A/N- Important!!! So, this story was by far my most popular. It has been 4 years and I still have been receiving emails and people are still putting it on their alert list. I was 14 and now being 18 when I decided to read this work I found so many mistakes and am ashamed of it. Thus out of boredom I have decided to revise and hopefully give you all a finished story. You will need to re-read because I am making this story over. Thank you all for the positive and negative feedback because now I understand many liked the theme, but the story itself is lacking in depth and has many grammatical issues. Thank you for reading.

Summary- Buffy learns she has a cousin living in London so when she's expelled for burning down her school her mother makes arrangements for her to attend boarding school with said cousin; little did she know this isn't just a normal school. BS-HP

Pairings- Buffy/Harry, Ron/Hermione, Willow/Oz, Xander/Cordelia

Rating- PG13

Disclaimer-J.K Rowling and Joss Whedon own everything HP and BtVS



"What? London? No, no, no! There is no way in hell I'm going to be going to some boarding school in another country!" Buffy exclaimed her green eyes threatening to spill angry tears; she fiercely wiped at the tears and breathed in deeply attempting to calm herself.

"You brought this upon yourself Buffy." The curly haired mother who at the moment looked extremely stern replied. She was seated with her red coffee cup she kept glancing at placed on the table.

Buffy's hands pulled at her golden hair in frustration. "This isn't fair! You can't do this-"

"I'm not the one who set the building on fire! We tried Sunnydale High but you just keep getting into trouble. And you've only been there for 3 weeks! "Joyce said using her authoritative mom voice her eyes finally finding their way to Buffy's.

Buffy shook her head sitting at the table and burying her head into her hands. "Okay, I'll try harder I swear mom please..."

Joyce sighed and looked guiltily back at her coffee cup. "I wish there could be something else I could do."

Buffy leaned forward in her chair desperately clinging onto the table, "You can, you can let me stay here with you and my friends and-"

"No. Buffy I hate doing this but I have to do what will be best for you in the long run." Joyce's eyes plead with Buffy's for understanding. Buffy's eyes bore into her mothers tears flooding back into her eyes making them shine with color.

"By kicking me out and putting me into some unknown world?"

"If that's what I have to do, then I'll do it." Joyce sipped her coffee and looked up at Buffy.

Buffy sunk into her chair defeated. "When do I need to go?"


Buffy's Room

"I wish I could say goodbye the proper way. We've only known each other for a few weeks and it feels like forever." Buffy said over the phone.

"I know. I'm going to miss you. But hey you'll be back this summer right?" Willow asked in an attempt to brighten Buffy's mood. She rolled over in her bed staring at the ceiling suppressing tears.

"Yeah only 10 months away." Buffy replied, she could almost feel Willow frowning. They continued talking as Buffy packed. A loud resounding knock interrupted their nostalgia and heartfelt goodbyes. "Maybe if I ignore her I can manage to guilt her into letting me stay." Buffy inquired to Willow who sob laughed in reply.

"Honey, it's time to be going." Buffy sighed sadly.

"Well I guess this is it. I'll talk to you later okay Wills? Tell Xander I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye." Buffy could not hide the emotion in her voice she pressed her lips together and clenched her eyes shut trying to hold it together while saying goodbye to her good friend.

"Yeah, I will. Buffy…We'll watch everything while you're away, Xander and I, I mean. We'll patrol and keep you posted. So don't worry. Just please…Don't get yourself killed."

"You too, watch over each other. Remember, carpe diem." A minute later she was out the door and in the car staring blankly ahead.

"Here we go. Say goodbye." Buffy merely looked the house over as they pulled out of the driveway and watched the passing buildings. Although she had only been in Sunnydale for a few weeks, it still felt like home. She looked down at her hands and wondered why she let herself get sucked back into the slaying part of life. If she had not been bestowed with the weight of the world she might live a normal life and worry more about boys instead of the undead, and she would be able to stay. Hell, she might still be in L.A. 'Not land of the tweed.' She thought glumly to herself.



Buffy stepped out of the platform and walked around looking for any clue of the mysterious family she had never even known of. She wasn't let down. There was a small family of three with a big sign with the words, ' BUFFY ' written across it in big neon blue ink. She slowed when approaching the family.

"Buffy?" Asked an older woman with wavy dark hair and warm welcoming eyes.

Buffy smiled politely, "That would be me." They smiled at her and the man took her bags. She looked over at what she assumed was her cousin. She had bushy brown hair and brown warm eyes much like the older woman. She was slightly taller than herself and in a very Willow way smiled welcomingly and had a wise air about her.

"It's very nice to meet you. Truth be told I didn't even know I had a cousin so this is a bit of a surprise." She told Buffy as they made their way out of the airport in her posh accent.

Buffy nodded. "I so get the feeling, you think our parents would tell us about this sort of a thing, next thing I know I'll have some younger sister."

The girl smiled brightly and let out a small chuckle, "I'm Hermione Granger by the way."


"Buffy Summers, your mom told us a bit about you." She told the blonde earning a groan from Buffy.

"You guys probably think I'm some juvenile delinquent." Buffy retorted, 'Great away from home and seen as a crazed pyromaniac.'

"Of course not, from what we heard you just made some bad decisions is all." She told her reassuringly giving her a sympathetic smile.

"That's only half the story." Hermione wore an expression of confusion and Buffy waved it off. "So this school is it cool or am I going to be bored?" Hermione smiled,

"You have nothing to be worried about."



Harry awoke and made his way down to the common room yawning all the way.

"Hey Ron, where's Hermione she's usually the first one up." Ron looked up at Harry and merely shrugged,

"Beats me, she's been acting weird lately. Maybe we should ask Lavender? They are in the same dorm room right?" Harry nodded and began looking around the room for the pretty teen. They saw her by the bulletin board and made their way towards her.

"Oiy, Lavender, have you seen Hermione?" Ron asked.

The girl brought a manicured finger to her lip in thought. "Not since McGonagall asked her last night to come with her, no. "

"McGonagall took her somewhere?" Harry asked a worried expression coming to life on his face, she nodded.

"Yeah, I think she said something about family or whatever." They were about to ask her another question when they checked their watches and realized they were going to miss breakfast.

"Well thanks for the help." And with that they were gone to eat and discuss matters of Hermione and her mysterious "family business."

"You don't think it's about You-Know-Who, do you?" Ron inquired.

"I hope not Ron. I really hope not."


"Wait just a minute. I'm going to a magic school?" Buffy looked at her new found cousin as though she had been smoking.

Hermione nodded vigorously in response, "Hogwarts, you can read all about it in Hogwarts a History. I know it might be hard to believe-"

"No, it's just I assumed little witchcraft was ever performed and that it was…A not so good thing." Buffy replied.

Hermione shook her head, "No, it's actually decently ordinary. Witches and muggles-"

"Wait, what?" Buffy's face was covered in confusion.

"Muggles are people who cannot perform magic. We coexist peacefully; it's just like a separate world. There are good witches, but just like in the muggle society there can be bad ones as well." Hermione explained very articulately watching Buffy's face for a sign of comprehension.

Buffy slowly nodded, "Okay…Neat."

"Neat? You're- You're not freaking out?" Hermione asked waiting for Buffy to suddenly burst into hysterics and call Hermione loony.

"No, no freak out. I…Let's just say things like this are normal to me." Buffy told her giving her a smile to show she believed her.

"How so?" Hermione asked curiously.

Buffy bit her bottom lip and debated whether or not Hermione should know, 'If anything it will just get her and I into trouble…' "It's…A secret."

"Oh…" Hermione replied giving Buffy a suspicious glance.

"How can I go to this school though?' Buffy asked attempted to change the conversation, "I'm not a witch."

"Actually…You are a witch. Dumbledore talked it over with me. He sent you a letter when you were 11 but your father, who happens to be a wizard, replied with a simple you weren't to be attending." Hermione replied.

Buffy's eyebrows rose and she merely shrugged, "Wow, that's a lot to take in at once."

"Yeah…Sorry about that." Hermione replied. Buffy lay on the mattress laid out on the floor for her and blankly stared at the ceiling. Hermione fingered her comforted trying to busy herself as a distraction from the awkward silence.

"So…You said it was a school for witches, is it for just girls?" Buffy asked.

"Oh God no, there are wizards as well. My two best mates are males actually; I have never really gotten on with girls very well." Hermione told her a slight smile on her face thinking about her two best friends who she imagined were having a terrible time without her doing their homework.

"Yeah, me either. My friend Willow though, she was an exception." Buffy frowned slightly thinking of how much she would miss going to school with her good friend, "You actually remind me of her." Buffy aimed to Hermione,

"Really, how is she?"

And for the remainder of the night the two exchanged stories of what mattered most to them, their friends. Needless to say the two found themselves becoming friends as well.