Author's notes: This fic is intended as a joke – a parody of all things trashy in the Harry Potter fandom. As such, no part of this fic should be taken seriously under any circumstances!

You've been warned.

The Amazing Illegal Wonder Potion

1. An unexpected visit

On the day Harry Potter turned sixteen, he received the greatest present anyone could have given him. In fact it was still night, and Harry was lying awake, feeling sorry for himself (which lately had become his favourite pastime), when he heard the rumble of an engine.

It sounded like a cross between a helicopter and a lawnmower, and it was coming from above. At first he thought that it was The Flying Shitbox, but straightaway decided that this was unlikely. The last time he had seen Mr Weasley's Ford Anglia, it had been mating with the Whomping Willow on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, and as far as Harry knew, it was still there (in the Forest, not getting it on with the Willow - though possibly that, too).

Unless, of course, the relationship had not worked out. Harry thought that was quite likely - the first time the two had met, the Willow had nearly beaten the Shitbox to a pulp.

Of course, that was no worse than relationship between Ron and Hermione. Any couple that clashed that much simply had to end up together, or fictional writing would not be what it was.

However, Harry soon saw that it was not the Ford Anglia running away from its jealous lover. It was, in fact, a motorcycle. It approached over the rooftops of Privet Drive, and Harry's heart began to beat faster as it drew nearer. A memory stirred in his mind, a dream from long ago - what could this mean?

He did not have long to wonder. Within seconds, the motorbike had reached Number Four, Privet Drive and skidded to an abrupt halt in mid-air, right outside Harry's window.

The rider wore no helmet, but his face was obscured by a pair of riding goggles. He had long black hair, which billowed around his head in a manner described by ladies worldwide as "Soooo sexy!" Harry didn't know this, of course, and if he did he wouldn't have understood it. He stared at the rider in amazement, wondering what was going on. After some moments had passed, he decided it was up to him to break the silence. He asked, "Who are you?"

The rider didn't reply. Instead he slowly peeled off the goggles, pushing his hair out of his face at the same time (really, really sexy). Harry stared at him for a moment, and then fainted.

Sirius Black shook his head, muttering, "James never fainted," and climbed through the window. After a moment's thought, he dragged the motorbike through after him (turning off the engine first). The noise should have woken up the Dursleys, but luckily, (as it would have been very inconvenient at that particular point in time), it didn't.

Sirius lifted Harry and placed him gently onto his bed, noticing as he often did how much Harry looked like his father. "You'll have to do," said Sirius and grinned wickedly in the darkness (it was a very sexy grin, if anyone had seen it).