Title: "Somewhere I Belong - Chap. 4: Creeping Death"
Author: J.J.
Warning: It's an AU. It contains some Japanese words (the Dictionary is at the bottom), not too descriptive rape and probably some OOC...
To the 2, 3 people who are reading this fic and want more... work keeps me quite busy. I almost never know if I've time to write or when I've time to write. Please be patient. I've almost everything planned out. I just need time to write it.
Notes: I've been inspired by what Hisoka thought in Vol. 3: 'No one... saved me... But maybe Tsuzuki... If you had been there... you would save me...'.
Warning over notes: This fic is filled with notes. You will find them at the bottom. Each time you see a number between brackets it means there's a note connected to the word/sentence that preceded it. Many of them explain references to other series, to YnM manga only or YnM anime only facts for who didn't get to read the manga or see the anime, explain apparently illogical things or warn you there's an explanation for illogical facts but that you'll get it later. However I suggest you to read the notes AFTER you finished the fic unless the word/sentence connected to the note is really troublesome for you to understand. Anyway the fic should be still understandable without the notes. Notes are merely extra explanations for who wants to know more or search for spoilers.
"Yami no Matsuei" belong to Matsushita Yoko. I'm merely using her characters because I love them... especially Touda, Tsuzuki and Hisoka...
Ehy, Do I own something here? Oh yes, I own the plot and a sensible heart which would surely break if you give me harsh reviews... so please be honest but nice ok?
Thanks: To Larania Drake for betaing this! Thank you a lot!
Summary: 1993. Kamakura. A certain silver haired psycho was feeding himself with a poor woman's energy when the Kurosaki's heir spotted him. He had a plan for the boy but someone else was there and decided to interfere...
"So let it be written
So let it be done
I'm sent here by the chosen one
So let it be written
So let it be done
To kill the first born pharaoh son
I'm Creeping Death"
(Metallica - "Creeping Death")

'No!' Hisoka whimpered in his head. 'No!'

He didn't want to go, he refused to go but it seemed he had no choice on the matter. His feet were dragging him on and on, out of his room, out of his house toward... toward...

'No! I don't want to return back there! No!'

But the voice he was hearing in his head, the voice that, with his horror, he could now recognize, kept calling him, ordering him to come, making him relive memories he wanted so desperately to forget...

- Come to me... My Nyngyou... I left on you my mark, didn't I? Come... Let's continue that night, when on a cushion of Sakura, we were embracing under the moonlight... Come bouya... Into my hand... Come to me... Come to me... Come to me... -(1)

'No!' he screamed again in his mind and managed, in his unsteady state, to lose his balance and end up on the ground, the numbness obscuring his senses being cleaned a bit by the pain caused by his now scraped knees. It didn't help much as his body fought for dominance with his mind. That treacherous body of his wanted to go.

- Come to me... -

'No!' he mentally cried as he realized he couldn't stop it no matter what he did. In Hisoka's head HIS voice was whispering sensually, calling for him, ordering him, taking delight in saying to him how HE enjoyed what HE did to him, assuring him HE hadn't finished with him, tormenting, controlling, torturing...

He fell again, harder. His ankle throbbed, his knees burned and yet his body forced him to stand again. He didn't want this! Tears made his vision blurry and he fought against the wish to let them fall and the frustration, the fear and the shame that were creating them.

He was losing; in more ways than one.

He squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the moisture sliding down on his checks as fear and desperation were growing inside him. Before he could stop himself, he managed to articulate a word.


It was a pitiful whimper at first but, the more he kept repeating it, the louder his voice became, turning the weak sound into a full scream as his sobs caused his shoulders to shake.

Yet, as he called, he didn't expect help, help never came for him, for the pitiful, little, meaningless, cursed thing he was... so why this time should be different?

Hisoka could see HIM already, a white spot in between all that darkness and yet to him HE looked like a black hole about to swallow him whole as he screamed for Tsuzuki-san again, choking in his sobs.

He shook his head in a silly act of denial as he got closer, always closer, trying desperately to force every muscle of his body to turn and run away as his hopes of salvation dimmed and he lowered his head to at least not see, when he realized there was nothing he could do and that the other voice that he was hearing must have been just his imagination, must have been...

Instead he heard again, clearly, his name being called by a familiar voice; once, twice, and he wanted to turn, so desperately wanted to turn, but his body refused to obey him while waves of anger and frustration from THAT GUY crashed on him as HIS voice hurried him to continue and... and...

Hisoka was slammed on the ground as something heavy (and warm and kind and gentle and caring and protective and... and...Tsuzuki-san, it was Tsuzuki-san, it had to be Tsuzuki-san!) pushed him down. He didn't hit the ground too hard, he realized, as the body who had pushed him down had also taken care to take the majority of the impact, shielding him from a hard fall and now was covering him as something shining and so burning hot flew over both their heads. He didn't mind as he felt cold grass under him and warm arms around him as his body slumped like a broken puppet and finally stopped trying to reach HIM. He was raised up and turned and it was Tsuzuki-san, thank Kami-sama it was Tsuzuki-san and his head rolled against the man's chest as he made a weak attempt to grip the other's shirt. Hisoka was held tight as he was asked how he was but all he managed was sobbing so the hold around him tightened as he was picked up in strong arms and left free to cry his heart out as Tsuzuki-san's attention left him and turned on his almost omnipresent companion.

"You missed him," Tsuzuki-san stated, frowning. Hisoka felt like he missed something important and couldn't understand what it was.

"Don't tell me. I still don't get how it was possible. It's like he vanished into thin air," Touda-san replied. Hisoka whimpered feeling the man's anger and frustration and curled more against Tsuzuki-san. There was light, intense warmth and weird sounds and an odd curiosity filtered through his fear and got the best of him, pushing him to give a quick glance toward the light. He saw the tree, under which HE had been standing before, burning so fast it was almost unbelievable, consumed by a weird fire which wasn't a bright orange-red but darker, with shades of black and violet. He blinked confused as he sniffled. His chest hurt but the voice in his head was gone.

For now.

Another presence reached them and he cringed as he realized it was his father.

"Hisoka! What in the world are you doing out here, boy!" the man said to him in a clearly angry tone.

It wasn't a question, more likely an accusation, even if he would have liked to have a good answer for it but he knew better than try to explain what forced him to go out. He bit his lower lip trying to calm himself down and failing miserably as his sobbing only increased. He knew his behaviour was being shameful and would surely anger his father more but he just couldn't help it.

"Don't blame him, Nagare-san. I guess he had no control over this." Tsuzuki-san's voice was calm and gentle, but Hisoka could feel worry and nervousness bubbling inside him. "Here, watch." Before he had time to complain Tsuzuki-san had set him down on his feet and, while still keeping an arm wrapped around him for support, used his free hand to open Hisoka's yukata a bit. The boy blushed, trying to move away from the others' gazes, then noticed the lines on his chest. Red stripes which matched exactly with the points where he felt a burning pain.(2)

"What's that?" he asked in a whisper, looking up pleadingly at Tsuzuki-san. The man simply gave him a sad smile and ruffled his hair affectionately before turning toward his father.

"You'll better head back to your home, fast, and carry Hisoka with you," Tsuzuki-san said, searching with his gaze into the darkness around them. Something... he had sensed something but Hisoka had no idea what, he only felt Tsuzuki-san's worry increasing abruptly.

"NO! No, I don't want to go without you!" he screamed clinging at Tsuzuki-san in hysterical panic, ignoring his father's orders and Tsuzuki-san's gentle words.

He wasn't going to leave Tsuzuki-san.

Bad things happened when Tsuzuki-san wasn't around and no one else would help him except that kind man capable of playing with him as if he was a child yet at the same time to protect him like a hero from a novel.

Touda frowned as he watched the men waste their time over the child's whining, then his sharper hearing picked up something.

"Tsuzuki," he said, cutting in. "Something's coming."

Everyone turned to look toward where he pointed, Hisoka catching his chance to bury himself against Tsuzuki-san's chest. Something similar to a flight was flying toward them at an amazing speed.

"Hit the dirt, Nagare-san!" Tsuzuki-san shouted as he picked up a piece of paper from his pocket, holding Hisoka so tightly that the boy found difficult to breathe.

Bats. They were bats. A whole flight of them. Had Hisoka been allowed to watch something more on the TV than the local news he would have been reminded of some bad B-rated vampire flick. However, even without scary movie knowledge, the sight of all those bats flying toward them like a pitch-black cloud was impressive. As Hisoka hid his face against Tsuzuki-san, the man did something with the strip of paper because, all of sudden, something happened. Hisoka turned his face just in time to see the bats exploding strangely, like they weren't made of blood, bones and meat but something else. He stared up in surprise at the now empty sky as he marginally released his hold on Tsuzuki.(3)

"What was..." his father started.

"A taste. It's too late for you to try to return back alone, Nagare-san. You'll better stay behind us," Tsuzuki suggested, hoping the man could set aside his pride and show some good sense. Nagare-san frowned but complied. Tsuzuki felt Touda moving closer to him and was grateful for his presence. Hisoka was hugging him so tightly it was uncomfortable but it was safer if the boy was near him than his father. They heard footsteps coming on their way. Hisoka's attacker was getting closer and he looked ready to challenge them.

The sky was cloudy, the light scarce and generated only by the burning tree, a tree that wouldn't burn for long and was too dark to help much.

The man was a mere shadow, made a bit more visible by the fact that, as the previous time, he was dressed completely in white. He stopped at a safe distance; close enough for him to make out their movements but to still leave his features in the dark.

"Oh, it seems I'm facing again the powerful Jushi I met yesterday night," the man said casually with a sensual and well-modulated voice. "What an interesting meeting..."

Tsuzuki frowned replaying the voice in his mind, trying to associate it with a face, picking up similarities and differences but not being able to connect it securely to a definite person.

"It seems you've something of mine. I'll be grateful if you would return it, I haven't finished with him yet," the man continued.

"He's not yours," Tsuzuki stated simply. "And you had no right to do to him what you did."

"So you're interested in my Nyngyou?" the man asked in an almost curious tone. "I'll admit it's pretty but a broken toy wouldn't be of much use to you. It might be at best an interesting temporal diversion."

"Stop that. He's not an object for you to play with. He's a real, breathing person!" Tsuzuki snapped. He fought to keep his rage in check, a side of him wishing to see that bastard literally ripped to pieces and another completely horrified at the mere idea. He didn't want to be a murderer... but that man would do better to stay away from Hisoka. He wasn't an empath but he could almost taste the man's amusement, his satisfaction as he taunted them. He wanted to get Tsuzuki to attack him in blind rage. Tsuzuki knew better than to make that mistake again. The first time he had been lucky because he had caught the man by surprise. This time the man was ready and he had two people to protect. He wasn't allowed to take such risks.

"His family is cursed you know," the stranger in white continued in his smooth, almost hypnotic voice. "They're little more than dolls, puppets, or sacrificial lambs if you prefer.(4) All I did was give him a preview of the destiny that's waiting him. But since I'm not as evil as you seem to think I was going to erase that memory and put a curse on him that would have killed him before he fulfilled his destiny. Too bad you interrupted me. It would have been interesting to observe him struggling between life and death, victim of a never-ending pain for some years before finally giving up," the man said casually as if he found nothing wrong in condemning such a young boy to a so horrible destiny.

"Tsuzuki-san..." Hisoka whimpered, clinging to him.

"You're sick," Tsuzuki stated in a disgusted tone, referring to the man in front of him.

"Hand me the boy," the other replied in a charming but firm tone. "His family doesn't want such a shameful Bakemono like him anyway. Hand me the boy or face me... Jushi." Tsuzuki frowned. There wasn't another way out. He picked up one of his Fuda and handed it to Nagare-san.

"Hold this and don't let it go," he instructed then, forcefully, pulled Hisoka from himself. The boy screamed and squirmed, fighting it with all he had. "Hisoka!" Tsuzuki called, holding him at arm length distance. The child shook his head ignoring his words and trying to get back into the safe hold of Tsuzuki's arms. "Hisoka!" Tsuzuki called again more firmly. "You've got to stay here! I won't let him hurt you, don't worry," he continued in a gentler tone.

"No, no, I..." Hisoka protested simply refusing to listen. Tsuzuki sighed. Hisoka was in a state in which he couldn't be persuaded with just words and he really had no time to do anything else.

"Nagare-san, hold him and, no matter what, don't let him go," Tsuzuki instructed. Nagare-san seemed to hesitate as he looked at Hisoka. "Nagare-san! There's no time for hesitations!" Tsuzuki hissed and the man almost jumped then hurried to obey, his arm gripping Hisoka's small body tightly, holding the unwilling, squirming, screaming, panicked boy against himself. That had better be not the first time the man hugged the child because as first hug it was a complete disaster. "I'll be right back," Tsuzuki whispered gently to the boy before turning to face his opponent. He could feel Touda's reassuring presence next to him and was glad for it. They exchanged a quick glance before deciding they were ready.

The man in front of them smiled, amused.

"Are you done?" he asked snapping his fingers. A magic circle appeared on the ground. "Then, let's start!" he continued as a creature emerged from it. Hisoka stared at the scene in front of him wide-eyed and his father was doing exactly the same. A monster, a dragon looking monster had appeared out of nowhere and was looking threatening at Tsuzuki-san and Touda-san.(5)

"OhRyu," Tsuzuki whispered, recognizing it. Damn, that wasn't going to be easy. The next second he and Touda had moved into action.

They knew that, for a while, they shouldn't have to worry for the Kurosaki duo. The Fuda Tsuzuki had given to them would create a Kekkai powerful enough to stop OhRyu's attacks for a while, so that Tsuzuki and Touda were free to fight with no worry for their condition.

They circled the dragon quickly so that they could attack him from two sides. When OhRyu tried to get rid of Tsuzuki's first, believing him the weaker opponent, the man stopped effortlessly its attack and answered with one of his own. It really didn't do much damage but damaging it wasn't what Tsuzuki was aiming at. All he wanted was to distract it that much so that Touda could have his chance to place a blow powerful enough to render it helpless.

Touda's power consisted in controlling the black fire of hell, such a burning fire that nothing could ever stand in its way for long. Touda was rarely allowed to use it and if he did it was never at its full strength because it could have ended up killing Tsuzuki so very easily... and he would never, ever injury Tsuzuki.

The effect of Touda's power made the dragon dissipate immediately but the Jushi used that moment of distraction to attack Tsuzuki with a spell. Tsuzuki managed to jump out of the spell's way but, in doing so, he tripped and fell. It wasn't a bad fall but it left him vulnerable for some seconds. His enemy never managed to use them. The next second Touda was next to him, ready to protect him from another attack, with his life if necessary. Tsuzuki forced himself to stand and glare at his adversary. The Jushi just laughed, pausing in his attack.

"Magnificent, truly magnificent! You're two wonderful opponents! The thrill of the fight is running through my body, just like that moment when I had that boy. The sensations of that moment... were delightful... Breaking him like a useless doll and marking him so he'll always feel me within him!"(6) the man exclaimed causing Hisoka to cringe and unconsciously squirm closer to his father. Nagare, having tried first person what the man did to Hisoka, felt disgusted. He would have liked to claim the man's blood in retaliation for shaming him in such a way as his Ichimon but he wasn't stupid. Whatever he would try against such powerful man would fail.

"Bastard," Tsuzuki hissed. He knew he had never been very smart, nothing like Ruka. Ruka had been his older twin sister and of the two of them she had been the brain, the mind behind their actions.(7) He had been merely the executer of her ideas. Yet, being it, he had learned that many things could go wrong and that he wouldn't always have the time to run to Ruka for suggestions so he had learned... to handle problems on his own. Now that he couldn't count on her anymore... he had even gotten faster in judging a situation and making a decision.

The man in front of them was powerful and utterly insane. He might have others arms at his disposal, other creatures he could summon. The only way to stop him was probably to kill him and even if they seemed to have the upper hand at the moment he wasn't sure it would last. They had to protect the two Kurosaki and Touda couldn't fully use his power or they would end up burned alive in few minutes. Their opponent looked at them, smirking cruelly and likely plotting something then... he felt it. Tsuzuki and Touda too.

The weird, powerful Ki that belonged to who wasn't alive anymore but wasn't dead either, creatures allowed to move freely between the world of the living and the one of the dead, creatures gifted with amazing powers.


The real Shinigami, the ones who effectively worked for Enma DaiOh-sama, quite close to them, maybe even watching the show.

Their huge, inhuman Ki clearly perceptible by whoever had minimal training.(8)

It was never a good thing to be watched by them.

"It seems we've company," the Jushi said charmingly. "If you'll excuse me I'll have to go now. But I'm sure we'll meet again. I'll look forward to it," he assured them. Then he wrapped himself better in his white coat and he just... disappeared as if he'd never been there. Tsuzuki and Touda looked around themselves and so did the two Kurosaki but they couldn't see him.

"Do you still sense him?" Tsuzuki asked to Touda.

"Nope. And the place is impregnated with his smell so I can't use it as a reference," Touda admitted, annoyed. He didn't like to lose prey and that was how he saw any enemy that threatened Tsuzuki. "But I can still sense 'them' even if I can't pinpoint them exactly," he added referring to the Shinigami. Tsuzuki scanned the place around them again, but with no luck. He was even less sensitive to Ki than Touda. He had no chance to pinpoint them.


They took Ruka away from him.

They refused to take him with her too.

He loathed them.

Why had they kept them parted?

He wasn't supposed to live without Ruka...

Not mentioning all the times they've ripped from life a desperate soul that merely wanted to live...

He would have gone searching for them, he would have gone challenging them, shouting to them all his desperation, rage and hate but he knew he couldn't. They weren't alone.

"I can sense 'them' too. We must leave. Fast," he stated. He dispelled the Kekkai he had used to protect the Kurosaki and once he had, Hisoka practically threw himself in his arms, sobbing. He picked him up, hurriedly, and looked straight at Nagare-san. "We've got to leave," he said to the man in a commanding tone before starting to walk away, followed by Touda. He knew Nagare-san would follow. The man wasn't stupid.

As Tsuzuki-san had expected Nagare moved to obey to him, more out of shock than anything else. Nagare knew his ancestor fought a Kami, the same Kami that visited him during the nights but that was the first time he saw a real dragon and two men fighting it. He was tempted to think it was an experience he could have done without. As he walked, however, the shock wore off and he moved closer to Tsuzuki-san, to question him.

"Tsuzuki-san, what had just happened? And who was there?" he asked anxiously. As if the Kurosaki Ichimon hadn't problems enough...

"That guy was the Jushi that hurt Hisoka. The dragon was his Magami.(9) A Magami... you can consider it the demon version of a Shikigami. It's an evil creature that a man can control if he manages to master it," Tsuzuki-san said hurriedly.

"And from who are we escaping? He controlled a dragon, you and Touda-san defeated the dragon and yet we're all running away from something else. What's this something else more powerful than the three of you?" Nagare asked. It wasn't considered proper for a Kurosaki to escape but he was sure it would have been plain stupid to face something that such powerful men feared. Tsuzuki-san looked at him uneasily. He didn't seem very willing to talk about it.

"You can tell him, Tsuzuki. If they're here for one of them it's not like we can protect them," Touda-san said in his characteristic uncaring manner.

"They? Here for one of us?" Nagare echoed, confused. Tsuzuki-san sighed.

"Are you familiar with the concept of 'Shinigami', Nagare-san?" he asked quietly.

"Shinigami? You mean the mythological messenger of Enma DaiOh-sama?" Nagare asked, blinking.

"Precisely. They were watching the show," Tsuzuki-san stated. Nagare blinked further. Shinigami. There. For real. It sounded as absurd as saying he had a Yurei in the fridge and yet...

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Quite sure," Tsuzuki-san said firmly.

"This means one of us is going to die..." he whispered. Tsuzuki shrugged.

"Not necessary. It means only that someone around here is going to die or that he had already and they had lost their soul. They might be here trying to track down the soul of the woman that Jushi had murdered for all we know and have ended on our battle ground merely because they chose to check what was going on," Tsuzuki explained.

Their ways had crossed often even if the Shinigami tried to avoid contacts with living if it wasn't necessary, especially of the living that could recognize them for what they were. Touda tried to keep Tsuzuki away from them as best as he could. He suspected Enma DaiOh had interest in Tsuzuki and wanted to keep Tsuzuki away from his grasp. Tsuzuki knew he wasn't making things simple for the poor Shikigami.

Ruka had died five years before.

He met Touda two years after.

So much had changed from there but a side of him still longed for oblivion. Tsuzuki knew that, no matter what, it wouldn't stop. He just tried to ignore it for Touda's sake.

He looked down at Hisoka's sobbing form in his arms and his heart melted. Poor child. He didn't need any of this.

"It's okay, Hisoka-chan. Everything is finished, you're safe," he reassured him. Hisoka merely squirmed closer, sobbing even louder.

"He... he said I'm a broken doll... he..." the boy started rambling, repeating the same concept over and over, burying his face against Tsuzuki. At that moment he could care less about his pride. He was terrorized, shocked and what he had faced the previous night kept haunting his mind. He was so lost in his own nightmarish world he couldn't even heard Tsuzuki-san calling him at first.

"Hisoka! Hisoka!" the man said louder catching finally his attention. He turned desperate, pleading, teary eyes on him. Tsuzuki-san looked at him gently. "Hisoka, saying things doesn't make them true. Something doesn't become true because you said it or become false because you denied it. It would be too easy if things could be changed that way..." there was a longing in the man's voice, as if there was something he desperately wished he could change like that. "You're not a doll and no matter what others will say, nothing can change this truth," Tsuzuki-san stated firmly. He sounded so sure of it that Hisoka could almost believe him. He clung to him tighter, still trembling. Tsuzuki-san caressed his hair gently murmuring soft words of reassurance. Hisoka tried enjoying it but he couldn't really stop berating himself because in his opinion he had been weak and a coward. He had allowed that man to drag him out there and... and he'd been able to do nothing to oppose to him...

Tsuzuki, in the meantime, turned to Nagare-san.

"What's this 'curse thing' that madman was rambling about?" he asked tiredly. He hadn't really used many spells but they were powerful and draining. He wouldn't mind getting some rest. "Is this why you wanted our help? Because there's a curse hanging over your family?"

Nagare-san didn't reply immediately, just lowered his head.

"It's me," Hisoka whimpered. "I'm the family curse..."

Tsuzuki-san turned to look at him in disbelief. Hisoka didn't see his gaze, too busy burying his face against him, but he could feel his incredulity... and he was so tired to hide everything, so tired to hide what everyone knew but refused to say out loud in front to this caring stranger...

"I'm a Bakemono! Everyone thinks so!" he screamed, his sobbing increasing.

"Ne, Hisoka, don't be silly... of course you aren't a Bakemono..." Tsuzuki-san murmured soothingly but Hisoka knew that his incredulity wouldn't last, that after a while the man would realize he had said the truth and he would start watching him like the other did, with hate, disgust and fear. There was no point in deluding himself thinking that Tsuzuki-san would be different.

"I am! Ask him if I am or not!" he continued still clutching to Tsuzuki-san. Even as he wanted to push the man away he couldn't help but cling to him, searching for the comfort and the acceptance he knew he wouldn't get...

Tsuzuki turned to Nagare-san, frowning. What was all this supposed to mean? Nagare-san's gaze shifted again on the ground as if he was feeling guilty. Tsuzuki groaned realizing he wouldn't get any help from him and so he dismissed him and held Hisoka tighter.

"Silly boy. You can't be a Bakemono, trust me..." he said softly.

"I am! I feel things! I'm a monster who feels things and I... I..." Hisoka trailed off, unable to continue. Tsuzuki blinked, stopping in his track.

"You feel things? Which sort of things?" he asked gently brushing Hisoka's hair. Hisoka sobbing increased. He was going to lose Tsuzuki's affection too, he knew it. It didn't matter, it shouldn't matter, so why did it matter?

"Things. Things other people feel..." he whimpered. "I don't mean it... it just happens. I feel them... and I can't keep them out even if those things aren't mine... but I really don't mean it... I don't mean it..."

Tsuzuki considered his reply. Things that other people feel... Oh my, maybe he knew what Hisoka was talking about...

"Things the others feel? Feelings you mean?" Tsuzuki offered in a gentle tone, forcing Hisoka to loosen his grip around his neck and to look at him. He smiled softly at the scared child, hoping to look encouraging. "You feel other people's emotions?" he repeated. A desperate nod as confuse, frightened eyes stared pleading at him.

Hisoka expected rejection but was feeling nothing of the usual disgust and fear that normally filled the people who knew of his condition. Not from Tsuzuki-san and not even from Touda-san. They seemed... unaffected by his revelation and yet they seemed to believe him... how was that possible?

He felt Tsuzuki-san hugging him again, tightly, warmly, allowing him to bury his face against his shoulder, his feelings all warmness and kindness and caring and understanding and Hisoka wanted so badly to drown in them that he...

"It's okay, Hisoka, it's okay," Tsuzuki told him gently. "You aren't a Bakemono. Geez, Hisoka, no one reads manga here? Watch tv?"

The child didn't answer. Tsuzuki felt tempted to groan. Obviously no. Stupid country hicks. They see something unusual and immediately scream Bakemono. Then they dared to laugh at people who see Yurei in the fridge.

Poor kid. He must have had a really horrible time if they had let him believe he was a monster.

"It's called empathy, Hisoka. Your ability, that's it. Some consider it a gift but I guess you'll disagree, don't you?" Hisoka's sobbing had calmed marginally as he listened to Tsuzuki's gentle voice, trying to sort out what the man was saying. "To have it doesn't mean you're a Bakemono. It's just... an extra ability like... like playing well piano only rarer..." Hisoka raised his head so he could look at him.

"You mean... I'm not a Bakemono?" He asked in a pathetically small voice.

"No kiddo, you're not. It's an ESP ability but I don't know much about them besides the basics. There are also people with stranger abilities. Some can make things fly, some burn things just by looking at them and some can actually talk to other people's minds," Tsuzuki told him.(10)

"So there are other cursed people?" Hisoka asked then. Cursed. Had the boy really believed he was cursed? A monster? The mere thought hurt Tsuzuki and he didn't even want to think how much it should have pained Hisoka.

"Hisoka... People with ESP aren't cursed," he explained. "There are people who study this and they say that, technically, everyone should be able to do this sort of thing if taught how... even if some are predisposed and others not... but really... it's not my ground of expertise... I think Watari would know more about this... He's so into everything that could be considered even remotely scientific..."

"Is that real, Tsuzuki-san?" Nagare-san asked, studying him carefully. "This thing that Hisoka does... is normal?" Tsuzuki felt mildly disgusted. Geez, had the man really thought his son was a monster? Then he remembered that probably Nagare-san had no idea what Hisoka's powers were and maybe he'd been scared by them, too. He had experienced first person the effects of that type of fear... He and Ruka... He could remember how the people had watched them... different children...

"It's not an ordinary ability but it doesn't label him as a monster. Some even learn to control it, some try to awaken it in people who normally don't possess it. Really, it's nothing to fear or that can put in perspective Hisoka's normality," Tsuzuki replied.

"So... am I normal?" Hisoka asked in a small voice turning toward him big, green eyes filled with hope.

"Sure you are, Hisoka-chan," Tsuzuki-san said turning to look at him, his voice firm and gentle. The man meant it. Hisoka was sure of it. He could feel it so clearly... so clearly... and for once he was so glad he could feel another person's feelings... He blinked, fighting back his tears, then hugged Tsuzuki-san as tightly as he could. He didn't really knew what else to do. He had wished so much to be normal... and now Tsuzuki-san was telling him that he was...

"I would have preferred to know how to play piano well..." Hisoka mumbled in what sounded like a pathetic whimper, his voice muffled as he pressed himself against Tsuzuki-san.

"Yeah, I bet you do," Tsuzuki replied, smiling bitterly. "Sadly, we're not allowed to pick the characteristic we want to have..." He knew quite a bit about the unfairness of destiny. He too would have liked not have certain characteristics...

The rest of the travel was done mostly in silence if one didn't consider Hisoka's quiet whimpering. Nagare-san lost himself in his thought. Tsuzuki hoped he was regretting how he had mistreated the child for something that wasn't Hisoka's fault but he couldn't be sure. Touda didn't say a word but that wasn't new from him. He was still tense, however, ready in case someone would try to attack them again. Tsuzuki decided it would be better to question Nagare-san about the 'curse thing' while they were in a safer place, possibly without Hisoka around. Despite the Jushi's words it was evident that the child didn't know and Tsuzuki had the feeling it was a delicate matter. Father and son had troubles enough.

Once they reached the house a group of servants hurried toward them asking how they were or what had happened or both.

"You'll better order everyone to close inside the house," Tsuzuki suggested. "That man might still be around," he remarked.

Nagare frowned, then decided that what Tsuzuki-san had said was reasonable and did as he said.

Once they were inside Tsuzuki turned his attention on Hisoka. He was still holding him in his arms. The boy had calmed down and wasn't sobbing anymore. He looked tired but well enough.

"Hisoka... Does it hurt where that... guy marked you?" Tsuzuki asked to him in a low voice so as to avoid to be heard by a passing servant. The boy bit his lower lip hesitantly. Tsuzuki was ready to bet he had been taught to never show weakness like fear or pain. Hisoka had crumbled before and lost himself in hysterics but now he was calm enough and probably he planned to resume his proper behaviour. Tsuzuki hated proper behaviour and found it highly unpractical in that moment. "It's not a matter of courage, Hisoka," he whispered then. "If it hurt it might get dangerous and I'll have to give you something to keep you safe," he explained. "So, does it hurt?"

Hisoka considered his words then slowly nodded, blushing slightly.

"Good boy. I'll make you a... 'special tea' and the pain will go away in a minute," Tsuzuki promised before turning toward Nagare-san. "Nagare-san. If you don't mind I'll keep Hisoka in our room for this night. He'll be safer with me and Touda."

Nagare nodded. He had nothing against this idea.

"Nagare-san... we also need to finish our talk," Tsuzuki-san stated in a tone that didn't allow argument.

"I suppose we do," Nagare-san agreed with a sigh. "But it'll have to wait until tomorrow. Now... it's not a good time..." He had his own personal monster waiting for him. Maybe Tsuzuki-san and Touda-san could save him from it, maybe not but he was sure that something horrible would happen if he didn't spend that night with it.

Tsuzuki sighed. He really didn't want to postpone this but...

"Tomorrow then," he agreed. "In the morning. Right after breakfast. Is that okay with you?" Nagare-san looked for a moment like a recalcitrant, scared child, then resigned himself and nodded in agreement. "Good. I wish you goodnight, Nagare-san," Tsuzuki saw him tense and then smile bitterly at the word 'Goodnight' before wishing to him the same thing. He remembered what Touda had told him about what had probably happened to the man the previous night and felt sorry for him. He wanted to help, he really did, but he couldn't if Nagare-san didn't allow him. "If you need something tonight, no matter what, no matter at what hour of the night just call. I'll come," he assured him. Nagare-san looked straight at him, a mix of confusion, hope, thankfulness and longing in his eyes and to Tsuzuki the man looked so similar to Hisoka that he felt tempted to carry him in his room as well and make sure no one would touch him either. He knew better but it didn't keep him from feeling like that.

Nagare didn't have the time to reply to Tsuzuki-san's offer. Rui showed up, demanding to know what had happened and what Hisoka had done this time, looking positively hysterical. Nagare looked at her, exhaustion in his eyes, probably planning to remind her to keep a proper behaviour. Tsuzuki-san anticipated him and, gently, told her that everything was all right. Someone had tried to intrude in the Kurosaki's territory but now he was gone. Just to be sure, the servants were closing each entrance to the house and checking each room. She nodded in understanding at Tsuzuki-san, reassured. Tsuzuki-san smiled at her before wishing a good night to her too and walking toward his room with Hisoka in his arms, Touda-san in tow. Nagare envied him for the ease with which people trusted him. That man was younger than he and yet managed to make him feel like a child. He wished he could hide in Tsuzuki-san's room as well but he knew better. Resignedly he walked toward his room, knowing what was waiting him. He was the Ichizoku no Chou, he reminded himself, forcing himself to keep his back straight. He could face everything. He could face this, another night of that... He hoped...

Once in his room, Tsuzuki-san had asked to Miya to bring him some warm water in a pot and a cup because he needed to prepare a special 'tea'. She fulfilled her request quickly and then left him alone with Hisoka and Touda-san.

Tsuzuki-san took something, Hisoka didn't see what, from one of his bags and put himself at work to prepared his 'special tea'. Hisoka watched him attentively. Tsuzuki-san had put him down once they had entered in his room but Hisoka was still as close as possible to him. Touda-san instead was sitting next to a wall, his back resting against it and his eyes closed. He looked asleep but Hisoka knew he was not. He didn't seem to care about what was going on and yet Hisoka could feel all his attention was centred half on Tsuzuki-san and half on keeping everything around Tsuzuki under control. Hisoka had no doubt that, if someone would try something, Touda-san would be the first to realize it.

For a while Hisoka and Touda-san kept silent as Tsuzuki-san chatted about the 'tea'. Hisoka felt exhausted, in pain and scared. He was really trying his best to behave properly but it was tremendously hard. Once the 'tea' was ready the man offered it to Hisoka. Hisoka took it doubtfully and looked at Tsuzuki-san, unsure. The man was smiling in encouragement. Hisoka had no doubt that that drink wasn't a simple tea but drank it bravely anyways. It smelled bad and the taste was even worse but he realized quickly that Tsuzuki-san had been right. Just a couple of sips had dimmed the pain considerably and those red stripes that were marring his skin were fading again.(11)

"Tsuzuki-san... what's wrong with me?" Hisoka asked once he had finished the tea. He was sure that having burning red stripes that appear and disappear wasn't normal.

Tsuzuki hesitated, trying to find the best way to put into words what had happened.

"That psycho you saw murdering a woman is a Jushi, Hisoka," Tsuzuki said slowly. "Like me he knows how to use magic spells. He can summons creatures to his aid and this means he's very powerful."

"More than you?" the child asked.

"I don't know. I'm not anxious to find out. A fight might end with one of us dead and that's something I prefer to avoid," Tsuzuki replied.

"What does HE want from me? What... what did HE do to me besides..." Hisoka trailed off. He didn't really want to mention what the man did to him. He knew that Tsuzuki-san knew what had been done to him... after all he'd been the one who had found and saved him but...

"Those red stripes are the remaining of a Juso he tried to write on you," Tsuzuki admitted. He had searched for a tactful way to say it but he found none. He could only be honest.

"A Juso?" Hisoka repeated, paling. Wasn't he cursed enough with that 'gift' of his that caused everyone else to consider him a monster?

"A Juso," Tsuzuki repeated. "A magic curse. That guy... he tried to use it to kill you. It could have been a complicate one, I don't really recognize which one because I'm not really into them, however he didn't finish it so it's not fully effective," he spoke slowly, watching Hisoka as he absorbed the blow. The boy, after the panic attack and the hysterics he had when they had faced the Jushi, was now doing his best to take this bravely. Tsuzuki wished he could cuddle and comfort him but he knew better than to try it right then. It would wound Hisoka's pride and right then the boy didn't need any sort of wound.

"You said HE managed to get me out of the house due to it..." Hisoka said slowly, forcing himself to keep control of his voice. "Was it due to it I kept feeling HIS voice in my head? Was it due to it I couldn't control my body?" he asked, unconsciously clenching his fists. The man not only had... had done that horrible thing to him, he also... he had turned him in some sort of puppet and now...

Tsuzuki nodded.

"Unfinished or not the Juso works as connection between him and you, Hisoka," Tsuzuki said as he rested his hand on Hisoka's one, attempting to encourage him. "Using it, he had managed to get you out."

"HE... I could heard HIS voice in my head... HE was telling me things and I... I couldn't control my body and I... and I..." He'd been unable to fight it. Totally. He tried and failed. He was so weak and helpless it disgusted him.

"Few men can fight a Juso and win, Hisoka," Tsuzuki-san told him guessing what was tormenting him. "The more the Juso and who made it are powerful, the lower the chances to win are. I don't know about the Juso but the Jushi is undoubtedly powerful. Don't take it wrong but I don't think you had any chance..."

Hisoka clenched his fists tighter, so tight his nails cut his hands. Maybe he didn't have any chances but that didn't make him feel better...

"The 'tea' I gave you cut the connection between you and him and for a while he won't be able to open it again. As long as it works you'll be fine," Tsuzuki explained. "Right now the Kekkai I placed around this room will be enough. Tomorrow I'll also put a Kekkai around the house. As long as he tries something from afar this will suffice."

For Tsuzuki it was a habit to place a Kekkai around the room in which he was residing. He hadn't expected it would turn out so useful or better he had hoped it would be of no use at all.(12)

"What if HE is not far?" Hisoka asked hating how his voice trembled.

Tsuzuki looked straight at him. The child was scared, terrified but he deserved to know the truth, especially because keeping him in the dark might turn even more dangerous than informing him.

"He's powerful. He might manage to break my Kekkai," Tsuzuki admitted. "I'll give your father a list of Juso experts who might be able to remove what he did to you. However, now that that guy had been seen by four people and not just you, he might prefer to let you alone," Tsuzuki suggested.

"You don't think so..." Hisoka said slowly. "Don't lie to me, I know you don't think so!" he accused. The man now knew of his powers. He should know better than try to lie to him.

Tsuzuki-san didn't let himself to be impressed by his outburst.

"I don't know what's in his mind, Hisoka," he told him calmly. "He might do so, he might do not. To let you go would be the most reasonable path..."

"But you don't think HE will be reasonable," Hisoka stated, looking firmly into Tsuzuki-san's eyes. He wanted the truth. He wasn't sure if he could face it but he wanted it anyway.

"I think he's stubborn. Ambitious. Arrogant. Self-confident," Tsuzuki admitted. "A person like that might try to run the risk." Hisoka lowered his head. He could only feel honesty in Tsuzuki-san's words. He didn't like the idea that HE might try to run the risk. He was terrified by the idea HE might run the risk. Tsuzuki-san's grip on his hand tightened. Tsuzuki-san's feelings were strong but, for once, Hisoka's fear was stronger, obscuring them and almost drowning him.

"Hisoka. Hisoka, listen to me," Tsuzuki-san called him and he turned to look at him, hoping desperately he couldn't see how scared he was. "Hisoka, I'll do everything I can to keep you safe, you don't have to worry. And I have a friend that might know someone capable to help you with your empathy. Everything will go well, you'll see," the man assured him firmly and Hisoka could clearly feel his honesty and determination, they were such strong feelings only... he wasn't sure it would suffice and yet... yet... it was so nice to be protected...

"Thank you," he whispered lowering his head again. "Thank you..."

Not many more words were exchanged afterwards. Hisoka was sleepy but he was doing his best to not show it. Tsuzuki-san suggested he go to sleep but he refused. He however didn't manage to last long awake and so he slowly slid into sleep. He half awoke when Tsuzuki-san picked him up and laid him on a Futon and blinked a couple of time. He saw Tsuzuki-san smiling down at him, then sitting next to him and taking his small hand into his larger one, transmitting to Hisoka affection, kindness and reassurance. Hisoka almost smiled at the feeling before falling back to sleep.

Tsuzuki watched Hisoka sleep for a while, before turning his attention on Touda. Tsuzuki had placed the Futon in which he had put Hisoka in such way that he could be next to Touda while sitting next to it. He knew Touda didn't like to be ignored even if he normally never complained.

"Geez, that's the second time we've had to run to help one of this family... do you think we will win a prize at the third?" he said in a low tone mindful of Hisoka sleeping next to him, attempting to brighten Touda's mood a bit. Touda merely frowned.

"You mean we'll have again to run to help them the next time one of them screams? Can't we just pretend we didn't hear? It's not like they're enthusiastic about being helped..."

"Don't be mean, Touda..." Tsuzuki chided him.

"I'm not. You've saved that man's brat again and you made sure that psycho didn't kill him too and what did he say? That he'll talk to you tomorrow as if you are at his complete disposal!" Touda reminded him in an irritated tone. The more time passed the more he loathed Nagare and all his family. He hadn't missed how the man was looking at Tsuzuki when Tsuzuki had told him to call, should he have troubles that night.

"You're angry only because you know we'll have to stay here," Tsuzuki replied.

"Yes," Touda agreed. "And I don't like it a single bit. There's something... oppressive in this house, as if it were in the territory of some Water Magami or something similar. It's dangerous and it sets me off," Touda admitted. He was a Fire Shikigami. Water, or water related places weren't really his habitat. A Water Magami tended to extend his Ki around the place he lived. It would protect the Magami and put at a disadvantage anyone who wasn't Water connected. "And I won't go bring up the fact that there's an insane Jushi wandering around the garden together with the Shinigami."(13)

"Is he really in the garden?" Tsuzuki hurried to ask, his hand automatically moving to grasp a Fuda.

"No, that was just an expression but..." Touda trailed off. He wanted to take Tsuzuki away from there. He hated to share him and he loathed to see him in danger. This one wasn't even a paid job and he was sure the Kageshi would give them lots of trouble once they were back.

"I'm sorry, Touda. I always get you in trouble..." Tsuzuki said quietly, his head lowered.

"Idiot. I'll face everything as long as it's for you. But I don't want you to be hurt," Touda replied. "You should get some rest if tomorrow you plan to do something," he added. He hadn't meant to trouble Tsuzuki with his outburst. Tsuzuki smiled softly at him.

"What about you?" Tsuzuki asked him gently.

"I don't need the same amount of sleep as you. I'll make sure no one will try to do something while you rest," Touda stated, in his voice the clear implication that whoever would try to do something would seriously regret it. Tsuzuki smiled.

"What would I do without you, Touda?" he said as he leaned against the Shikigami. Touda frowned.

"You don't plan to sleep like that, do you?" he asked.

"Would it bother you?" Tsuzuki said hesitantly.

"No," Touda said firmly. "But you won't be comfortable. I'll unroll a Futon for you and..."

"Don't," Tsuzuki told him in a tone close to begging as he grasped his arm. "I'd prefer to be with you. I'm fine here." Touda frowned. Something had set off Tsuzuki too apparently.

"Are you still worried about having nightmares? I won't leave you alone, you don't have to worry..." he hurried to say to Tsuzuki. Tsuzuki shook his head.

"It's not that, Touda," he said, eyes downcast. "I just... want to be close, want to be sure you're fine. You and Hisoka too. I didn't like that man. I don't want him to hurt anyone else." Touda studied him carefully while mentally murmuring death threats toward the guy who had managed to worry Tsuzuki. From his exam however he couldn't see anything wrong besides the fact that Tsuzuki seemed more worried and involved than usual in that whole matter.

"Okay. If you want to stay here it's fine for me," Touda agreed. "You sure you are comfortable? I can..."

"I'm fine," Tsuzuki said, snuggling closer. "Thank you, Touda. Thank you."

A short time later he was asleep. Touda gazed at him fondly.

"I'm not sure I want to know what you'll do without me, Tsuzuki," he whispered to the sleeping man. "But I know what my life was without you and I don't want to return to that time. Ever. Don't worry, I'll keep you safe," he promised before continuing his silent vigil.

Somewhere in Kamakura two figures stared at each other. They were on the top of a roof but no one, unless he had a really powerful Reikan or was about to die would have noticed them.

"What are we going to do now?" one asked to the other.

"We'll report back to Enma-Cho, of course. Now we know what happened to that missing soul, there's nothing else we can do. It's not like we can retrieve it. That Jushi's been giving us trouble for two years but so far Enma-sama has yet to order to stop him in a... definitive way."

"What about that guy and his Shikigami pet? How could a mere human be allowed to keep such a powerful Shikigami?"

"It's not unprecedented and I wouldn't go near either of them. That Shiki is quite dangerous and Enma-sama himself has his eyes on that human. He's quite famous in our office, I'm surprised you hadn't hear the rumours," the man said, smirking amused.

"I'm not much into gossip..." the other countered defensively.

"Well, anyway we're done for today. We'd better go back. We've also a report to write."

"What about the problem with the Kurosaki Ichimon?"

"You know we have instructions to keep far from them. Enma-sama probably has an interest in them too. Forget them and let them be," he ordered. The other looked into the darkness before nodding in agreement.

A second later the wind blew strong but of the two men there was no trace.

To be continued...

JJ's Notes:

1. Muraki said something like this when he controlled Hisoka's body during the 'King of Sword' arc.

2. The marks of Hisoka's curse aren't always visible in both manga and anime. They show up when Muraki messes with him only.

3. In the Anime Muraki uses bats also to fight Tsuzuki. I assumed they were his version of a Tsukaima and not real bats.

4. How does Muraki know about Hisoka's family curse? Well... Muraki knows a lot of stuffs due to mysterious ways but this time he simply heard the rumours in the city.

5. I've no idea if Muraki was capable to summon OhRyu in 1993. I just assumed he did.

6. Muraki said something similar in the 'Nagasaki Chapter'.

7. No idea if Ruka and Tsuzuki were twins in the original Manga but you can call an older twin sister Neesan so it's possible...

8. I'm assuming that Shinigami have normally a stronger Ki than humans.

9. Magami is written with the kanji 'Ma' 'demon' (it's the one you find also in the word 'Akuma') and 'Kami' 'God' (it's the one you find also in the word 'Shikigami'). I'm not sure if it's the canon term used for Muraki's summoned creatures but they apparently aren't Shikigami and the Italian version of the manga called them 'Demon Gods' so I will use this term to call them. And no, this 'Magami' has nothing to do with the 'Magami' family you see in 'X', a manga by CLAMP. They're written with different kanji even if they're transliterated with the same word.

10. ESP, also know as 'Extrasensory Perception', is the paranormal acquisition of information. Includes clairvoyance, telepathy, precognition and, of course, empathy, which is the ability to understand/experience the experience or emotional state of another person or animal. Telekinesis and Pyrokinesis aren't ESP abilities just Paranormal ones. Tsuzuki is messing up things a bit but he had admitted he's not an expert...

11. Please don't ask me what was inside Tsuzuki's 'tea'. I've heard there are purification drinks of some sort. I'm assuming the one Tsuzuki gave to Hisoka is one of them.

12. The Kekkai Tsuzuki posed is a simple Kekkai to keep out spirits or spiritual forces. Since he normally deals with that sort of things he always take care to take precautions. Of course this Kekkai doesn't keep out living beings who wouldn't even notice its presence unless they've a strong Reikan.

13. Yatonokami looks like a Water Kami and since he's kind of haunting the Kurosaki house the effect is the same that a Water Magami would cause.

JJ's Extra Notes:
I'm not particularly proud of this chapter...
The tree burned because Touda used his fire to try to hit Muraki. He missed and hit the tree. Muraki showed he can disappear in the 'Kyoto Chapter'. I assume that's why Touda missed him.
For who's wondering why Muraki is escaped when the Shinigami had joined the battle... well... in the manga too he had escaped when the situation wasn't good. Plus in 1993 he was surely less powerful than in 1996/98 the time in which YnM is placed.
Hisoka was hell to portray as usual. It's quite hard to picture how he was at 13 and then figure out how he would react to all this mess...

-chan: Name ending used to express affection and familiarity or to talk with a child
-sama: "Lord" or "Lady"
-san: "Mr." or "Mrs."
Akuma: Demon
Bakemono: Monster
Bouya: Boy
DaiOh: "Great King". Enma's title
Enma: "Demon of Darkness". Ruler of the Land of Dead
Enma-Cho: "Office Enma". In the 5th district of JuOhCho. It's ruled by Enma himself and controls only Tokyo's territory. It hosts the Shokan-ka
Fuda: Short for 'Ujikofuda' ("Charm for Shrine Visitors"). Rectangular paper "charm" used to cast some spells
Futon: Bed in Japanese Style
Ichimon: Clan
Ichizoku no Chou: Head of the Clan
JuOhCho: "Ten Kings Office". Meifu's bureaucratic organization ruled by Enma. It's in charge of judging the deceased in Japan
Jushi: Magic User
Juso: Curse
Kageshi: Shadow User
Magami: "Demon God". Summoned evil creatures
Kami: God
Meifu: Land of the Dead
Neesan: "Sister" or "Older Girl"
Kekkai: Shield
Ki: Aura
Nyngyou: Doll
Onmyoudo: "Way of Yin and Yang". Yin and Yang are the male and female forces underlying the movement and changes of nature. Onmyoudo is based upon the Chinese arts of astrology, divination and Taoist magic and also represents a mystical way of living in harmony with the forces of nature
Onmyouji: "Person who practices Onmyoudo". Basically a magician, sorcerer, diviner and astrologer
Reikan: Spirit Sense
Sakura: Cherry Tree
Sensei: "Doctor" or "Teacher"
Shiki: Short for 'Shikigami'
Shikigami: "Ceremonial God". In YnM they are summoned creatures with two forms (usually one is animal looking while the other is human looking) that live in GenSoKai. In Japanese myth they're summoned creature that attends an Onmyouji
Shinigami: "God of Death" or "Death God". In Japanese myth two Shinigami are sent by Enma to retrieve the souls of the dead
Shokan-Ka: "Summoning Division". Division in Enma-Cho that deals with summoning the dead to appear at court. It enters in action only when the souls of the dead don't go spontaneously to Meifu
Tsukaima: "Familiar Magic" or "Messenger Magic" or "Useable Magic". A summoned creature created with a Fuda specifically for a determinate purpose (pursuing targets, carrying messages, attacking enemies, spying)
Yatonokami: "God of the Night Sword". Monster who cursed the Kurosaki family
Yukata: Summer Informal Kimono
Yurei: "Ghost" or "Spirit of the dead"

Replies to reviews:

To Everyone who reviewed: Thank you! You're a great encouragement for me!

To Silverfox1: Touda is a lovely pillow... As for Hisoka discovering what Touda is... it'll take some more time. So far he thinks he's a Jushi like Tsuzuki. I'm happy to hear you liked the previous chap!

To tenshiamanda: Touda and Hisoka getting along? Well... it'll take time and it be more like a sticking together to help Tsuzuki than anything else... and it's not planned in this arc. It's in one of the future arcs I hope I'll manage to write.

To RuByMoOn17: More Touda/Tsuzuki moments will be showed later. This chap too has one, even if little. I love the Touda/Tsuzuki pairing as well! I can't decide which pairing I favour, if the Touda/Tsuzuki one or the Tsuzuki/Hisoka one!

To Higashi: I did! I hope you're satisfied now!

To Candy-chan: How are you? I'm glad you like this fic too! I've lot of fun having Touda and Hisoka arguing over Tsuzuki! Oh, and about Tatsumi... he'll show up again! Touda is cruel to Tatsumi because he believes Tatsumi was cruel to Tsuzuki and he's very protective of Tsuzuki...

To yaoi-hunter: Happy you like this! Now it's updated!

To okubyo kitsune: I tried to update as soon as possible but not always I've time to write... No, before I didn't added details... but this time I made some corrections here and there... oh, and yes, as you could see Muraki didn't manage to hurt Hisoka this time!

Don't grumble silently, please let me know what you're thinking of this!
Send me your comments!