Disclaimer: I own nothing but Aurel and a few other characters that may show up here and there. The rest belongs to Tolkien.

By Blood and Bond

Beads of sweat covered his forehead....something disturbed his sleep....it was her again...the look in her eyes as the orc put the blade to her delicate neck and just swept it across her, letting the blood spill. The look in her eyes...those silvery blue eyes losing light...she never let out a scream. She just fell. Legolas gasped and woke himself up. He sat up putting his face in his trembling hands Why do I keep dreaming of her?

She looked in the mirror. Tracing the scar that trailed from right under her pointed ear, down to the base of her neck. It had been five hundred years since that orc attack and the scars yet remained. Elves usually healed quickly, but the pain was still there. She was fading, slowly, day by day, no matter how many orcs she killed in return, no matter how much of their filthy blood she spilled, the aching in her heart lingered. There came a knock to her door, bringing her back from her memories. She walked towards her doors.

Lady Aurel. Your father would like to see you. said the elf maiden.

Aurel smiled, despite the sorrow in her heart. She gave a quick nod and the elf maiden left. She was dressed appropriately, her father would be pleased to see her in a dress. No patrolling for her today. She was sure that Glorfindel would not mind, he needed a rest from her. The thought of that made her smile again to herself. She walked out of her room and walked slowly towards her father's study. It was a beautiful day in Imladris. She breathed in the sweet smelling air, closing her eyes for just a moment.

It is good to see you smile today Aurel. She stopped. She was surprised to see him. What? Not even an embrace from my youngest sister after so long? He asked smiling.

Her eyes filled with tears. She ran to him and held on to him. It was Elladan. She sighed, and her tears slowly stopped. She was overjoyed to see him.

I have missed you as well. said Elladan. While stroking her back. She looked up at him, she wondered if Elrohir was there as well. Elladan read her mind. Elrohir is here. He would very much like to see you. He is waiting for you, along with Ada. Come, I shall accompany you. He held out his arm, and she entwined hers with his. It had been much too long since she last saw her brothers. The aching in her heart dulled a little, and it made all the difference.

When she entered her father's study, everyone was there. Everyone except her mother, she noted. The aching become painful now. She held her breath. She kept smiling throughout. said Elrohir going to her and giving her a warm embrace. Sister, my heart is happy to see thee. She leaned her head against his chest and heard his heart beating. Then she parted from him. And nodded at Arwen and her father. They both smiled back, although Lord Elrond could tell that Aurel was troubled by this unusual reunion.

Arwen came up to her, equally as giddy to see her brothers and squeezed her hand. Arwen noticed that Aurel's eyes had become lighter, no longer clouded as they had been the last couple of months. She was worried about her little sister. She could feel her aching heart, she could tell, that slowly she was fading. Everyone else felt it as well.

It does me well to see all my children here. said Lord Elrond, he smiled. Something unusual for him. Elladan and Elrohir have heard of your adventures Aurel. It seems they had a talk with Glorfindel.

Yes. He tells us you have become quite skilled. With Bow and Sword? stated Elrohir.

Aurel just nodded.

You are lucky you even found her here today. Usually she goes out patrolling. Comes back at the latest ours of the day covered in filth. stated Arwen proudly.

Is that so? asked Elladan. I am surprised by you Ada, letting her go out, risking her life.

Aurel laughed silently.

There is no choice here. Stated Elrond, She does what she pleases, whether I agree with it or not. Besides. I have all belief in her abilities to defend herself, for I have seen her, she is quite good, maybe even better than you Elladan.

Elladan let out a scoff. Another smile appeared upon Lord Elrond's face. Everyone was surprised when Aurel stood and kissed her father on the cheek, then held her hand to her heart to everyone else and left the study. Her heart could no longer bear it. Although happy to be with her family. It was too much memory for her. She needed some fresh air. Arwen stood up to follow her. But Lord Elrond stopped her. Let her be.

She is in pain. Let me help her. pleaded Arwen.

You cannot. Let her be. he repeated.

She is fading. said Elrohir.

They all looked at him.

Yes. I had hoped that your coming here would have helped, but it seems otherwise. said Elrond with a frown.

There was light in her eyes Ada, perhaps there is still hope. said Arwen.

The pain is still too close. Her memories haunt her. said Elrond.

The memories haunt us all. said Elladan.

She blames herself for not being able to save her. It is not right. Why does she not understand? asked Elrohir.

You must understand, I do not see how you cannot. You do the same thing. said Arwen. There was more than a mere statement meant by those words. Elrohir stared at her.

In the meantime, your coming home is cause for much discussion between us. interrupted Elrond.

Elladan and Elrohir looked at Elrond, the topic of Aurel's condition had been left alone and all three siblings understood why. For Aurel's pain was a pain shared by all who loved her, and all who had to watch her fade. Arwen understood that she had to leave as well. For a great shadow was consuming middle earth and there were things that she could not and did not want to hear about.