Title : Time heals all

Chapter : 1

Author : Sesshie's daughter

She was tired of it all, she had had another fight with her boyfriend Inuyasha. She knew that he was seeing her high school friend Kikyo. Her mind travelled back to the first time she found out about it.

Flashback (Two years ago)

Inuyasha pulled up to the huge mansion's gate. The gates opened allowing them access to the mansion. Inuyasha drove through the gates and parked in front of the big house, which belonged to his half brother Sesshomaru. Why Inuyasha would be leaving her here she had no clue.

She knew though that Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru didn't like each other that much. Thus she questioned herself why Inuyasha would leave her there. All she knew was that he said something about dropping her off and her visiting Rin while he went to Miroku's for the night.

She had her doubts about being there with Sesshoumaru. She didn't mind staying at Sesshoumaru's. She had done so many times but that was when she had wanted to. Not once had she ever stayed the night with the hyper little adopted child Sesshoumaru was raising.

"I'll be back in the morning," came Inuyasha's voice from within the car.

Kagome looked at the estate and turned around. She grabbed her bag and shut the car door. She then made her way up the stairs to knock on the door. An old butler opened the door and greeted her.

"Good evening, Kagome," said the old butler.

"Good evening, Jaken," replied Kagome as she entered the mansion.

As soon as she set foot into the house the little hyper six year old flung herself at Kagome.

"Kagome! Rin is happy that you came to visit her!" said the little girl with a big smile on her face.

"Hello Rin, how are you?" asked Kagome.

"Rin is good! And Rin picked you some flowers!" Rin said as she jumped up and down.

The rest of the evening went well. After supper the two girls put together a puzzle and after that Rin was sent to bed by Sesshoumaru.

Kagome was in the room she was to stay in for the night when she couldn't sleep. She got up and got dressed. She then walked out the door and down the stairs. As she reached the door Sesshoumaru stopped her.

He offered to drive her back home. Which Kagome excepted with a smile.

Sesshoumaru then grabbed his jacket and keys and opened the door. He let Kagome go first before he too exited the house and locked the door behind him. The two got into the car and drove away from the estate towards Kagome's apartment.

The drive was long and silent and it seemed to take forever to reach their destination. At last Sesshoumaru pulled into the parking lot and exited his car to help Kagome out.

"Would you like to come in for a cup of tea before you leave?" asked Kagome as she got out of the car.

Sesshoumaru looked at her and nodded. He then grabbed her bag and followed her into the building. Kagome was standing in front of her apartment door when she heard Inuyasha's voice from within the room.

She unlocked it to see Inuyasha and Kikyo in the kitchen kissing. She dropped her keys and looked on at the sight before her.

"Kagome, what the hell are you doing here! I told you to stay at Sesshoumaru's!" yelled Inuyasha.

"I just wanted to come home," said Kagome. "But I guess I'll just leave and send Sango to get my stuff next week."

End of flashback

Kagome knew that after Inuyasha had apologized and begged her to forgive him, he was still seeing Kikyo. Why she stayed with Inuyasha she had no clue. She just invited all the pain into her life.

She took out her cell phone and called Sesshoumaru. He had become a good friend of hers since the night she had found Inuyasha and Kikyo.

"Hello?" came the voice of the little girl Rin.

"Hi, Rin it's Kagome. Is Sesshoumaru there?" asked Kagome.

"Hold on Rin will call him."

Kagome smiled at the way the little girl had talked. She was already seven soon to turn eight and she still spoke in third person.

"Hello? Kagome what is it?" came the worried voice of Sesshoumaru.

"It's nothing. I just felt like talking to someone is all," answered Kagome.

"Come on Kagome. I know you well enough that it isn't just to talk."

"I can't take it anymore," came Kagome's voice in a whisper. "I've had enough. I just can't take it, Sesshoumaru. I love him but he just does't see that."

"Kagome, where are you?" asked Sesshoumaru.

"I'm at the park that's about seven blocks away from my apartment," answered Kagome.

"I will be right there," said Sesshoumaru as he hung up the phone.

Kagome put her cell phone back into her pocket and sat on the bench. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on them. She cried into her knees.

Kagome was crying when someone sat beside her. She didn't have to look up to know it was Sesshoumaru.

"Kagome," said Sesshoumaru quietly. "Don't waste your tears on him. He will never know how much he is missing until it is to late."

Kagome looked up at him and threw herself at him. Crying into his chest, letting all her pain out. Sesshoumaru's arms wrapped around her and he held her within his embrace. Keeping her from all the wrath in the world if only for a few moments.

He didn't know why his brother treated this angel the way he did. He made her life miserable and shattered her heart day after day till she finally didn't want to go through with it anymore. That was when she would call him and he would be at her side as soon as he could.

At these times he had wanted to admit the feelings he had developed for her over the past two years. But instead he let them build within him. He didn't want to cause her more pain than she was already going through. So again he just sat there holding the crying girl within his arms. Letting her cry to her hearts desire.

Well that's the end of chapter one. This is just an idea that wouldn't leave me alone so I had to get it typed out. Oh yeah and posted. I hope you like it.

Till next time

Sesshie's daughter