
Rating- PG-13 for future swearing

Summary- AU. Buffy, Faith, and Dawn are sisters. Others will appear. R & R. WIP.

Disclaimer- Joss owns the characters but I own the world.

Chapter 1- It's All About The Boots

"Faith, wake up"

"Hmmm" Faith groaned as she proceeded to roll over "What do you want?"

"Sorry, I just kinda wanted to borrow your black boots...your really good ones, that you let no one touch." Dawn gave her sister a pleading look and a crooked smile "Please"

"Why do you want to borrow them?" Faith questioned as she sat up in bed.

"I want to wear them with my new jeans and this black top thingy. Again with the please. I'll do anything." Dawn sat on her sisters bed and continued to beg.

"Why can't you wear your own, and why can't you take B's?" She was getting annoyed with Dawn so she got out of bed and made her way out of the room.

"Well, mine are all scuffed and one heel is about to break off and the reason I asked you is because Buffy is being an uber bitch this morning, that and the top I'm wearing is hers" Dawn managed to get all of her answers out in one breath as she followed Faith down the stairs.

"Fine, but if I let you borrow them what do I get out of it?" faith stopped at the bottom step and turned to face her sister.

"Ummm...the satisfaction of knowing that you helped out your baby sister.?." Seeing the look her sister was giving her she quickly responded "And I'll clean your room and do the dishes for you 3. no 4 times, please."

"Alright you got yourself a deal, but if you fuck up my boots, I'll hurt you...a lot and you'll have to get me a new pair" Faith turned to go into the kitchen but Dawn jumped up and threw her arms around her "Thank you, thank you"

"Your welcome, now get me a cup of coffee" Faith gave Dawn a sly smirk and started to walked up the stairs to the shower.