
Chapter 1 – The Task

Disclaimer – I do not own any of these characters.

Summary – Hermione Granger gets kidnapped by Draco Malfoy. Hermione doesn't know why, and well... neither does Draco. So why did he do it? And whose behind the real plan?

Hermione sat at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall in her usual seat next to Harry and Ron, listening to them go on and on about Quidditch. Hermione was so desperate she was almost happy when Dean changed the subject to football. Almost. That was before Ron asked Dean if it was true that they played it blind folded. This resulted in a lot of yelling for Dean, and even more laughter for Harry, Ron and anyone else who had been listening.

Hermione pushed her food around her plate with her fork. She wasn't all that hungry. Finally she had had enough. She turned to Harry and Ron.

"I'm going to go back to the Common Room," Hermione said over all the chatter. Maybe in their first year Ron and Harry may have felt the need to ask Hermione why, but by now, in their seventh year, it became a little obvious what Hermione did with most of her spare time; study.

"Alright, we'll meet you there after dinners over," Harry said just as Ron burst out laughing. Dean was flushed in the face. Hermione didn't even want to know what had happened. She quickly stood up and left the Great Hall unnoticed. Or so she thought.

Over on the Slytherin table a pair of silvery-grey eyes followed her every move as she walked across the room and out the door. After waiting a few moments, Draco Malfoy stood up and left the room. Pansy, who had been in mid-sentence, stared open-mouthed after him, unable to contemplate why anyone would walk away from here whilst she was in the middle of talking.

The blonde haired Slytherin watched from the shadows outside the Great Hall, as Hermione Granger slowly ascended the staircase. Something seemed to be bothering her. She looked troubled. Draco roughly shook his head. Now was not the time to think about emotions. Emotions were weak. He had a job to do.

From its hiding spot in one of the broom cupboards, Draco pulled out his Invisibility Cloak. He'd be needing it. Silently, he wrapped the silver material around him and followed Hermione up the stairs. On the second floor Hermione stopped suddenly. For an instant, Draco thought she had heard him. But then Hermione, instead of walking up to the third floor, turned left down the hallway. Towards the library.

The library was still open. Hermione walked through the doors. Draco quickened his steps and just made it through the door, it only just missing him. He took a deep breath. He'd need to be more careful. He couldn't get caught. As soon as they entered the library, Madam Prince's head shot up. Hermione smiled wearily at her before hastily walking up one of the aisles of books. Draco quietly followed. This was going to be a lot harder if Hermione kept going to places where she could be seen. He needed her alone to fufill his task. Otherwise he'd get caught. And that would be disasterous.

Hermione walked quickly to the section she wanted to look at. She seemed to know where she was going and what she wanted to get. Her eyes scanned the titles on the books on the bookcase. After a moment of searching, she found the book she was looking for. She stood on her toes and grabbed a book from one of the shelves. It had a black cover, the title in faded gold lettering. Draco peered over Hermione's shoulder, trying to get a look at the title, but Hermione placed her hand over it and walked over the Madam Prince's desk. She put the book down on the table.

"I'd like to check this book out, please," Hermione said quietly, her head bowed and her eyes looking anywhere but into those eyes of the librarian. Madam Prince took the book and read the title. She raised her eyes brows questioningly but said nothing as she dipped her quill in the ink bottle and wrote down Hermione's name and the title of the book. Draco crept around the desk a little and finally caught a glimpse of the title:

"Dark Arts At Its Worst". He arched his eyebrows and looked over at Hermione, who grabbed the book off the desk and began to walk out. He knew she liked reading... but the Dark Arts?

Draco quickly walked after her as she opened the library door and walked out into the corridor. She was now walking at a faster rate. She held the book in her arms, hugging it close to her chest. Finally they reached the right floor. Hermione turned down an empty corridor.

Draco stepped quietly, not wanting his footsteps to be heard. He had to do it now. At the end of this corridor was another that led straight to the portrait of the Fat Lady; the entrance to the Gryffindor Common Room. He couldn't risk being seen.

As quietly as he could, he removed the invisibility cloak. He hid it behind a broom cupboard. He would come back for it later.

He crept up behind Hermione and clamped his hand over her mouth. Hermione let out a muffled cry and her book fell to the ground. She tried to get away, but he held her to him. With his free hand, he dug into the pocket of his robes, searching for something. But Hermione wasn't going to make this easy for him. With one of her arms, she elbowed him in the chest. His grip loosened and she broke free. She stumbled and almost tripped as she ran as fast as she could down the corridor.

But Draco was faster than she was and caught up to her before she reached the end of the corridor, and dragged her back. He grabbed her around the waist, span her around and pushed her up against the stone wall, pinning her arms on either side of her with his. She stared at him in shock.

"Malfoy?" She choked out. There was a momentary pause, before Hermione exploded into a screaming fit.

"What the hell do you think your playing at? Is this one of your sick jokes? Your going to get in so much trouble for this! Dumbledore will throw you out!" Hermione shrieked. Draco laughed.

"Dumbledore? Throw me out? You've got to be kidding me, Granger! I havent done anything wrong," Draco smirked.

"You're putting me in a situation I don't want to be in. Its called assault, Malfoy, now get off me!" Hermione screamed. Draco just laughed. Hermione screamed and kicked and tried to free herself. With a sudden burst of energy, catching Draco off-guard, Hermione managed to push them both away from the wall. Surprised by her own actions, Hermione stumbled forward. Draco grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him. He then grabbed what looked like a small water bottle from his robe pocket and thrust it into her hands.

Hermione learned a second too late what it was and tried to drop it. But before she could she felt the violent tug forwards and the ground disappear under her feet as the Portkey took them miles across the country.

A few seconds later she felt the ground under her feet again. She stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Weak," Draco spat from above her. "But what more could you expect from a Mudblood."

Hermione turned her head towards Draco, stared angrily at him. He was twirling his wand between his fingers. He suddenly seemed a lot more dangerous with his wand.

"Don't even start with me about weakness, Malfoy. We all know who the weak one here is," Hermione snapped. Draco sighed.

"Will you ever learn, Granger?" Draco asked. Hermione stared at him blankly.

"I suppose not. Night, night, Mudblood," Draco said, pointing his wand at Hermione.

"Stupefy," he said, and before Hermione could react, the red beam of light hit her square in the chest and she fell into a crumpled heap on the floor.

"So this football is just a bunch of guys who play catch with some weird-shaped ball and throw each other on the ground... Is that it?" Ron asked, still trying to grasp the concept of the game. The Gryffindors around him roared with laughter. Dean flushed bright red and mumbled something under his breath.

"What was that, Dean?" Ron teased. Dean opened his mouth to say something just as Dumbledore stood up at the staff table. Everyone fell silent immediately.

"I would just like to let all of you know that there is another Hogsmeade weekend coming up. Notices have been put up in your Common Rooms," Dumbeldore informed them. Excited chatter began to fill the room.

"Just remember," Dumbeldore started again, "That you cannot go without a permission slip. Thank you," Dumbledore finished and sat down. The room filled with noise again. Ron turned to Harry.

"Another Hogsmeade weekend! Great! I've been dying to go back to Zonko's! Lucky Sirius signed your permission form, huh?" Ron said without thinking. Harry's smile disappeared in an instant at his Godfathers name. Ron suddenly blushed bright red.

"Sorry Harry... I didn't think-"

"Don't worry Ron, its alright. I know he's gone," Harry said sadly. "He wouldn't have wanted me moping around or to forget him. He's not like that."

"I know." There was an awkward pause between the both of them.

"Why don't we go back to the common room? We've still got that potions essay to finish," Harry reminded him. Ron groaned.

"Potions essay! When's that due in?" Ron asked.

"Tomorrow," Harry said unenthusiastically. Ron groaned again.

"Great!" Ron exclaimed sarcastically. "But maybe if we ask Hermione real nicely-"

"You know she wont let us," Harry interjected.

"Worth a try," Ron grumbled, though he knew it was no use. Hermione never let them copy though she would check their work.

"Well we'd better go now and get started. Otherwise we'll be up all night," Harry sighed.

"Yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming," Ron growled.

When Hermione awoke, hours later, she found herself in a bed, most unlike her own. It was a high queen-sized bed, draped with green, black and silver linen. The blankets were made from a fine silk and was surprisingly warm for a fabric so thin. Hermione gazed around the room.

Everything was very old fashioned.

There was an old fireplace near the door that Hermione presumed led to a bathroom. In front of this sat a huge bear-skin rug. A large red leather couch was behind this. The carpet was black and Hermione noticed a beautiful chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling, filled with green, silver and black candles. There was a window on the opposite wall with green curtains made of what appeared to be velvet, hanging over them.

Hermione went to sit up. This was when she noticed the chains on her wrists. The other end of the chains was stuck onto the bed. She tried to pull her arms away. The chains didn't budge. But Hermione didnt even suspect Malfoy to be that stupid. She reached into her pocket for her wand. But her pocket was empty.

"Looking for this, Granger?" Hermione's head shot up. Malfoy stood in the doorway, twirling her wand between his fingers, his usual smirk plastered on his face. She almost gasped. She didn't even hear him come in.

"Give me my wand, Malfoy," Hermione said calmly. Draco laughed.

"Or what? You don't make the orders around here, Granger, I do," Draco said.

"Where am I?" Hermione quickly changed the subject, trying to catch him off guard. Draco raised an eyebrow as if to say, "Don't even bother."

"Oh come on, Malfoy! Who the hell am I going to tell?" Hermione asked. Draco thought it over for a moment.

"You're at my house. Malfoy Manor. And, just incase your Mudblood brain can't figure it out, you're in my bedroom, much to my disgust," Draco said, looking down on Hermione. Hermione glanced around the room again.

"If you're so digusted about having me here, why did you bring me here at all?" Hermione snapped, returning her gaze to him.

"That's none of your business, Mudblood," Draco said stiffly and began to turn away.

"No, Draco, please wait!" Hermione didn't know why she was crying. She all of a sudden just felt prickling sensation in her eyes and the tears began to fall. When Draco turned back around and saw Hermione crying he looked at her with distaste.

"Mudblood, its bad enough that I'm stuck babysitting you, just don't get your filthy tears on the sheets." This only made Hermione cry harder. Draco sighed, closed the door, muttered some spell to lock it, then walked over towards the bed. He sat down on the chair next to it. Hermione moved as far as it was possible to get from him, but as she was chained to the bed, she didn't get very far.

"Stop crying," Malfoy demanded. Hermione let out a big sob.

"Stop it," Malfoy said. But Hermione just wouldn't stop crying. She buried her face into her hands and curled up into a little ball, wrapping her arms around her knees and hugging them close to her.

"Stop it!" Malfoy repeated, louder this time. Hermione raised her head. Her face was stained with tears.

"Why? Its not bothering you is it, Malfoy? The fact that I'm crying wouldn't be bothering you would it?" Hermione cried, getting more and more hysterical with each word.

"Well sorry for bothering you, your majesty," Hermione replied cooly, and turned her face away from him. Draco was shocked. No one ever insulted him. They were too afraid.

"Your not afraid of me, are you?" Draco asked curiously. Hermione let out a derisive laugh.

"Afraid? Of you?" Hermione asked in surprise, arching her eyebrows. "No. I'm not afraid of you," Hermione said truthfully, not even looking at him.

"Why?" Draco asked curiously. Hermione raised her eyebrows at him and laughed.

"Well things can't really get much worse, can they, Malfoy?" Hermione said with sarcasm, turning her head away from him again.

"Since when did you become so defensive?" Draco asked.

"Since I was chained to a bed in your room," Hermione remarked, pulling on the chains. Draco was unnerved.

"I don't think you're going to be able to get out of those chains, Granger, unless I release you. So don't bother," Draco sneered.

"What do you want from me, Malfoy?" Hermione asked suddenly.

"Granger, we've been over this before-"A sudden realisation dawned on Hermione and she smirked.

"You don't even know, do you, Malfoy?" Hermione asked. Draco looked a little taken aback.

"Of course I know, Mudblood." But his eyes told the real story. Hermione laughed.

"I can't believe you don't even know!Draco Malfoy doesn't even know why he's kidnapped me," Hermione teased, as she laughed. "You really are pathetic, Malfoy."

We'll see who the pathetic one is when the time comes, Granger," Draco said, suddenly standing up. "We'll see." With that, Draco turned around and headed for the door.

"W-What do you mean, when the time comes?" Hermione's smile faltered. Draco just smirked and continued walking. He reached for the handle.

"Draco? What do you mean?" Hermione repeated.

"You'll find out soon enough, Hermione," Draco smirked, opened the door, and left the room, closing the door softly behind him. For the second time in a short span of ten minutes, Hermione felt tears prickling her eyes. She screamed aloud in frustration. Why was this happening to her? What did she deserve to do this?

'It's because I'm a Mudblood,' Hermione thought miserably. 'A worthless, filthy Mudblood.'

A/N – Well wasn't that interesting? A little different to the other stories I've written, but not too bad . I've written another story like this, an improvement I think, but I didn't want to waste this story by letting it just sit on my computer! Please tell me what you think of it! Please review!

Marauders Gal