Once a Lifetime: Beginning

By: Nuriko & Jess

Disclaimer: Gundam Wing and its characters don't belong to me. Nor does the WISH story line, which inspired the beginning of this story. We write only for fun, so please don't sue.

Author's Note: This is only how the Once a Lifetime story idea came about. It started as this short story that I had no intention of continuing and soon became this grand story that I've began with Jess. This will give you an idea as to why Duo is how he is and why Heero isn't able to remember. This also gives you some insight on how to break this endless cycle. Enjoy.

Once a Lifetime: Beginning By: Nuriko & Jess

What is it about angels that make them so special? Why do they get the sunshine while we get the darkness? It always upsets me when I'm denied the pleasures of walking in daylight. Angels aren't deigned the night, so why are devils banished from the light of day?

A soft flutter of ebony wings alerts me to my servants return. A very handsome black crow that I've named Shi awaits my attention while I finish with my father's advisors, his black feathers shimmering with dark blue highlights in candlelight. It is only through him that I've seen the light of day. Too many devils believe it would be my death if I left the walls of my father's home. Even now, many of my father's people watch over me, making certain I don't slip off into the night.

With a graceful wave of my hand I stop their chatter and send them away. They always did annoy me even though I'd listen to their idle chatter with a smile. It disturbed them that a devil would listen to them with such a smile. Devils didn't smile as much as I did. It kept them off balance. Then again, my looks did as much for that as my smiles.

I had long chestnut brown hair that was usually kept in a braid that fell past my hips. That in itself was an oddity, due to almost all devils having black hair. Yet seeing as my mother was blond and my father had dark hair, it was a given that mine would be anything but black. My clothing kept to the traditional black, but I kept a bit of white around my collar to imitate a priest's collar. It drove many around me nuts, especially my father, but I didn't care. It was my violet eyes, though, that threw most off guard. Devils were known to either have red or black eyes. It seemed there was much that I went against. I wrapped my own black bat wings around my shoulders. Although they did look like bat wings, they actually felt like feathered wings, which all devils had. It was yet another oddity that I embodied.

"That will be all," I muttered, my voice light.

"You will attend the summit meeting, won't you, my lord?" An older devil questioned of me. I turned my open, violet gaze on him, causing him to flinch. They never got used to it, no matter how many times they saw it.

"Of course I will. Father would have my head if I didn't. Don't worry, I'll be there." Without another word, he left me alone; for which I was grateful. I turned my attention to Shi, wondering what my little servant had found out.

"Took them long enough, the old geezers," Shi said cockily, gaining a laugh from me.

"So what did you find out?" I asked, wondering if he had found out anything about what I had sent him to find out.

"What I found out is surprising," Shi began, a gleam coming into his beady black eyes. "They have been lying to you. The only thing that happens to a devil if he goes out in daylight is that they become a chibi version of themselves while the sun is up. That is, if they aren't masters of their own magic."

"I trained day and night to master my magic only to find out it isn't just to protect myself. I see they've been sneaky in their training methods. If I ever get my hands on those idiots, I'll show them why they call me Shinigami in battle!"

"Careful, master. You don't need those old geezers overhearing you. They might begin to wonder about your sanity." I laughed once more. My bright outlook on life already had them questioning my sanity. What was a little more proof to them? They already thought I was crazy.

"Then tonight, after them meeting with the Angel Masters, I shall visit an old friend and greet my first sunrise." Shi gave me a slightly worried look then.

"Are you certain, master Shinigami? Perhaps you should confront your father about what you've learned. Perhaps only you can not be out in daylight."

"Worrying about me already, Shi? If anything begins to burn I'll hide right away. So calm yourself." With that said I stood up and headed for the stables. I saddled my black stallion named Death (notice a pattern in names yet?) and headed for one of the few places I was now allowed to go besides my father's home. This was to be my first meeting with those that controlled heaven. If what I planned to do after the meeting was learned of, it could very well be my last.

The lush landscape at the bridge that joined both worlds was beyond my wildest dreams. It appeared sunny and bright despite the fact I knew otherwise. Shi stayed with Death while I headed to the area that made up the meeting area. Here, all magic was canceled. It was here that I lost my heart. I knew instantly that he had to be an Angel Master. He wore shimmering white robes and had breath-taking white wings. He instantly made me feel less than handsome; his dark chocolate hair seemed untamable while Prussian blue eyes as cold as ice seemed to stare at nothing. He really was a sight to behold.

My cousin entered then, his odd brown hair seeming to hide one of his forest green eyes as usual. It always did that. Perhaps Trowa couldn't stand his own unique eye color, I didn't know for certain. He was talking to the Angel Master of Earth, Quatre. I knew this from Trowa's many descriptions of him. Short, light blond hair with blue-green eyes, along with a deceptively frail looking body was what made up the Angel Master of Earth.

Behind them was the Angel Master of Fire, Wufei. His dark eyes and black hair pulled back into a ponytail, gave him away. They said he had a temper that rivaled his element. All of the Angel Masters wore white robes that seemed to shimmer, their wings just as iridescent. My cousin was all in black with wings as beautiful as any angels yet they were as black as ebony. The feathers seemed to reflect the light and gave off blue-green highlights.

"Heero!!" a suddenly annoying voice called, causing everyone but the one I admired to flinch. He simply seemed defeated, keeping his attention on Quatre and Trowa. Just then a longhaired angel with blue eyes rushed in. Her hair was a dark blond and her wings didn't seem as bright as the others. I instantly knew her as Relena, Angel Master of Water. She was rumored to sleep around. Seeing as Kami-sama had no one capable of taking her place, he ignored her indiscretions.

This left only one person my brooding Angel Master could be. Heero, Angel Master of Wind. It was rumored he never smiled. If that was so, then I wanted to break it. He was very handsome as is, but he'd be devastating if he'd only smile. I watched Relena attempt to drape herself over him; only to watch him slip away from her and take a seat beside Quatre and the head chair, effectively keeping her away from him. It seemed none of them had taken notice of me yet, for which I was grateful. It gave me time to watch them.

Trowa took a seat beside Wufei and across from Quatre. That left Relena to take the seat facing across from mine. Now that father was soon to retire that left his head chair open to myself. That wasn't something I looked foreword to, not really. Sighing softly, I watched, as my dream angel seemed to look around before speaking.

"Where is Kokuyo? He's never late," Heero questioned, his deep, monotone voice causing my heart to catch, and the mention of my father's name caught me off guard.

"As you recall, Kokuyo is retiring soon. His son, Duo, shall be taking his place. Kokuyo believes his son is ready for the responsibility, as well as wants to spend time with his wife, Hisui." Heero nodded his head while Quatre seemed to smile softly. My mother's name always brought smiles to peoples lips. Trowa seemed to handle detail duty very well. I was glad he'd be here helping me.

"I think its sweet he wished time with the one he loves," Quatre said in a soft, kind tone. I liked the blond male angel. He was very understanding.

"I think the same thing," I remarked, letting myself be seen, odd wings out behind me. I figured I might as well get the odd looks and stares over with. I wasn't disappointed, either. Quatre's bright eyes widened at the sight of me while Wufei and Relena's jaws dropped open. Trowa was used to the sight of me and simply graced me with an encouraging smile. Heero only raised an eyebrow in my direction, obviously unused to seeing a devil like me. I really couldn't blame any of them. I was unique, after all.

"Duo-sama, forgive my rudeness toward your appearance. I simply didn't realize you were there," Quatre said quickly, masking his surprise. As usual, Trowa was correct. Quatre was quick to defuse a situation.

"No need for apologies, or such formality. Father allowed you to call him by his name and I'd like to allow the same."

"Of course, Duo, thank you," Quatre answered with another smile. I allowed one of my own to answer his. I didn't miss the looks of surprise Quatre, Relena, and Wufei shared. Nor did I miss Heero's flicker of interest. Apparently Heero was not all ice.

"Shall we get to business?" Trowa questioned, his tone humorous.

"Of course," I agreed, looking foreword to many more meetings where I could see my Angel Master of Wind.

Years past and I was relieved to find sunlight wouldn't kill me. The priest I visited had enjoyed my child-like innocence when I watched the sunlit world come alive. Through these years, Heero and I had taken to meeting on Earth, the only other place besides the bridge where devils and angels could meet. He had loosened up majorly around me as well. Smiles were something I never had to wonder about because he always had one for me.

I had fallen for him, even more than I ever believed I could come to care for someone. Relena chased after Heero relentlessly, but Heero was always there when I needed him. It soon came to pass that I could no longer keep my feelings hidden. We met at the park we both loved; I dressed all in black and him all in white. We both wore jeans and tight fitting shirts.

"Heero, there's something I have to tell you. I don't want you to think differently of me after I tell you. I just need you to know." Heero looked at me with those eyes I had come to love.

"Duo, you're beating around the bush. What is it already? You know you can tell me anything." Drawing a deep breath, I looked into those cool eyes and blurted out what my heart was yelling at me to say.

"I've fallen in love with you. I've known since the first time I saw you, but it's grown for you over the years we've gotten to know each other." He stared at me for a long moment before doing the unexpected. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. It was like kissing daylight. His lips were warm and soft, passionate and caring. I could feel myself melting into him. A sudden screech broke us apart, my violet eyes wide. Relena was standing a few feet from us, her eyes glaring daggers at me.

"How could you!? You've passed me over for him?! A devil in place of an Angel Master?"

"I've never wanted you, Relena. I've loved Duo since the day I first saw his smile. Nothing will change that," Heero said, matter-of-factly. Relena glared daggers at both of us then. She then vanished in a circle of water. Neither of us wondered about what she had gone to do. We both knew God and Satan would soon be told of what we had done. Punishment wouldn't be as kind to us as they had been to my parents. Hisui and Kokuyo had gotten off easy enough, yet it was told that if devil and angel dared to mix again, there would be a steep punishment in tow.

It hadn't taken long for us to find out our punishment either. Seeing as both God and Satan had foreseen this, they made a deal. We would spend lifetimes trying to find each other. In each one, I would be destined to know our past while Heero would forget. We were soul mates, it was told, and there fore we had to find each other each lifetime or we would return to our prior lives, permanently locked away from the other.

Only when things mirrored our true lives would we get a chance to remain together forever in true happiness. Otherwise, we would loose each other within a year of finding the other. I wouldn't be allowed to know how to end the cycle or that of our first life together. This would fit my punishment, I would love him and be able to find him, but I could never tell him how we could end our torment. Sometimes, if fate were kind, then they'd allow Heero to remember me in his dreams. I hated our punishment but gloried in the fact we would someday be together. After all, I'd never allow our love to fail, not if I could help it. We would get our time together, this I swore, and then, I remembered nothing.