Disclamer: Whee, another chapter! For some strange reason this story doesn't want to be long when it comes to pages, but the plot is pretty complex, so the actual thing won't be too short. The explanation for taking so long is because I've been working on an X-men evolution fic. I'm also looking for an editor to help with it;so if you're interested, just send me an e-mail. I do promise to kick my butt into gear and start writing at least every week now. Oh and if you don't mind, extra comments on my other story would be really awesome; so far I only have one review, and it's a flame :self-esteem explodes: Ah, well; In addition, hugs, love and squeaky moose's to all my reviewers. You guys rock.

Kaz Uki Mochiiro- 'Ello again, I really appreciate all your comments man. Like you said, I hope this chapter 'rocks your world' :)

Gipsychan – 'thanka 'thanka, dear :)

chibi goth gypsy Weee!.. I don't particularly like being cursed into oblivion so here's a new chapter for you : Hope you like the action in this one.

Invader-Maz – Surely. More chapters are on there way n' thanks for all your support :)

bibianca rivers –A cookie! For me! Whahoo! We writers do need our brain food.

suki9870- Er.. Thank you :gives bagel:

Invader Shaza – Heh, yay; another ZAGR fan. Thanks for the comment, hope you like this chapter :)

Cheshire Sagi- Hey thanks!

Odd-Fantasy- Hahah, I appreciate the good intention threats towards my writing. Thanks :)

Krissy119- Whee! I updated just so you wouldn't explode :) Thanks for all your comments and constant encouragement. :cheers:

Pokemongirl99 – Aw, thanks :blushes: I'm not one for complements, but really, that means a lot :)

Halo Van Helsing:gasp: Thank you so much!

SupersayiankingTommy – Thanks for that interesting comment :) Hope you like the new chapter too.

Cashew :Fears because you are somehow now mysterious: Hah, thanks again for all your comments man, appreciate it.

Speedy-Youkai – Hah, thanks a lot :gives balloons:

Celestial Star Mali - Awesome, can't wait to read it :)

rekka-the insane wolf demon- Course I mentioned you! How could I not! Oh and OOC is just a simpler version of saying "Out of character"

breathingwhilebleeding – What can I say; Gaz and Zim just seem to hit it off quickly when it comes to romance :)

DarkHavok – I know I know, I'm really sorry. Hope you can forgive me with this new chapter. Thanks again for being so patient :)

lladybug777 – He he he, another chapter is well on its way; don't worry :)

Change of plans

Part IV

The figure was something that couldn't be recognized as anything of this world. The faint tint of color, apparently purple, could be shown in his clothes and its jaw line was glittered with green flesh. It looked up and gripped its hands into fists before turning its head to face Gaz and Zim. The terrified girl's mouth began moving as though she was speaking to someone before she returned her gaze back into her hands; hiding behind Zim.

The alien boy quickly got to his feet; saluting his leader while accidentally pushing Gaz to the floor. Not even muttering an apology, Zim ignored her spiteful glare and waited for his tallest to respond.

"Who are you?" it demanded; pointing to Gaz. The screen blinked suddenly as the tall purple-eyed alien regarded her with puzzlement.

Gaz thought fast "I'm one of Zim's human slaves," she said; standing up from the ground.

"Mmm" He mumbled out; then turned his focus back to Zim and continued on with his debriefing.

"Zim, Irk.. well Irk is…" His voice sounded frightened; an implication of anxiety pushing from the back of its throat. "Planet Irk in now currently under enemy control." The tall alien turned away from the screen but continued on speaking. "We've been conquered, Zim, and what's left of our people need an area to recuperate."

The alien boy felt the sharp sting of pain pierce through his heart. His planet under attack; How could that be? Nothing was making much sense anymore.

He felt Gaz's stare wash over him. Her velvet eyes were filled with sympathy and a longing to hug him; to tell him just how sorry she was. But no apology could heal the wound in Zim's pride.

The purple green creature cleared his throat and again turned to face Zim. "Were preparing to reside on Earth for the time being; just long enough to recover ourselves." Zim's eyes bugged open. "After doing so, we'll take our revenge against the enemy and win back our home, and our title. I'll leave you to organizing the disguises and home base; don't disappoint me this time, Zim." With that said the screen lost transition and returned to a black and empty screen; the mysterious and tall alien had vanished.

Without thinking, Gaz instantaneously pulled Zim into a caring hug and softly stroked his back. She didn't know what to say. In-fact she didn't think anything she could say would help; so she kept quiet. Zim took her hand in his own, and gently squeezed it tightly to show he was okay; even thought the both of them new it wasn't true. She elegantly moved over to his ear and whispered in a soothing voice; something he couldn't quite understand. But that didn't matter. All that did was the fact she was in his arms; and he never wanted to let go.

Gaz spoke again; this time in a tongue that Zim could recognize. Her tender lips pressed against his for a second time "We can get through this. We will."

"I don't know Gaz; I don't think I ever will. Everything just feels so right. Here with you." He tightened his grip around her hips and continued. "I feel good. About myself and everything else. It's a feeling I haven't felt in ages. Well, to be truthful, I haven't felt anything in ages. I've been cold. Completely cold. I don't feel pain, I don't feel jealousy, and I don't feel happy. But... I feel everything when I'm with you Gaz. And I don't ever want to let go."

"You won't have to" The girl shakily replied; touched by his loving words, and clung to him even tighter. "I don't plan on letting go either."


Authors Note: So I got to thinking; that's always a bad thing, and I ended up with this. As you can see I've taken a turn of events as to where exactly I'm heading with this story. I vaguely remember reading some ZAGR where Zim finally conquers Earth; Gaz turns into his slave and Blah blah blah. Well, it just dawned on me or at least in my view(correct me if I'm wrong here) that I've never actually read a story where Irk is taken over. So I thought to myself; just to try something new, I might want to mess around with the idea. But you never can tell with me really; I'za tricky one, kids. Prepare yourself for more weirdness. Oh and more fluff. Hoo-ray fluff.