Lion, and serpants, and romance, oh my!

Hi everyone. This is my first fic soI hope you like it. As you, know I own nothing except the story and the plot. Harry, Oliver, and Draco belong to the wonderful J.K. Rowling

Ch.1: Blast from the Past

25-year-old Harry Potter was sitting at home drinking tea and reading "The Daily Prophet" when his snowy owl, Hedwig, flew down the chimney and dropped a letter on his lap. Harry picked up the letter hoping it was from either Ron or Hermione. At the end of 7th year as Harry remembered, Ron Weasley proposed to Hermione Granger at the end of year feast. No surprise really, as everyone knew they had loved one another since 5th year.

Harry sighed at the memory. 8 years since Voldemort's defeat, 8 years since Ron and Hermione's wedding, and 8 years since he last saw Hogwart's. Glancing down at the letter once more, he noticed the Hogwarts Seal. Puzzled, he opened the letter and recognized Albus Dumbledore's loopy handwriting. (Sorry if that's wrong I don't know his handwriting)

"Dear Harry,

How are you doing my boy? It certainly has been a while scince our last meeting. But, I'll just get to the point of this letter. Once more, we are in need of a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher and wonder if you are interested. Please send word as soon as possible.

Fair well,

Albus Dumbledore

Headmaster of Hogwarts

Harry was ecstatic. He really needed the money but he would also be at Hogwarts again! He wrote back immediately saying he would love to take the job the sent it off with Hedwig. He checked his calender and saw that in one month's time, he would truly be going home unaware that this year a pair of surprises were in store for him.

So what do you think? Bad, good, continue, remove and recycle? If you like it, I may need some help with this so send ideas and review please? Foxykittykat2000