A/N: hmm.. not much here.. just a drabble ficcie, written during geography.

Disclaimer: I don't own yugioh!


You are blind, hikari. Blind to the horrors of the world. You do not see the evilness in the hearts of others. You do not see the possibility of the betrayel or your friends.

They don't like you, hikari. They did, once, but not now. They plot against you, my light. They think that I am the evil in your heart, a representation of your inner self.

You know what, hikari? We are so different, yet one in the same. Your innocence astounds me. You follow me, follow what I say, but you do not act on your own.

You need to awaken to the truth, hikari. You need to discover that not everybody is as innocent as you. Innocence isn't welcome anymore.

But see, I can't tell you. You have to find out on your own. It's going to hurt, but in th end it will have been worth it.

Because hikari, I can't watch out for you forever.

It's time for you to grow up, Yugi.