Chapter 1 – The Wish

"Silent Sarah, Silent Sarah, with her runny mascara."

The kids were taunting Sarah again. She couldn't stand it and tears started falling, hence the runny mascara comment. She hated them all. They were all so cruel.

Your eyes can be so cruel,

Just as I can be so cruel.

The verse just popped into her head out of nowhere, but she shook it off, used to thoughts of Him. Thankfully, the teacher walked into the room, so the taunting would lessen a bit. It would still occur, though. Her teacher was very shy and reserved. You had to strain to hear him speak, and though young, he had the nerdy professor look happening. You could tell that he was not meant to teach Physics, just carry out experiments his whole life.

"Now, class," the teacher said, "we will be working on the average speed and average velocity of a..."

Everybody had already started tuning him out. Brad, the high school football team captain, sat right beside her and picked on her more than anyone. He had always hated the fact that she didn't drool over him like the other girls did, so he made her life a living hell. Today was no exception. He snatched the red book off her desk with the gold lettering Labyrinth and started to read it and snicker. He turned and whispered to her in a sarcastic and malicious voice.

"So, Sarah, the Goblin King will come if I say something like: I wish the goblins would come and take everyone in this class away, right now."

Sarah gasped in horror. She didn't have enough time to stop him from saying the words. She knew what was coming next. The lights started to flicker, startling the teacher, Mr. Daniel. Then suddenly, the lights went off. The only light illuminating the room was the small sliver of light coming from the window. Sarah raced to the door to try and get out. Everyone followed suit, but they found the door to be locked. Sarah started to panic, but quickly realized something. I beat him once and I can do it again. Just as her train of thought finished, an owl flew through the window which seemed to open on it's own. The owl flew around the room, checking out each and every person, but paying particular attention to Sarah. She looked up at the owl and glared. She could swear that she saw the owl grinning back.

"What is that?" asked a very panicked Lynn, the head cheerleader and Brad's girlfriend. Sarah didn't like the girl so had no wish to calm her down. She just looked at the owl pointedly and it flew into the beam of light from the window. A sudden wind picks up in the room and glitter goes flying around the owl until it turns into the one man that Sarah can't seem to get off of her mind, Jareth.

Mr. Daniel stepped in front of the children in a protective, yet meek stance.

"Don't hurt us," he squeaked. Jareth just let out a full and hardy laugh. He then motioned for the teacher whom seemed to magically move to Jareth's side. The mild man could not move at all.

Meanwhile, Sarah was watching and getting angrier by the second. She pushed her way to the front of the class and walked up to Jareth, staring him in the eye.

"Let him go."

Jareth laughed, but did as she asked.

"My, my, Sarah, are you going to have that contempt of me forever?"

Sarah, her eye's never moving.

"Well, Jareth, as I recall 'it's only forever, not long at all.'"

Everyone gasped. Silent Sarah was standing up to this very imposing man. Not to be outdone, Brad approaches Jareth.

"Listen, man, why don't you just get out of here?"

"Or what?" Jareth asked menacingly as he stared the young man down.

"Or, or," said a nervous Brad, "Or I'm gonna kick your ass!"

Jareth grinned evilly, showing off his canines and started to advance on Brad.

Lynn was worried about her boyfriend, but at the same time, very turned on by Jareth. She sauntered her way over to him and said, "Jareth, is it? Please, could you let him go, for me?"

Jareth looked at her pouting face and laughed.

"Get out of here. I could never be turned on by a whore."

Lynn gasped and then screamed at Sarah, "You know him, Silent Sarah, so get him to back off."

Sarah, still on an adrenaline rush from the anger (and though she'd never admit it, pleasure) of seeing Jareth, whipped around and looked at Lynn.

"Listen, you little bitch, the name is Sarah, no Silent in front of it. Get it right, because at this point I don't give a fuck what happens to you."

Everyone gasped, except Jareth, who was finished intimidating Brad and started clapping.

"Bravo, my dear Sarah, bravo. It's good to see that your fire is still somewhere in there."

Sarah whipped around to glare at the man who had haunted her dreams for over a year.

"Listen, oh mighty king," she said sarcastically, "This 'fire', as you call it only comes out when you are around to be a total asshole!"

Jareth just shook his head and laughed.

"Sarah, your words are so cruel, almost as much so as your eyes."

Sarah blushed, thinking back to the mere minutes before when thoughts of him had entered her head, but knew she had to retaliate.

"Just as you can be so cruel?"

"Sarah, my dear," Jareth said as he took her hand, "I have to be, what is that mortal saying? Ah, yes, I have to be cruel to be kind."

Sarah just shook her head, "Don't ruin Shakespeare. Besides, how are you kind?"

"Simple, I give people a chance to get back what they have wished away."

Sarah groaned, inwardly. The Labyrinth! I have to go through it again. Jareth seemed to read her mind, though.

"Unfortunately, my dear, you cannot run the Labyrinth this time. You must come to the Underground with me, along with all these other sniveling mortals and wait until the person who wished you away, solves it."

Sarah looked at Brad and became fearful. She knew that he could never defeat the Labyrinth and from the look in Jareth's eyes, he knew too.

Sarah suddenly gave out an air of seduction, shocking her classmates, but putting a primal smile on Jareth's face.

"How about a deal?" she said

Jareth grinned at her, "Intriguing, do continue."

"A kiss, for a free pass to stay in the Aboveground?"

Jareth looked at her, pretending to decide. In actuality, he knew exactly how to twist this to work for his own needs.


Sarah suddenly became very nervous. She couldn't believe that she just agreed to kiss the man of her dreams. Not the man of my dreams, a man in my dreams. She thought, but another part of her brain said, Yeah, right. You want him and you know it. Sarah decided that the best course of action would be to ignore her brain and make it a brief kiss.

Well, half her plan worked as Jareth's lips came crashing down on hers. Her brain shut off. The kiss was anything but brief, though. She could feel her legs getting weak and her head spinning.

Jareth wasn't going to try and use his tongue, knowing that it would just turn her off, and that was not something he wanted. They both could feel their bodies on fire with passion. At the startled gasps from the onlookers, they broke apart.

Sarah's class couldn't believe that Sarah could land a man like that. Lynn was writhing with rage and jealousy. She wanted Jareth and didn't see how Sarah got to kiss him and she didn't.

Sarah noticed the envious look on Lynn's face and snickered a bit before turning back to the matter at hand.

"Okay, Jareth, you now have to leave us in the Aboveground."

Jareth grinned again at her.

"Sorry, my darling, but the deal was a pass to the Aboveground, that means ONE pass. I think I'll leave the teacher behind."

Sarah looked at him, complete rage made up her facial expressions. Before she could say anything, the classroom dissolved into blackness.