WARNING: This chapter contains lemon content! Please do not read if you do not like R rated sexual material and/or are offended by it. I don't want any flames about my writing or anything of that nature. (If you do flame me, it'll be a waste of time and will only be deleted...in the nicest way possible, of course. :)

For those of you who would like to read the full-out lemon version, you can go to www(dot)mediaminer(dot)org/fanfic/view(blank space)ch(dot)php/75508/266979/ ENJOY!

Chapter 3

"I…I can't take this anymore…" she stated closing her eyes tightly as her hands fisted in his robes so hard that it hurt her knuckles. Looking deeply into his eyes, Sango demanded, "Love me." The fingers of one small hand ran over the contours of his face.

"Miroku…make love to me."


This was just too good to be true…did he hear correct?

Miroku gazed long and hard into Sango's eyes, trying to see what she was thinking, "Sango…" he was too shocked to say anything else as she trailed her slender fingers from his face to behind his neck, removing his hair from its binding.

.:.I've never written a love song.:.

.:.That didn't end in tears.:.

He closed his eyes at the feeling of Sango running her hands through his thick mass of short hair, "Are you sure Sango?" When he noticed she was a little too into his hair to hear him, he took her by the shoulders to get her complete attention. "What if there is an outcome to this night?"

She looked deeply into the dark depths of his eyes before dragging him on top of her form on the wooden floor, "If I ever became pregnant, I would only hope for you to be the father."

Miroku smiled at that, "But I never asked you properly-"

"You have once," Sango reminded him, shadowing her eyes with her bangs, "But did you mean it?"

.:.Maybe you'll rewrite my love song.:.

.:.If you can replace my fears.:.

He tipped her chin up, his face serious when she finally made eye contact with him, "Watashi no ko o unde judases?" When she didn't respond Miroku sighed and added, "Or have you already given up on me and moved on?"

Sango's honey eyes were shining brilliantly as she felt tears start to form in the corners of her eyes. She was speechless…especially in the compromising position she herself had put them in down on the hard, cold floor. She felt a tear escape down the side of her face.

Miroku put a finger to the fallen tear to wipe it away, "These," he asked as he studied the liquid on his digit before turning his violet eyes back on her face, "are happy tears, I hope."

"Hai," Sango laughed while her cat-like eyes sparkled. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed the tip of his nose to hers, "And I will have your child."

"Only one?" he placed that familiar lecherous grin back on his face.

"Maybe two."

"Or three?"



"Stop," Sango stated, closing her eyes and shaking her head, "Nine's too many."

.:.I need your patience and guidance.:.

.:.And all your lovin' and more.:.

"Not when you're in love."

She opened her eyes at the way he proclaimed that statement, but they automatically closed as he kissed her passionately, his hunger evident on his lips. She kept with his pace; enjoying the sensation that only one kiss from Miroku could give her body.

Miroku smiled against her lips as he felt her warm tongue shyly touch his own. He started a battle as he pushed his tongue into her hot mouth, tangling with hers in the process. At her small whimper, Miroku pulled away, leaving a distraught Sango feeling vulnerable under him. His eyes swept down her clothed body, taking in every inch of the moment before bringing them back up to her own eyes, "Are you sure?"

Slowly rubbing a leg against one of his, she purred, "More now than I'll ever be."

He untied her yukata, hesitantly pushing it apart until she shook it off her arms impatiently. Leaving it down around her hips, it kept her lower half covered.

'Well,' Miroku thought, 'I might die of happiness if I see too much at once…'

Sango's eyes narrowed ever so slightly as she watched his face while he slowly made a visual trek up her body. She felt uncomfortable as she realized he was stopping to glance at every small scar on her frame.

.:.When thunder rolls through my life.:.

.:.Will you be able to weather the storm?.:.

"Miroku," her voice was broken in a small voice of embarrassment, "I know you've seen my many scars before…and, if you…"

Miroku stared at her, pain evident in his dark orbs, as she was silenced by merely seeing him that way.

Trailing his hands as softly as a breeze across her exposed arms, Miroku gave her an indecipherable smile as he leaned forward to whisper into her ear, giving her goose bumps. "Want to know a secret?"

.:.There's so much I would give ya, baby.:.

.:.If I'd only let myself.:.

.:.But there's this well of emotions.:.

.:.I feel I must protect.:.

Before Sango could even think to answer, Miroku sat back onto his haunches as he untied both his outer and inner robe, throwing them across the room to be left in only what he was born in. Her eyes widened at the sight before her…

She smiled at him.

Miroku had scars, too.

He chuckled deeply in his throat as Sango threw herself at him, pinning him to the floor, causing the rest of her yukata to fall from her body without notice or care.

.:.But what's the point of this armor.:.

.:.If it keeps the love away, too?.:.

'He's scarred…he's many scars, as I do. Miroku shares my scars…physically,' Sango grinned at him from her spot above him as their fingers intertwined, just as they did not two hours ago outside, 'and emotionally. He is perfect.'

.:.I'd rather bleed with cuts of love.:.

.:.Than live without any scars.:.

Miroku lifted his head off of the floor, claiming her lips. Keeping their kiss connected, he skillfully wrapped a leg around one of hers, flipping her over once again. He supported his weight onto his forearms as he peered down at his soon-to-be lover.

She opened loving, trusting, and lusty eyes to his gaze as a small pink blush sprinkled across her nose and cheekbones…a look that he thought looked good on his demon hunter extraordinaire.

Whimpering at his slow pace of action, Sango pouted up at him.

"Don't struggle, my little taijiya…I just want to worship you."

.:.Baby, can I trust this?.:.

.:.Or do all things end?.:.

Sango exhaled as she tried to relax. It was extremely hard considering she was so inexperienced!

She suddenly took in a very sharp intake of air as she felt him cup her breasts in his palms. Her head tilted back as he kissed, licked, and even nibbled, his way down her slender throat. Sango's breathing started to grow ragged as she realized he was moving towards her chest.

When Miroku reached his goal, and Sango lost control of her body…and she didn't care for it back, either.

Her back arched, bringing more into his mouth as he sucked and tugged with his teeth. Just as she didn't think she could take the delicious torture any longer, he merely just switched to the other neglected mound of flesh, repeating the slow actions upon it.

"Oh, Kami," Sango panted. Miroku's wandering right hand was stroking her, making her shiver with a pleasure she'd never known to feel. He was touching her where her pleasure felt centered. Her heels dug into the floor as her hips slightly lifted, letting Miroku know without words how it must've felt.

Smirking to himself, he then pressed two fingers against her; slowly dragging them around while watching her face…he wanted to see, from her facial expression, where her most sensitive spot was hidden. Resuming his journey, Miroku saw it…that almost unnoticeable little flinch letting him know he'd passed it.

His sharp eyes were glued to her face. He watched as he found it again, this time, rubbing slightly to make sure.

"Aiee!!" She gasped loudly, instinctively bucking her hips against his hand as he applied even more pressure.

Knowing that he'd found out her best spot, he bent down to tap on the nub at the top with his tongue while at the same time, speeding up the pace with his fingers.

Miroku felt Sango stiffen under him. He knew he'd helped her finally reach heaven. He removed his fingers as he crawled atop her, her spasms still not done racing through her as he lovingly kissed her.

.:.I need to hear that you'd die for me.:.

.:.Again and again and again.:.

As Sango returned to earth, she noticed how she felt wetter than before, also…warmer.

Her eyes fluttered open to see Miroku resting on top of her, waiting for her return with a smile and passion-glazed eyes of his own.

"Wow…" she breathed, her chest still heaving from her first full-out orgasm.

He leaned down, warming the cold tip of her nose with his lips, as he hoarsely ground out, "Aishiteru, Koishii."

.:.So tell me when you look in my eyes.:.

.:.Can you share all the pain and happy times?.:.

Tears threatened to return to her eyes, but never got the chance as Miroku slowly slid into her, stopping short of taking her virginity while a bead of sweat ran down his temple.

Noticing his hesitation, and remembering what she'd heard from village girls about how becoming an ex-virgin was always painful, she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around Miroku's strong neck.

"Aishiteru, Miroku."

That was all he needed.

He broke through Sango's thin layer of virgin skin in one swift stroke, swallowing her small yell of pain with his soft lips.

She tried to focus on anything but the sharp pain in her abdomen. She decided on using Miroku's mouth for therapy.

Licking at his lips, Sango easily got him to open them for her. Tickling the roof of his mouth with her small tongue, she noticed that her pain had subsided. She had the feeling of being linked to the world in a new light…

Miroku was her link there.

Recovered and ready for him, Sango smiled, letting him know it was okay to follow through.

He did…

…and she loved it.

When her vision cleared, Sango blinked a couple times as Miroku collapsed his spent body on top of hers.

.:.Cause I will love you for the rest of my life.:.

He was saying meaningless things and words of promise into her ear as he nuzzled her neck. She was bathing in the afterglow of their love…nothing besides the two of them there, together, right then mattered more to her.

He disconnected himself from her while she was still enjoying the feelings that were still rushing through her.

Lying on his side, Miroku spooned her up against his chest as Sango sighed contently.

He felt vibrations…and he heard that haunting melody she'd been humming earlier as she'd sat in his lap…right before he'd slipped up and told her he loved her.

No…he hadn't slipped up at all…

It was the damned smartest thing he'd ever said.

With that thought, he buried his nose into the scent of rose that was her hair, hearing the faint ending words of the song as she sang it to him.

.:.This is my very first love song.:.

.:.That didn't end in tears.:.

.:.I think you re-wrote my love song.:.

.:.For the rest of my years.:.

.:.I will love you for the rest of my.:.




A/N: Thank you to every single reviewer and reader…you guys rock. I know I kind of delayed the ending too long…but I had to edit it because it was so explicit to begin with. Ha, I didn't want to get myself in trouble! Hopefully some did go to read the NC-17 version…you'll see that I tried to make it tasteful enough so that it wasn't just hentai.

Oh…this story is my baby…thanks again to all who have helped, even if you don't realize it!

Oh yeah…'Watashi no ko o unde judases?' is another way to say 'Will you bear my child?' But hopefully you guys figured that much out.

¡Mucho amor a usted todo y caja fuerte de la estancia, ahora!
