Disclaimer: I don't own any part of Star Wars or it's characters, I am just borrowing them for a moment to sate my writing desires. Please, please don't sue me, I have nothing to offer you even if you do.

The Light of Hope

Darkness consumed the light, everywhere you looked it seemed that night had fallen, but in the darkest corner stood a beacon of hope that shone through the storm of darkness and beckoned you to touch it.

This light could be seen from thousands of miles, hundreds of planets, but only one person saw it up close. She was offered the god's ambrosia, a taste of sainthood, the light could not be extinguished by mere mortals, although the mere words of the maiden could reduce it to ash.

Princess Leia was a sensible person and knew that one could not fall in love so easily, there first must be courtship and dating, months of trial and error, but all this seemed insignificant when she gazed upon the light.

"Leia? Leia? Princess are you alright? Do you need to see a doctor?" Awakened from her stupor Princess Leia stared into the sky blue eyes of her savior, "Wha…oh I am fine Luke, just wondering about some things…don't worry about me."

"If you say so Princess, but be careful, there is danger all over this planet. I would recommend a guide or bodyguard for you."

"That sounds like a good idea Luke, how bout it? Would you like to come walking with me?" Blushing like a tomato in it's prime Luke could only nod his head and wish that he didn't make of fool of himself during their stroll.

"Well, off we go then. Where shall we go first Luke? I have never been this far into the jungle before, would you mind leading the way?"

"Of course Princess, follow me."

'I would follow you to the end of the universe Luke, I cannot stop the feelings that corrode my very soul.'

While walking through the dense forest, Luke used the time to wonder how he came to be in this situation. 'From a simple farm boy to a legendary hero, the universe must be playing a joke on me. How can a mere farm boy hope to battle the Empire? The task is too great for any one man, but it seems the task has fallen into my lap, what I do with it will determine the way billions of people live their lives. No pressure Luke, no pressure.'

Although he might be in deep thought Luke knew his way around this section of the jungle, he had patrolled it enough times that he could walk around with his eyes closed. "This is beautiful Luke, how did you ever find it?"

"Oh, well…I heard the sound of running water and decided to check it out. When I finally found the location of the noise it lead me straight here. I agree it is very pretty but it is only a lake."

"Only a lake, this lake is bigger than some palaces in Aldoraan, let's head deeper into the valley."

"Sure, but be careful the rocks are slippery and loose. I suggest we head down this treaded path, thus we can get to the lake in about an hour."

"Why? I mean we could just climb down these rocks and be there in 5 minutes."

"I wouldn't recommend it Princess, those rocks are far too loose."

"Come on Luke, where is your sense of adventure?"

"I think I left it in my other pair of pants, so how about the trail?"

"You can take the trail, I'll use the shortcut." Lowering her body down the cliff Leia found footholds and started the arduous task of descending the rocky wall.

'Nobody listens to me, guess I'm not much of a leader after all.' Hastily descending down the cliff Luke watched Leia with apprehension, "Be careful Princess, the drop is very steep."

"I will be fine Luke, worry more about yourself. I mean how hard can…this..beeee.ahhhh" Without finishing her thought Leia missed her last foothold and plummeted toward the water below.

"Leia!" Wasting no time Luke jumped off and dived toward the intrepid princess, 'This is going to be close, hopefully I can make it in time.' Weaving his arms around her Luke arranged it so that he would take the brunt of the fall.

Crashing into the water Luke held onto Leia as tight as he could but soon succumbed to a pain induced slumber.

(An hour later)

Upon awakening Luke found himself tightly wrapped in his coat and some sort of blanket, "Whoa…what happened? And why does my head feel like it was drilled by a droideka?"

"Luke! Your awake, thank the gods, are you alright? Does anywhere else feel sore?"

"Leia, I am fine. How are you? No cuts or bruises I hope."

"No, no I am fine. But, I am truly sorry for the way I acted Luke. It put us both in danger, it was childish and stupid. Unbecoming of a princess or a maiden, I hope you accept my apology with the deepest regards."

"Of course I forgive you, there is no need for such formality Princess, I mean I am just a lowly farm boy."

"That is not true Luke, you are my savior, and you have done it on more than one occasion. I believe that calls for a reward to the rescuer." Crawling toward Luke, Leia straddled him and soon engulfed his lips with a passionate kiss.

"I know it is not much, but I hope it will due for now my savior."

"Umm…wow! I mean there is no need to thank me Princess, it was my pleasure and honor. But umm…could you move? I kind of feel a little tight there."

Looking down Leia found the source of his discomfort, "Oh of course, how rude of me. Again my apologies Luke." Tinged with a crimson hue Leia removed herself from Luke's loins.

"Thank you, so what do we do now?"

"Well, you do nothing. You can't move around in your condition, I will build a fire and try to catch some dinner."

"I am fine Princess, let me help, I can cook grilled fish on a stick." Smiling at his innocence and charm Leia could not help but give in and let him help her build the fire and catch the fish.

(Some hours later)

"That was a wonderful meal Luke, I am stuffed."

"Thank you Princess, but it was all due to your extraordinary fishing skills that we could eat such fine food tonight."

"Oh stop that, you know as well as I do that you caught all the fish."

"That is not true Princess, I mean you caught one."

"Do you mean the fish that got caught in my pants? It was only a baby, we couldn't eat it."

"Aside from that, I couldn't have done it without you. Now let's get some rest, we'll set out for base tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me." With that said Leia curled up alongside Luke and nuzzled into the grooze between his shoulder and chest.

"Umm…Princess…Do we have to sleep this close?"

"Of course silly, I mean you wouldn't want me to catch a cold would you?"

"Certainly not, but there must be some other way."

"I see no other alternative, unless you would like to remove your clothing and sleep with our skin touching one another."

"NOOO…I mean this is fine. Good night Princess."

"Goodnight Luke, my savior" Delivering another passion filled kiss Leia then snuggled into Luke's embrace.

"Umm…yeah…good night."

Author's Notes: Well this is a new thing for me, but I can't help it. It just came to me while I was watching the 3 pack DVD's. Anyways, Read and review! Please, please??? Peace I'm out.