Flower: Well, it's finally finished. I actually finished writing it about a month ago, hehehe. I hope everybody enjoyed reading this, because I certainly enjoyed writing it. And the reviews. Especially the reviews. (grin)

Chaos: Thankyou to everybody who reviewed or even read this story at all. I hope the next one will be as popular! And here, the final review responses of the story...

Kitkat - It was Yugi that was hurt. Because of the car crash. Sorry if it was hard to understand. And I have nothing in store! I always have happy endings! Well, almost always.

Strega - Hey, I'm not saying killing Yugi wouldn't fun, you know? But...err, I mean...I almost always have happy endings, as you can see above. (grin) So you won't be needing the funeral...yet. Hehehe.

IWM - Yeah, I knew you were five people already. And YOU ALL HATE YAMI?!!! Aaaaaaargh!!!! Noooooo!!! Well, I'll just have to like him enough to make up for it. Though he is annoying prone to making long speeches about justice and all that...well, anyway, since I always torture my favourite characters, that should probably make you all happy. Kitana - you thought the events were happening in the series?! (freaks) Well, I'd sure as hell be glued to the TV if it did! Though, I dunno, episode 158...with Yami and the seal of Oricalchos...I was rubbing my eyes and trying to work out if my stories had sort of come to life there. Oops, I'm rambling...well, Kaiba makes a cameo in the next story, and Ryou appears about a third of the way through, heehee. And Kitana, the next story is a LOT of angsting. Especially from Yami. Hope to see you all there! Hey, and you talk about long reviews? (grin)


I know it's out there,

I know it's out there,

Somehow Here is Gone,



One month later

Yugi walked down the path, humming to himself. The tune was from the concert he had just been to - the one Tea was starring in - and was catchy. He smiled, remembering how she had shone out during her dancing. The weeks of practise had paid off.

Yami didn't really see the point of dancing - but he agreed it was nice to watch, and music was still a novelty for him.

Just then Yugi's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of stone hitting concrete by his foot. He gave a little jump and looked round to where three boys were following, grinning cruelly.

Two were hefting small stones, and Yugi hopped to the side just in time, as they zipped past him.

Yugi? Yami enquired, both knowing what he meant.

Go ahead. I need the practise. Yugi replied, withdrawing from control, but staying transparent by one side. Yami turned round and stood, arms folded, in the middle of the path. His eyes flashed warningly as he put on his darkest look.

The boys slowed down, unnerved by this. Normally the school kid would run for it, avoiding their stones...this was different. They slowed slightly, but continued to advance.

Here was Yugi's part. He cast around for one of the stones and reached for it, concentrating. This was the difficult part - to take control in one hand only, and not so much that it became visible. Yami kept his arms folded, hiding his left hand as it grew transparent. Yugi's fingertips grew solid and - with some effort - he closed them around the stone.

It was Shadow Energy that enabled this - difficult to use, and near impossible to master. It was this that shielded Yami during a Shadow duel - that Yugi hadn't been able to use during Pegasus' final duel, leaving him open to the Shadow Realm. He had wanted to try it ever since.

This was the bit that nobody would believe when told later on.

According to the boys, a stone suddenly rose up - through mid-air! Honest! - into the air next to the spiky-haired boy. Then a second, and a third, lifted up and just hovered there next to it - really! They did! - and then the boy raised one hand, and the first stone drew back, as if aiming at them - seriously!

Then the bullies would grow quiet, and say, when pressed by sceptical listeners, that they ran off, away from this stranger.

Of course, all who heard this story didn't believe it - would you? Of course not. All the boys got for their story were disbelieving laughs.

And back on the street, Yugi relaxed and let the stones drop, watching the retreating boys and smiling. "Thanks for teaching me, Yami - this is great fun!" he said. Yami withdrew from control, turning transparent, and smiled, nodded.

"Just don't practise too much, aibou, you'll tire yourself out."

Then they walked home.