Don't deny it

Ginny sat on the big, gray rock by the lake. How did it come to this? How could he just pretend that there was nothing? How could he just use her and let her go? Why?


Ginny and Draco have been secretly dating for almost a month now, and Ginny has decided that it was time for them to .. Well .. 'get to know each other better'.

She was hidden safely under Harry's invisibility cloak she 'borrowed' earlier that day. Tonight was the night, and Ginny wanted it to be perfect.

Creeping through the corridors, she reached the Head Boy's portrait. She softly said the password and entered.

Draco was lying on the couch, his eyes closed, and his chest rising and falling. He looked so cute when he was asleep.

She let the cloak fall to the floor, while she bent down beside him, stroking his hair. He stirred a bit, still not knowing she was there. "Wake up, Draco." she whispered, climbing on top of him. He still didn't move. What a faker! She thought in her head.

"Fine, I guess I'll have to ask Seamus satisfy me." she sighed. She made a move to get up, but two strong hands grabbed onto her hips.

He popped open his eyes and smirked at her. "I always knew you and Finnigan had something going on. Is that why you didn't want to take advantage of me before?"

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Oh, yeah. I hated the thought of leaving poor Seamus, so I stayed, and just strung you along for the ride."

Draco gave her a little grin, then pulled her head down to his. "I love you." he whispered, his mouth one centimeter away from hers.

"And I love you." she said back, before his lips came crashing down on hers. His kisses, were, how can I put this? AWESOME! He ran his tongue along her bottom lip, begging for entrance. Ginny happily obliged, tasting every nook and cranny in his mouth.

She tastes like chocolate. Thought Draco, now sneaking his hand up her shirt. He was happy she didn't flinch or pull back.

Ginny, on the other hand, was working on his belt. Still kissing him, she whipped the belt off his pants and flung it to the other side of the room.

He made his way up her torso and over her breast, massaging it in his hands. Doing this, caused Ginny to moan. He loved it when Ginny made noises, turned him on even more. He took his other hand and unclasped her bra strap.

They never broke the kiss, not even for air. They were way too into now. There was no going back.

He pulled back off the kiss and gazed at her. She was so innocent, so pure, and here he was trying to change that. He slowly lifted her shirt over her head, along with her black bra. He took in her bare chest, the bulge in his pants growing. "God, you're beautiful." he said quietly, before kissing her hungrily.

He kept his hands on the top of her body, waiting for her to make a move. He needed her permission to do this, he wanted her permission.

Ginny un zippered his pants, slipping her hand underneath. Draco groaned in her mouth. She wrapped her fingers around his shaft and rubbed it. He grew harder under her touch.

This was now his chance. He lifted her up, carrying her from the couch to his bedroom upstairs. Ginny wrapped her slim leg around his waist, still exploring his mouth.

He strode up the stairs, his hands on Ginny's back, pushing her closer to him. Reaching the bedroom, Draco gently placed Ginny on the bed. She relaxed under him, knowing that she wanted him and fast.

They finally broke apart, gasping for oxygen. Ginny's lips were already a swollen pink, and Draco's pants were already gone.

He nibbled on her collarbone, trailing kissed down her torso. He took each nipple and bit on each, soliciting another moan from Ginny's mouth. He got to the top of her pants, and unbuttoned each button slowly. He slipped off the jeans, also bringing down her underwear.

"You're a bit overdressed now, aren't you Mr. Malfoy?" joked Ginny, eying his green boxers.

He jerked them off, while climbing back in top of the red head. He took his right hand, separating her legs. He still didn't take his eyes off her. He slipped in a finger, causing Ginny to arch back and beg for more. He sucked on her neck, slipping in another finger, taking in her wetness.

"Draco." moaned Ginny.

After about ten minutes of foreplay, he took away his hand. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked her. He didn't want to back out, but he had to know if she wanted this.

Ginny simply nodded. He positioned himself in front of her and eyed her. She does want this. He thought to himself. He entered her in one swift push. His mouth was already over hers, drowning out any scream. He let her adjust to the feeling, before moving in and out.

She winced in pain, but tried her best not to cry. After a few minutes, it got better for her. She now was moving with Draco's rhythm.

They climaxed together, their breathing ragged. She looked up and saw a confused Draco, he seemed to be deep in thought.

He got up off her and rolled to the other side of the bed, not even taking a look at her. What am I doing? He asked his head mentally.

"Draco? Draco?" asked Ginny covered in sweat. Seeing the disappointment in his face, her heart fell. "Did .. Did I do something wrong?" she asked timidly.

"Get out." he growled.

Ginny turned to him bewildered. "But, Draco I-"

"I said GET OUT!" He got up off the bed and began putting his clothes on. He threw her belongings at her and pointed to the door. "Did you not hear me?! GET OUT!"

Ginny forced herself to be strong, and she succeeded, for now. She caught her clothes in a flash, putting everything back on.

She ran out of the room, way too afraid and hurt to look back. Tears were now dripping off her face, and onto her tank top. It was at least Midnight, where would she go?

She went to the first place that popped into her mind.

The lake.


Ginny quietly gazed at the beautiful water, the moon's reflection shone brightly. What just happened played over and over in her head. Why? Why did he do that? Did I do something wrong?

She wished she had someone to turn to, someone she can confide in. But, no one knew of this secret love affair. Not even her best friend, Hermione Granger.

"Ron's right." She whispered, taking a dead leaf and holding it. "He was just using me to get into my knickers." She dropped the leaf and covered her face with both her hands. "How could I be so stupid? What's wrong with me?!" She sobbed, taking in as much fresh air as possible.

Ginny was definitely in love, no denying that. But was Draco? Did he love her? She looked down at the watch her father bought her for her birthday. It was an elegant, pink watch, lacing throughout, the words Armani engraved on the buckle. She told him not to buy it, but he simply said she deserved it.

1:30 am.

Ginny sighed. "What am I going to do?" She's never had a real boyfriend before, never had a real kiss, has never had sex .. Until now. Draco was her first at everything and she adored him for that. But, now .. There's nothing anymore and he ruined that.

With her heart broken in a million places, Ginny got up from the rock and walked back into the castle. She'll need her sleep even though she won't be attending any classes the next morning. It wouldn't make a difference, she wouldn't pay attention anyways.

She was in too much heart ache to even see correctly. Walking down a dark corridor, she held onto the wall, her eyes too blurry to examine her surroundings.

"Who's there?!" snapped a rusty voice.

Ginny stopped suddenly and cringed. "Shit! Mr. Filch!" she whispered harshly. She rubbed her eyes, blinking a couple times until she could see clearly. She eyed a huge statue of some wizard and beamed. I can hide behind there.

She ran like hell across the hall and behind the sculpture and shut her eyes. Please don't let him see me, please don't let him see me ..

Mr. Filch's footsteps died down and now only Ginny's breathing could be heard. "Thank Merlin!" she said joyously. She skipped relived to the Gryffindor common room, almost forgetting what happened earlier that night.

When she finally remembered, she burst in tears. What made her stop crying was someone moaning the name 'Blaise'.

"Zabini?" she asked herself. She slowed down her pace and listened carefully. Groans could be heard in the classroom just to Ginny's right. Ginny bit her lip and stepped towards the door. She opened it slowly, and almost died at what she saw.



On top of her.


Ginny turned her head and stalked out of there. "Oh bloody hell!" she muttered, still trying to get over it. She was in such a state of shock, she didn't notice the wall in front of her.


"Ow." she groaned, rubbing her temple and laying on the floor. "I am never going to get that image out of my head." With that last statement, Ginny's head fell unto the floor and she slept.
A/N: lol what did you guys think? i've had this story for a while .. never posted it .. decided to now .. iunnoe .. lol .. i have to start updating my other stories, don't i? well i already have part 2 of chapter nine in Heart Break .. just have to revise it first then post it .. well review please and thank you! :)