Author's Notes: This is another bonus chapter to Vengeance. Well, If you were wondering what Debirusuke was speaking about in the final chapter of 'Why', then this chapter will explain it all. Here you go.

-Bonus Chapter 2-


The group's facing off against Debirusuke...

Debirusuke evades the Kaze no Kizu, however, he doesn't escape the Hiraikotsu completely as it cuts along the taiyou's back. Debirusuke falls forward onto his hands and knees just in time for Inuyasha to launch the Bakuryuuha.

Debirusuke is hit by the full force of Inuyasha's attack and, when the dust clears, the Taigaakiba is spinning in the air. The sword then lodges in the ground and detransforms to its average katana form. Sango catches the Hiraikotsu with her left hand and just stares at the sword as she lowers the boomerang. The taiji-ya starts toward the detransformed Taigaakiba, releasing the Hiraikotsu as she does.

"No, Sango! Don't go near that thing!" Inuyasha states, swinging his right arm out horizontally.

"But I..."

"Sango-chan..." Kagome says, concerned. She holds her right hand out toward the taiji-ya.

Sango raises her right hand toward the Taigaakiba, her fingers trembling slightly, "I... The Taigaakiba..." she says, almost absently, "It... it's calling me." her hand draws closer.

"Don't, Sango-chan!"

"Why does the Taigaakiba call to me as it does?" questions Sango as her hand reaches the hilt of Taigaakiba.

Sango's fingers curl around the handle of the sword. As soon as she grabs it, Sango's eyes widen and a tiger's roar is heard as the image of one flashes in her eyes. Suddenly, Everything goes white around the taiji-ya and a few moments later, Sango staggers back two steps: her right foot stepping back first then her left.

Sango breathes three breaths, her eyes still wide. Everything's still whited-out to her view and she blinks her eyes several times to try to set her vision right to where she can see. On the last blink, she keeps her eyes closed and turns her head slightly to her left, raising her left hand subconsciously to cup the left side of her face.

Suddenly, Sango's eyes snap open and she slowly lowers her hand, pulling it away from her face.

"?" the taiji-ya gasps slightly at the sight before her eyes... each of her fingernails are elongated and sharpened slightly, her fingers covered in blood and trembling slightly. She then turns her head slowly to her right to see the transformed(?) Taigaakiba in her right hand, its blade is also red with blood.

"H-how...?" she questions to herself, turning her right hand over to see it as well has claws, "What... what has happened to my body... ?" she notices sounds she wasn't able to hear before.

Sango raises her head and notices everything around her is destroyed, "Huh...?" she starts looking from side to side, "Kagome-chan?" she calls, continuing to turn her head back and forth, "Inuyasha?"

"Kagome-chan?" she shouts, worriedly as she looks around, "?" her eyes widen when she smells something... "This smell...?" she says, sniffing the air twice, "Can this be... Kagome-chan's scent?" "How come I can smell it... ... NO! Could it be, I'm a-Wait! If it 'is' the scent of Kagome-chan's blood, then... What have I done?"

"There is a small taint of youkai blood in your veins, Sango." a male voice, which sounds like Debirusuke's, says, "It awakened when you took hold of the Taigaakiba -which would not have happened had you heeded the warning not to touch it- and 'that', taiji-ya, is what has slaughtered your allies... including your beloved, Kagome."

"NO! KAGOME-CHAAANN!" the taiji-ya screams.

Sango's eyes snap open and she sits straight up, breathing heavily. She blinks her eyes two or three times and then she starts looking around to see the surroundings of Kagome's room. Sango realizes she's in Kagome's bed and looks beside her to see the young miko-girl lying there safely... sleeping soundly and peacefully. Sango smiles slightly at the girl and closes her eyes temporarily, "It was... all a nightmare..." she breathes a sigh of relief, then reopens her eyes to look at the girl one more time. The taiji-ya then lies back down next to Kagome and drifts back off to sleep... trying to ignore what she heard in her dream.

!The End!

Ramblings: Well, Now you have some clue as to what Debirusuke meant by, 'You... have her eyes...'. If you have anymore questions about it, then e-mail me. I'll send you a reply and tell you the entirety of the setup... when I've a chance. Ja for the time being!