DISCLAIMER/ I do not own Inuyasha… wish I did though.

WARNING/ This will contain yaoi or male/male relationships if this offends you please leave now you have been warned


The demons attacked so swiftly that even Inuyasha hadn't sensed them coming. They were all identical, twenty in all, seven feet tall with dark brown fur covering their bodies, and they attacked with four inch claws and dripping fangs, swooping in from the trees on leathery wings. This alone was bad enough, yet even more unnerving still was their cloudy, soulless eyes...

"These are bat demons! They can't see, but they can hear every breath we take!" Songo shouted to Inuyasha and Miroku. Yet again, Shippo was left to sit with Kagome. Shippo had finally reached the age of sixteen causing his body to hit a major growth spurt. A very painful process, which would occur again when he turned twenty ending his growth cycle. For now though, Shippo stood at Inuyasha's shoulder, and his tail appeared more like a fox tail than the pompom it once was. And though his speed and strength had also increased, he still wasn't much of a fighter, which was why he was watching instead of helping in the fight like he wanted to.

"Songo, look out!" Kagome shrieked as two of the demons decided to attack the demon exterminator from behind. Shippo saw none of this though, for his eyes were glued on the silver haired hanyou as they were want to do whenever Inuyasha fought. Shippo loved to watch him in battle… The way Inuyasha swung the tetsaiga, and would flash his claws at any who would dare to oppose him... But what always caught Shippo's attention was the look Inuyasha got whenever he fought, that spark of joy in those golden depths, the look that never appeared outside of battle. Shippo knew, as he had searched for it countless times, yet that intense spark of life and joy was never there, not even when Kikyo was around, or Kagome was being extra nice to the hanyou. No, even during the best of times, that oh so special gleam was no where to be found.

Kikyo and Kagome also brought up other thoughts to the fox spirit's mind. Before his change, Shippo had always felt this odd tug drawing him to Inuyasha. At first Shippo had just assumed he was trying to replace his father with another strong demon, in order to feel safer, yet that never explained away the odd pain in his chest whenever Inuyasha went after Kikyo, or whenever Kagome pawed all over the hanyou. Shippo found himself always trying to take the girls attention on himself, or get the two to fight so the ache would go away. After his growth spurt, Shippo's mind matured enough to finally sort out the feelings he had for the older demon. He was in love. The fact that it was so simple should have surprised Shippo, but it didn't. Inuyasha was strong, handsome, loyal, protective, smart...a little thick at times, true, but when he needed to, Inuyasha could be quite clever. What wasn't there to love about the half demon? Sure, he had a bit of an attitude problem, but Shippo felt he had a good excuse to act a little distant.

Shippo was knocked out of his musings by a warning shout from Miroku. One of the few demons left of the original twenty was headed straight toward him. Thinking quickly, Shippo jumped to the right, away from Kagome, practically losing his tail in the process.

"Fox Fire!" Shippo cried out, sending a burst of blue flames directly into the bat demons face, causing it to shriek in rage. Shippo ran away from the demon trying to think of a way he could stay safe, as he was no match for the much larger demon, when suddenly Shippo heard the whistle of an arrow shooting through the air. 'Is she CRAZY!' he thought. "These demons are far to fast for her to actually hit one!" And sure enough, the Demon easily ducked the on coming arrow, where as Shippo barely had time to dodge the same arrow as it flew over his head, taking his blue ribbon with it.

While Songo, Miroku, and Inuyasha were finishing of the last of the demons, Shippo jumped to his feet, recovering from Kagome's arrow, only to have the same demon knock him into a tree, leaving him no place to run. Somewhat panicking, Shippo knew he wasn't strong enough to take on the bat demon, especially in his position. Raising his claw, the demonic bat went for the kill, while Shippo nearly cried for joy when a flash of silver and red blocked his view of the beast. Inuyasha sliced the creature in half right across the middle, but that didn't stop the demon from making one last move, thus slashing Inuyasha across his chest. Having Inuyasha standing with his back to the fox, Shippo only heard the sound of tearing fabric and flesh, accompanied by a grunt of pain from the hanyou. Shippo was by his side before the bat demon's corpse even hit the ground.

Shippo sighed with relief when he saw that the wound wasn't fatal. Inuyasha suddenly lurched forward, but Shippo was there instantly to reach out and catch the wounded warrior. Half expecting to be shoved, Shippo was shocked, and at the same time pleased, when he was rewarded with an appreciated, (albeit small,) smile from the hanyou lips. Shippo's heart soared to the heavens, and then sank just as fast as he spotted Kagome rushing forward to paw at Inuyasha in what Shippo saw as obvious mock concern. "I bet she doesn't even care about him!" Shippo thought in silent rage. Shippo hated to judge people, but it hadn't taken long for the kit to classify Kagome as a bitch. Even when they had first met he hadn't really liked her, and had only put up with her cuddling to have an excuse to stick around with the silver hanyou.

"Inuyasha, are you okay?" Kagome asked. 'Are you that much of an idiot, he just got his chest cut open, of course he's not okay!' Shippo mentally screamed at the stupid bitch. Inuyasha's eyes took on a harder look and he made himself stand up straight in order to glare at the girl.

"What in the seven hells were you thinking wench! You could have killed Shippo with that arrow!" Inuyasha yelled at Kagome. Everyone's eyes widened, but for different reasons. Miroku and Songo where shocked at the concern he was showing for the fox-spirit, Shippo because the hanyou used his name instead of brat or kid, and Kagome was shocked that he would dare to yell at her.

"I was just trying to help!" Kagome shot back after recovering from her surprise.

"Yeah, well try thinking next time. That was one of the stupidest stunts you've ever pulled!" Inuyasha screamed. Oh yeah, it was official. He was pissed.

"How the hell was I supposed to know that a blind demon could dodge one of MY arrows!" she all but shrieked back in reply.

"Hello! It's fucking common sense! Bat demons live by hearing, and even the dumbest human knows what the sound of an arrow's like when it's flying toward their back!" Okay, maybe pissed wasn't the right word; perhaps furious was a better description.

"SIT BOY!" Kagome screamed irritably at the top of her lungs. Inuyasha of course then was slammed harshly to the ground, on top of the wound from his chest which was still bleeding freely. "Maybe that wasn't the best course of action…" Miroku stated quietly. Inuyasha had nothing to say except to groan in pain from the center of the large crater in the ground. That was the last straw for Shippo; he absolutely hated to see Inuyasha treated like a disobedient pet, especially when he's injured!

"You stupid BITCH!" Shippo yelled, shocking everyone into silence. "Just because he's telling you the truth, and you can't take it, is no reason to sit him! Especially while he's HURT damn it! Just because you can't take the fact that you made a life threatening mistake, is no reason to take it out on other people, especially the one who's usually running all over the country to save your fat ass!" Shippo knew he was probably blowing his chance to be in the group, but now that he had started, he just couldn't stop; he had to finish. He had to rage about how much he hated Kagome, even if it cost him his one true love. Shippo didn't care that Inuyasha somehow liked this awful bitch, it just didn't give her the right to treat him like some kind of pet or slave , especially after having just saved his life, and then smiled at him in the last five minutes.

Everyone was shocked by the normally sweet kit's harsh words, but no one more so than Kagome. She had just expected Shippo to side with her on the matter like always, figuring he knew she hadn't meant to almost kill him. Shippo just glared at the miko and then went to help Inuyasha. "That is if he'll let me," Shippo thought, and yet, surprisingly enough, he did lean on the fox for support. The wound wasn't as bad as it could've been, but the added SIT would probably cause the hanyou to be sore for a while. Shippo headed back towards Keade's village, which luckily wasn't that far considering they'd just left not even ten minutes ago. "Can't believe it's only been ten minutes…" Shippo thought as he and Inuyasha left together. The three humans just stood still watching the duo head off to the village.

AN/ If you can't tell that I hate Kagome and think she should die, then you're retarded. Also, this is my first Inuyasha fic, but I've been watching the show for years and absolutely love it. I'll update as soon as possible if at least one person likes my fic. Oh, and thanks to my coolest beta ever, Leila!

Next Chapter- Shippo asks Inuyasha to teach him how to fight, and we'll here some of Inuyasha's thoughts. (Along with some Kagome bashing) Viva la anti Kagome!

Please Read & Review. Thanks.