Okay, this is my first chapter to this Herbal-Tea style Xiaolin Showdown fic. It'll be long and somewhat confusing. You might want to know that I torture my fave characters, and that I'll put in a little Kimundo near the end.


Mandy Spicer looked over her maps. She had her plan, and knew where she'd strike and when. She knew the weak spots in the Empress's defence. But she couldn't pull it off. Not yet, because unlike her ancestors, she didn't have an army of bats, robots or mutant sea-creatures. She did have a goldfish, but that wasn't even close.

She went over to the keyboard and typed three words into the search engine: Shen Gong Wu.

The Ten Thousand years of darkness was about to come to an end.


Meanwhile, Ten Thousand years in the past, a great darkness spreads across the land, accompanied by a lot of green light. The Heylin Witch Wuya cackled with her new power, and the Xiaolin Dragons watched on, unable to do anything about it. Wuya turned down to the last dragon, just as he was picking himself up, still holding the Serpents Tail.

She picked him up with some sick green light, pitting him in as much pain as she could. She had previously entered his mind, and found the beginnings of the plan. Now she wound punish him. "You are a Traitor!" she hissed, feeling her evil energy into the light, burning him, making him cry out in pain. "Do you think that the little wooden box in your pocket can help you now, Reimundo?"

She was aware of a small voice far below her yelling "See! I told you that there was a secret elaborate plan!" but she paid it no mind. This boy would pay dearly for his attempt at treachery.

"Catch" he victim said, reaching into a pocket a pulling out the Chinese puzzle-box that Wuya had originally been trapped in, dropping it down to the Dragons below. That wasn't right, thought Wuya; the boy should be in a world beyond pain! She fed more energy into the green light. There was nothing but punishment and revenge on her mind, so she didn't notice when three waves of power came towards her, not until they knocked her off of her feet and loosed her hold on her victim.

She screamed defiance as Reimundo tumbled to the ground, dropping the Serpent's Tail and apparently turning ghostly in a golden light that appeared below...


Mandy Spicer followed links to an online auction, finding the two items that she wanted.