Chapter 4 - College Days

"Goodbye, Mom!" says Sam through her tears, as she shares hugs and kisses with her Mom.

"Goodbye, dear!" says her Mom through her proud tears.

"Goodbye, Dad!" says Sam as she also shares hugs and kisses with her Dad.

"Goodbye, Buttercup!" says her Dad. He is fighting to hold his tears in too.

Sam is being dropped off at her dormitory room at Beverly Hills State University (BHSU). After weighing all her options, she decided at the last minute to go there, instead of BTI. BHSU also has an excellent Engineering program, and it also has a strong Criminology department. That was very important, as Sam really wanted to continue being a spy as well. BTI didn't offer the Criminology. Another plus was that BHSU was only a one-hour drive from home! She could exercise her independence and maturity, and still visit home pretty much whenever she wanted! BTI was a full travel day home and another back! You lose two days on the one-week quarter breaks.

Her Mom and Dad go down the elevator, and she watches from the second floor window as they go to the car. They are happy their daughter decided on BHSU. She's close if she needs them! They look back at the window, and seeing Sam, wave goodbye. She returns the wave.

Sam brings her three suitcases into her bedroom of this dorm cluster. She'll share this dorm cluster with two other roommates. She puts her first suitcase on the bed and opens it. Right on top is a picture of Clover, Alex, and Sam. She touches her gold locket necklace, and her eyes start to tear up. She has worn the necklace every day since she got it. She picks up the picture, giving it a quick hug.

She says quietly, "I miss you guys already!" and a tear rolls down her cheek. She puts the picture on her nightstand.

The next picture is group picture with her Mom and Dad. She smiles, as she wipes her tears away. She hangs the picture above her bed.

The last picture is the Prom picture with Matt. Again she tears up and gives it a quick hug. "Good luck to you, also, Matt!" she says as she softly kisses him in the picture. She will hang his picture on the wall opposite of her bed, so she can see it every night.

Soon Sam hears one of her roommates going through the same sad goodbyes with her parents, just as she did.

Sam decides to unpack later; she'll introduce herself to her new roommate and help her with her luggage. She walks into the hall and turns the corner. She sees her new roommate waving a sad goodbye to her parents, wiping a tear away.

"Hi! Let me help you with your luggage! I'm your new roommate. My name is..."

But before Sam can complete here introduction, her new roommate twirls around and screams in elation and joy, "SSSSAAAAAAMMMMMMYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Sam responds in kind, "AAALLLLLEEEEEXXXXX!!!!!!"

The two friends run together, happily embracing one another. They pirouette two or three times in each other's embrace! Tears of sheer joy are streaming down their cheeks!

"Sammy! I thought you were going to BTI!"

"And I thought you were going to Tahoe!"

"I was, but I wanted to study Criminology also, because I still want to spy. Tahoe didn't offer it. BHSU has a great Teaching college as well as Criminology. And it's only one hour from home!"

The girls bring Alex's three suitcases into the middle bedroom. Alex notices that Sam is wearing her gold locket necklace too. "You know, Sammy? This is the first piece of jewelry I put on every day!"

"Me too, Alex!"

"I wonder how Jerry is doing."

Soon Alex is unpacking her first suitcase. The item on top is the same picture of the girls that Sam has in her room. Alex picks up the picture and hugs it. "I always wanted to remember you guys! I never wanted to forget all the good times we had together! And now you're my roommate!" Alex puts the picture on her nightstand.

"I have the very same picture on my nightstand too!" says Sam.

Alex walks over to Sam and gives her another quick hug. "I'm so glad you're here, Sammy! But," she adds sadly, "I'm going to miss Clover."

"So will I, Alex. But at least we're together again!" And Sam gives Alex a quick hug.

The next picture is a group portrait of Alex with her parents. She hangs the picture over her bed. The last picture is the Prom picture of Pete and her. Alex sheds a tear, and says quietly, "I wish YOU were here too, Pete!" as she gives his picture a quick, soft kiss.

While the girls are talking in Alex's bedroom, their third roommate arrives. She wants to give the impression that she is emotionally bulletproof, so she said her tearful goodbyes to her parents at the ground floor entrance to the dorm. She has hauled her three suitcases up to the dorm common area, and hears her two roommates in Alex's room. She decides to introduce herself.

Pensively she walks to the entrance to Alex's room, with her eyes cast down, she says, "Hi, girls. I'm your new roommate my name is..."

But before she can finish, Sam and Alex squeal with joyous delight, "CCCCLLLLOOOOVVVEEERRRR!!!"

Clover looks up in startled delight! The three girls run together for a big group hug none wishes to end! They are all crying and laughing at the same time, as they pirouette around a few times in each other's hugs. They soon break the hug.

"Clover! I don't believe it's you!" says Sam happily.

"Are we all dreaming?" asks Alex happily.

"If we are, I don't want to wake up!" says a smiling Clover.

"We thought you were going to Flint!" says Sam.

"I was, but I wanted to continue spying, and therefore wanted to study Criminology too. Flint didn't offer it, so I came here. BHSU has a topnotch Drama and Journalism College! Besides, it's only one hour from home!"

Sam says, "Come on Alex! Let's help our new roommate with her luggage!"

"Way ahead of you, Sammy!" says Alex.

As Clover begins to unpack, the top item is the very same group picture with Alex and Sam. She gives it a quick hug. "I wanted you guys with me always! This is one of my most prized possessions, along with the other two pictures I brought. And, of course," she adds as she caresses her gold locket necklace, "this is my most prized piece of jewelry! I put it on first every day!" She then puts the picture on her nightstand.

"So do I!" says Alex.

"Me too!" says Sam.

Clover's next picture is one with her Mom and Dad. She puts that on the wall over her bed. The last picture is the Prom picture of Clarence and her. She hugs it and kisses Clarence, "I'll never forget you, Clarence!" she says with a tear quietly, as she hangs the picture across from her bed.

Clover than says, "This is great! The day started sad with the goodbyes with my parents, and it took a sharp turn upward when I got here! I never expected you two to be my roommates! Somebody up there must like us!"

"Totally!" says Sam.

"No question, girlfriends!" says Alex

The girls each share a hug and go to their rooms to finish unpacking. They are all humming and singing to themselves, they are so happy!

Finally completing their unpacking, the three relax on the dorm couch.

"You know gals? This day started sad, but it really has ended GGGRRREEEAAATTTT!" says Alex, as they are being WOOHP'd.

"Jerry?" they say to a visibly happy Jerry, standing in front of his desk. They land on their usual oval landing cushion, but it seems softer somehow.

"Welcome back ladies!"

"Do you mean we are still a WOOHP team?" asks a happy Alex.

"Yes you are Alex!"

"And do we still work for you, Jerry?" asks a smiling Clover.

"Yes, Clover. You're still stuck with me!"

The gals spontaneously run up to Jerry and give him a big hug, which he happily returns.

"This is the perfect topping to this day!" says an ecstatic Sam.

As they all break the hug, Sam asks, "What's the mission, Jerry?"

"Oh, no mission girls. When I found out you were all going to BHSU, I hacked into the university computer, and changed some dorm assignments so you three could room together. I hope you approve."

"Without question, Jerry!" says Sam.

"Totally!" says Clover.

"You're the best!" says Alex.

"I'm glad girls. Glad I have my spy team back, and especially glad YOU three are back. No dull moments for this old warhorse," says Jerry with a smile.

Jerry continues, "I have a limo outside to take you back to BHSU. I asked the driver to drop you off a few blocks from your dorm, so you can get your bearings on the university's grounds."

Jerry escorts the ladies to the limo, and opens the door for them. After they get in, he closes the door and says warmly, "Welcome back!"

The gals respond, "It's good to be back, Jerry!"

As the limo pulls away, Sam says, "You know, Jerry is the number one, two and three reasons I like working for WOOHP!"

"Totally!" seconds Clover.

"If it weren't for Jerry, I'd probably quit!" says Alex, as Sam and Clover nod in agreement.

As advertised, the limo driver drops the girls off about three blocks from their dorm. They wonder why Jerry doesn't want the driver to drop them off at the dorm. Probably because it does have the WOOHP insignia on it. No problem. They express their thanks to the driver, and are absorbed in their excited conversation, when they run into three guys, as they round a corner too quickly.

"Oh ! Sorry!" says Sam.

"Our fault," says one of the guys. Then there is a moment of silence, which erupts into a joyous cacophony.







The guys and gals rush together as each guy hugs his Prom date, kisses her and twirls her around in circles. The girls are laughing and hugging the guys. This HAS to be a dream!

"Matt! What are you doing here?" asks a very happy Sam, as she kisses him again.

"It was too expensive to go to Fort Lauderdale. So I decided on BHSU! What about you?"

"Same reason! Plus it's close to home!" says Sam.

Matt kisses Sam again and says, "Where is your dorm?"

"It's dorm 101, dorm cluster 1. I share it with Clover and Alex. And you?"

"I'm in dorm 401, dorm cluster 3. Pete, Clarence and I share it together. Can you believe the luck?"

Sam thinks, 'luck?'. We'll check to see if this is more Jerry luck later.

Clarence is ecstatic! "Clover! I can't believe my eyes!" He kisses her again.

"Oh, Clarence, Clarence, Clarence! I'm soooo happy!" says Clover as she kisses him. They both explain to each other how they ended at BHSU and how lucky they are to be in the same dorm cluster, guys and gals.

Pete is still hugging Alex and twirling her in a circle. He plants a big kiss on her lips and says "Alex! My Sunshine! You're here! You're actually here!"

"And so are you, Pete!" says a very happy Alex as she kisses Pete. They too explain how they ended up at BHSU. What luck!

Finally, the three couple break up. As the gals happily start going toward their dorm, and the guys to theirs, the guys call out.

"There's a 'Get Acquainted' dance this Friday, do you want to go, Clover?" asks Clarence.

"Yes, how about you, Sam?" asks Matt.

"And you, Alex?" asks Pete.

"I'd have been very disappointed if you didn't ask, Clarence! You bet I'll go! See you this week in class and definitely Friday for the dance!!!" says a very happy Clover.

"I'd love to, Matt!" coos an equally happy Sam.

"It's a date, my Pete!" says a smiling Alex.

The girls are happily on their way back to their dorm. Sam, Clover, and Alex whip out their compowders and call Jerry.

"Yes, girls! Problem?"

"Just a question for you Jerry!" says a smiling Sam.

"You wouldn't have juggled any other dorm assignments, would you have?" asks Clover with a big smile.

"And you wouldn't have asked the limo driver to drop us off just to where we would conveniently run into our boyfriends, now would you Jerry?" asks a happy Alex.

"Why girls! I am surprised you would think I would juggle Matt, Clarence and Pete's dorm assignments, and then arrange with the limo driver to set up your impromptu reunion!"

"Uh, Jerry? We never told you our Prom date/boyfriend names!" says Sam slyly.

"And we didn't mention anything about an impromptu reunion, either!" says Clover interrogatively.

"Yeah, Jerry! How would you know?" asks Alex with a big smile.

"Oopsy!...... I guess you have me, AGAIN!" says Jerry, a bit embarrassed that his handiwork had been found out so easily.

"Thanks, Jerry!" says Sam very appreciatively.

"You're a great boss, Jer! Thanks!" says a happy Clover.

"And a good friend! But a bad liar, Jerry!" says a very happy Alex.

"You girls are getting too good at reading me! But you're welcome! Goodnight, girls!" and a happy Jerry hangs up.

"Goodnight, Jerry!" the girls all say together, and sign off.

As the girls enter their dorm, they are talking about Jerry.

"Can you believe what he did for the guys?" asks Sam.

"Or the impromptu meeting?" asks Alex.

"Underneath that 'all business' front he projects, that man is an incurable romantic! I'm glad we work for him!" says Clover. Alex and Sam agree.

As the girls get to their floor, they come around the corner to their room and run flat into what looks like a new Chic Boutique opening in the dorm cluster across from theirs. There are steamer trunks and suitcases littered all over the corridor. Naturally, the gals can't help knocking a few over!

Immediately, they hear a shriek from the dorm cluster. "Watch where you're going, clumsy! That's my stuff, klutz!"

The gals all say together, "MANDY!"

Mandy replies, "NO! Not YOU in MY dorm!"

"It looks that way, Mandy!" says Sam matter-of-factly.

"It CAN'T be! I'm going to the Registrar's office and getting my dorm cluster changed right now! Come on girls!" With that, Mandy's two clone high school friends dutifully follow.

"Well, the more things seem to change, the more they stay the same," muses Sam.

"I can do without Mandy!" says Clover, "But I'm ecstatic I don't have to do without you guys!" as she hugs Alex and Sam around the neck, "Or without Clarence!"

"My sentiments exactly, Clover, and I'm happy Pete's here too!" says Alex as she also hugs her two friends.

"Totally! With Matt here, this is almost perfect!" says Sam as she shares a hug with her friends.

The three friends finally make their way to their dorm cluster and share a group hug.

Mandy and her friends, on the other hand, are arguing with the Registrar, who keeps telling them that all the dorm clusters are assigned, and they will have to make do. Mandy is throwing a tantrum for the ages! Observers rank it a perfect "10.0"!