Desperate to be Yours
Chapter 7
The One With 'The End' at the End

Yeah, it's true, everyone! The final chapter of Desperate to be Yours is
*finally* out! Thanks to my girl, Princess, who told me that it says 'Devon'
at the end of chapter five instead of 'Darien'. Thnx, babe! Speaking of thanks,
about a billion of them go out to everyone who reviewed any one of my stories
on I love you guys!!! Except for Flame who-well, flamed-
Stronger before it was even done.
Disclaimer: Do I really have to say this again? *sigh* okay. Why do you big
bad lawyers have to keep picking on a helpless little teenage angel? Of
*course* Sailor Moon isn't mine! She belongs to m'girl, Naoko. Is there
anyone who didn't know that and actually thought it was mine? No, I didn't
think so. Happy?
Rating: It's general! Aren't you guys proud? Okay, okay! *avoids a rotten
tomato* Okay! I'll start the story! Oh yeah, and by the way-this chapter is
for Sailor Crystal Pluto/Princess, just for being my girl and sending me like,
the best review (and for playing Sailor Crystal Pluto to my Sailor Crystal
Moon! *LoL* don't worry, there's a fic about that. Maybe I'll put it out

~ ~ ~

For a full moment, Darien stood in the middle of his living room, stunned.
Then his legs took control and he started to chase after Serena. *Can't...
let...her...go!* With a burst of speed, Darien caught up with the blonde angel
and grabbed her tightly. Slowly she turned, her blue eyes wide with fear.
Darien succeeded in controlling his feelings and asked her in a calm, low voice,
"Did you mean that?" Mutely, Serena nodded. Her eyes slowly welled up with
tears and she looked at the floor to conceal them. Darien's emotions began to
overflow and he started hugging her tightly. She looked up, twin beams of
moonlight full of confusion, but a look into his eyes told her all she needed
to know. Her face filled with understanding and her lips curved into a slow,
languid smile.
"Can I--?" he asked haltingly, staring at her mouth. Serena nodded ever so
slightly and he bent her head over hers.
"Yeah, Serena!" the couple broke apart, then turned to see Serena's friends
huddled in front of a tree. Raye was sticking a tongue out at Lita as she
handed the brunette a ten-dollar bill.
"How did *Meatball Head* land *that* guy?" she grumbled. Lita smiled smugly
and pocketed the cash. "Best bet I ever made!" she grinned at Serena, who
stomped her foot and began to wail.
"You guys made a bet about me? Wahhh! Not even Luna would stoop so low!"
Serena's cat, Luna, flushed a dull red as she dropped a five dollar bill at
Artemis' feet. "Uh, Serena..." she muttered. "I kinda--" She was cut off by a
loud wail from her owner. The remaining two girls sweatdropped, then Mina
flashed a V-sign and smiled. "I knew it!" she declared, whooping. "I knew she'd
come around!
girls blushed, while Darien covered his ears and waited for another famous
Serena explosion. Surprisingly, it never came-the blonde goddess next to him
was actually smiling! Then she started laughing and so did everyone else.
They were so busy laughing at each other, none of them noticed the three
figures standing about 20 feet away.
"It's begun," said a tall woman with green hair (Crystal Pluto-it's your girl,
babe!) said softly, with that incredibly annoying, mysterious smile.
The towering blonde who stood beside her nodded and slung an arm around a
shorter, wavy teal-haired girl. "Yes," a small girl with short, black hair
agreed. "Destiny has started it's work." (Hmm...Guess who those four were?
Angel smells a sequel! *Giggles* that's the whole reason I put that in...)

* * *
Later that night, Serena and Darien were sitting on a bench in the park,
watching the sunset. When it sank into the lake their bench overlooked, he
slipped an arm around her and turned to face her.
"I love you, Serena," he whispered before touching his lips to hers. When they
parted, she leaned against his chest and stared at the darkening sky.
"I love you too, Darien," she softly answered. "In fact, I think I always have."
"Really?" he asked in surprise, shifting so he could see her face.
"Yeah..." she murmured, sounding sleepy. "For the last three days," *I just
realized how little time actually took place in this story. That's kind of
annoying-I would have rather had Serena avoiding Darien's love for longer.*
"I think I've been *Desperate to be Yours*." (At a near you!
Sorry, I just couldn't resist getting a little sales pitch in there!)
When Darien looked down again, his angel was asleep. He wrapped his arms
around her and leaned back into the bench.
"Desperate to be Yours," he said quietly. "Desperate to be Yours."

~ ~ ~

You all should thank Crystal Pluto. She's the one who bugged me until I
finally posted this chapter! *LoL* If you *do* wanna reach her though, and
thank her or whatever, just write her through me. I'm betting you that you'll
see her up on soon-Princess never was one to stay out of the
spotlight for long. Love ya like a sister, gurl!
Don't forget, everyone-there's gonna be a sequel! Watch for it! I don't know
what it's gonna be called yet, but the title is gonna have Destiny in there
somewhere. Hey, that'll work, huh? Destiny. Well, what do you think? R/&/R,
or no sequel!!!!!
*Flashes a v-sign*
*Lotsa Luv 'n' Stuff,*