.Cherish the Day.

Written by none other than: Nadia. "A Lifeless beauty"

Disclaimer: I Do not own anything related to Star Ocean 3. And thought ya knew that.

Ahem I wrote a few others, but this is my first Star Ocean fic, and well I hope it goes well I got a weird pairing here I thought I'd like to try out. Albel/Sophia I like to call it Alphia. Yes, yes, so far the fics here are on Albel but it just popped into my mind, okay? lol And by the way this is a bit AU.

Here's the prologue, and it's an event that happens much later in the story, and I want your guys suggestions on what the first chapter should be about since most of this fic is in Sophia's point of view. And don't bother with my writing style. XD Anyway, I'll ask at the authors note on the bottom. Also, there's a few spoilers here so be careful. Enjoy this little bit though it lacks the detail.


"Thanks, Fayt. I couldn't of done it without you."

"No problem, Sophia."

My boyfriend Fayt, and I just finished tidying my simple guest bedroom up on the Aquaelie. My "handsome hero" gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as I headed for my small cozy bed in the left corner after we exchanged our goodnights. I just couldn't help but write this letter to a certain someone, and I didn't want anyone else to know. Only him.

I just had to get away from here and quickly, I could be a danger to everyone.. oh why should I bother explaining at this very moment. I quickly dashed to the metallic desk in search of some unadorned paper and half used pen, jotting down the words as they came to mind.. Tears falling freely to whatever surface they met.

----- So many months have past... I feel as if I'm getting stronger with every step I take, every chance I make. Okay, so I'm sounding cheesy.

A lot has happened, hasn't it? Me and Fayt were finally reunited after the Vandeeni had captured me on Elicoor II, a couple weeks after I met you... I bet you didn't even care that much did you? You didn't even have the thought of me, except that I was gone since I was weighing you down, right? Well, I don't blame you.

This seems silly doesn't it? That I'm writing a letter only to you out of all the most honest people I could think of. Pathetic, I bet you're laughing right now.. Or maybe you just ripped this up. I wouldn't be the least surprised.

I want you to hear me out though. You know why I wrote this, right? I'm leaving. No you haven't read wrong, I'm getting out of here one way or another. I'm a big threat to all of you and I apologize for the burden I have set upon you... Yeah, especially you.

I'll just have to keep trying to stay strong, like you told me too.. not that it really matters. Hmm.. what else did I have to say.. Oh yes, if we do met again which I doubt, I have some questions for you. Darn well know what I'm talking about, don't you? You seem to avoid them when I inquire them in person. This is my very last chance to ask once again.

Why are you so distant from me and the others?

Why do you treat us like dirt?

Why must you act as if you only care about yourself and fighting to the death?

Why did you kill so many people? Was this against your will?

Why are you shady about your past?

Why didn't you answer me when I personally asked you a couple nights ago, "How do you feel about me?"


Why, Albel the Wicked?

You know what, even though you call me and my friends worms, fools, and maggots.. (Which makes me giggle) I truly know that you care about us. You can hide it all you like, hide in that self absorbed shell of yours. I've said this many times before. This makes you angry, no doubt, and when you get angry.. Well, let's just say I scadaddle.

You do like us. You do want to help us. You do have some concern. So stop being so stubborn, okay? The only fool around here is you. Remember that when I'm gone. I know those words must not mean a thing, I tried my best many times. Or maybe it hurts you? Do think about it? I wonder..

This letter has gone on too long, more then it was intended to be. So I'm saying goodbye. I already have my escape pod set and my belongings, and since you don't care I surely know you wouldn't follow. Or.. do you? Before this ends I have one thing to say to you... I think I... well wait, how to word this.. ummm, I think I have feelings for you. Not just friendship feelings, the other kind, ya know? That kind. Every time I see you.. oh forget it.

You must think this is addressed to Fayt, huh? Well it's not... I do really like Fayt, it's just.. you really intrigued me, ya know? The things you say really make me ponder during the night. I want to know the real you. You seem not to let me, scared are you? Disappointment and nervousness are taking over again. Well guess this is farewell..(Oh what the heck, I'd love to get on your nerves one last time.) C'ya Alby!

Sincerely, Sophia Esteed

P.S. Please don't tell the others about this no matter what they may say about me. Keep it inside. It's for the best. Trust me.


I slowly raised from my chair, gulping and wiping away the tiny tears that somehow had a will of their own, freeing themselves from my soul, showing my true sadness. Creeping down the hall I arrived at his door, bending down and slipped the letter under its cold surface.

"I wish I could be there to see your face as you read." I whispered, placing my hand on my heart, "I wonder.. is this what love feels like?"


The crappiest prologue ever! I couldn't think of what else to say and keep Sophia in character. It'll get much better than this; I just had to start it off somehow. Okay now I want you the reader, to pick which one is better since I can't decide. The story is mostly like the game, but Sophia has been there from the start instead of captured by the Vandeen. So as you can see, she meets Albel sooner. Now this is what I can't decide on, where should the actual story start?

-Start in the very beginning and show everything in Sophia's eyes.


- Start at the Kirlsa Training Facility where Sophia first meets Albel with Cliff, Nel, and Fayt.

Which one? I feel stupid for asking but I just don't know, and I have the story planned out and everything. Again, sorry for the horrible prologue. Review and tell me if I should continue this. I mean, wow this is the first "Alphia" Story. O.o Haha.