whole chapter to go over reviews and ect.So if you do have any questions..instead of compliments or insults PLEASE email me.(I love getting emails I reread them over and over again because life is boring-.-)And to request a challenge or ect, email me too.Or IM me.(Aim Instant Messenger) My screenname is ThiefenRain (no spaces . )Or if you're an et member, my username is Larlel, message me there.smiles with shifty eyes Yeah...that's all;Or is it?staresNope...there's some information that took me two hours to type and take take five seconds out of your time to scan over it?I was walking through Glen's and scanning through the magazine section while my younger siblings play, screaming, dangerously close to a display of glass applesauce jars-.-;ANDDDDD....I happened to spot a yoga magazine.And me..being the geeky freak i am, thought of the little newspaper clipping my mom put on the fridge earlier that morning on yoga.and I picked up the magazine and saw ha tit had something about chakras on the front.

So when my mom showed up, looking for us I forced her to get it;And then I spent a lot of time typing it to put bits of it after each yeah...

Historical Root Of Chakra

The chakra system is an integral part of Indian Philosophy originating at least 5,000 years ago.It works in conjuction with Ayurvedic theory and yogic texts and beliefs.In fact, the key component of Kundilini yoga is the focus of the "kundalini" or energy source located in our root chakra. As we practice yoga or experience chakra treatments, our focus turns inward on moving this kundalini up through the chakra system. This theory is similar to the Chinese theory of flowing energy called "chi".

The Sanskrit word "chakra" means wheel or disc, symbolizing the seven primary wheel-like energy centers in the body(who knows, that might of been where Masashi Kishimoto got the idea for the Sharigan eye Kakashi and Sasuke have).(some writings mention nearly 88,000 chakras, but the primary seven plus approximately 40 secondary chakras are considered the most significant).The seven major chakras are all energetically connected to the spine as well to the most important energy channel, the sushumna, which originates at the spine and extends to the top of the head. Kundalini rises through the sushamna. Each chakra resembles a lotus blossom with funnel-shaped leaves through which energy flows. The rotation of the chakra (which varies from chakra to chakra) determines if energy is released or gained, and each chakra has a specific rotation for men and for women.

Chakras always rotate differently for men and women, some clockwise others counterclockwise. For instance, a man's root chakra rotates clockwise demonstrating behaviors such as conquering or mastering (snortshifty eyes), whereareas a woman's root chakra rotates counterclockwise, expressing a woman's tendency to be more receptive allowing the power of earth to flow through her center.